Computer Science 115 Assignment 4 solution


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● Practice with Exceptions
● Understand postfix expressions
● Understand the Stack ADT
In this assignment you will implement a program that evaluates postfix expressions. The
program will accept the postfix expression on the command line and print the result of
evaluating the expression.
One of the easiest ways to evaluate a postfix expression is to use a stack. You’ve been
provided with a specification of the Stack ADT in the file You’ve also
been provided with an implementation of the Stack ADT in the file
This assignment has two parts: implement a stack using Linked List and implement a
program that uses a stack to evaluate postfix expressions. Because you’ve been given an
implementation of the stack using arrays, you can do either part first.
Part 1
You must create a class called LLStack in a file named The class
LLStack must implement the Stack interface specified in using a
linked list structure. You will need to create an appropriate Node class. Notice that the
Stack interface uses Generics.
You’ve also been provided with a set of test cases for the Stack ADT in the file You will want to modify the tester so that it tests instances of
the LLStack class, not the ArrayStack class.
Part 2
Implement a program that in a file called that accepts postfix expressions
on the command line and outputs the result of evaluating the expression. Your program
must also handle invalid expressions gracefully.
Your calculator only needs to support integer operands.
Your calculator should support the following binary operators:
+ addition
­ subtraction
/ division
x multiplication
Note that we are using the lower case letter x to represent multiplication, not the *. (This
is because of how some operating systems handle the * operator on the command line.)
The table below shows some invocations of the program and the expected output. Pay
particular attention to the examples using the – and / operators.
Command line Output
java Calc 5 4 + 9
java Calc 5 4 – 1
java Calc 5 4 x 20
java Calc 10 2 / 5
java Calc 1 2 3 4 5 + + + + 15
java Calc 4 + Invalid expression.
java Calc 4 5 + 6 3 / x 18
java Calc 1 2 + + + Invalid expression.
java Calc what is this Invalid expression.
You should break down your Calc program into functions. Solutions that have all the
code in the main method will lose marks for poor style.
In order to gracefully handle invalid expressions, you will need to handle exceptions that
are thrown by the Stack ADT and exceptions that are thrown by Integer.parseInt.
Here is some pseudo code which describes how you evaluate a postfix expression using a
while there is more input
if next token is an operand (ie. Number)
push value on the stack
if next token is an operator
pop two values from the stack
apply the operator to the two values just popped
push the result of applying the operator on the stack
When you are finished, there should be exactly one value on the stack, which is the result
of evaluating the expression. If there is more than one value on the stack, the expression
is invalid. If at any point you try to pop values from the stack and it is empty, the
expression is invalid.
Submit your completed and via the electronic
submission web page.