Part 2: Programming (64 points)
This assignment is intended to explore the applet framework.
Please recall that all programs must compile, so keep a working version of each part before your
proceed to the next. Please also note that electronic Javadoc output is required, including class
comments, constructor comments (with @param) and method comments (with @param and @return, as
appropriate). You also need to provide some test examples: make sure you turn in some screen shots to
show the functionality of your system.
Step 1 (15 points): Getting started. Implement the code in section 8.2, pages 323 to 324. The source
code can be downloaded from the book’s on-line companion. Make sure you properly attribute the source
of this code! You will also need to create the appropriate HTML file, modeled on the HTML code on page
322. Verify that the start and stop methods actually affect the timer (although you do not have to prove
this by submitting any physical output).
Step 2 (15 points): Using Step 1, replace the single message of Step 1 with two messages, each with
its own string, font, fontsize, but the time delay should be in common to both. Test this with two strings of
very different lengths; the shorter one should “chase” and “overtake” the longer one (why?). If you do this
Step, you do not have to submit separate output from Step 1.
Step 3 (15 points): Using Step 2, allow the two messages to be given each their own speeds (that is,
delays). These delays can now be negative or positive (zero doesn’t make sense: why?), and you will
therefore also have to handle scrolling in either direction. There are several ways to handle unequal and
possibly oppositely signed speeds (does it matter which string is drawn first?); justify your choice. If you
do this Step, you do not have to submit separate output from Step 1 or Step 2.
Step 4 (19 points): Creativity Step. Handle collisions in a physically realistic way. Let each string have
a “mass” that is equal to its fontsize (its “height”) times its length: that is, mass is roughly proportional to
the number of pixels it contains. Use the laws of physics to recompute the velocity vectors after you
detect a collision. (A good short introduction and the simple equations can be found in, under “Elastic collisions”.) Test the program at least twice, changing
only the HTML file. The first should show a collision between two shapes with equal mass: the velocities
should be exchanged. The second should show a collision between two shapes with very different
masses, with a tiny string (short and short of stature) impacting a much bigger (long and high) string; the
tiny string should be greatly affected, but even the big string should show some effect, and after a while it
should settle into a specific pattern. It is best to do these with strings that start off completely isolated
from each other. If you do this Step, you do not have to submit separate output from the prior Steps.
General Notes:
For each step, design the system using whatever CRC, UML, or other technology you find helpful; we
do not require you to submit the results of these tools, but you should find that them make the Javadoc
easier. Then, write the documentation and the system, and text edit its classes into files. Compile them,
execute them on your own test data, and debug them if necessary. When you are ready, electronically
submit the text of the code, a copy of the Javadoc output, a copy of your testing (including screen shots),
and whatever additional documentation is required. Make sure that the source code is clear and its user
interface is comprehensive and informative.
Write your classes clearly, with a large block comment at the beginning describing what the class does,
how it does it (i.e. in some form, talk about its CRC and UML), and how it will be tested. Show some of
the test data in the comment, also. Document each constructor and method. Clear programming style
will account for a substantial portion of your grade for the programming part of this assignment.
Checklist for submission:
For theory: Hard copy, handed in by the due date and time. No extra points for using a text editor.
Neatly stapled, separately from programming hard copy! Name and UNI attached.
For programming: Hard copy, handed in by the due date and time. All code, all testing runs (cut and
pasted from console, and/or captured screenshots). Neatly stapled, separately from the theory hard
copy! Name and UNI attached.
Also for programming: Soft copy, submitted to the Course Files Shared Folder on courseworks by the
due date and time, in a tarball created by CUIT Unix tar command (“tar -cvzf uni_HW5.tar.gz
whateverMyDirectoryIs”). Includes softcopy of javadoc html. Name and UNI should be included as
comments in every class. The code must compile. Last electronic submission before deadline is the
official one that will be executed if needed.