Binary search is an efficient search algorithm to locate the position of a specific value
(key) within a sorted array. In each step, the algorithm compares the input key value
with the value of the middle array element. On a key match, the matching element has
been found and its index/position is returned. Otherwise, if the input key is less than
the middle element, then the algorithm repeats itself on the sub-array to the left. If the
input key is greater, the algorithm repeats itself on the sub-array to the right. If the
remaining array size to be searched is reduced to zero, then the key cannot be found in
the array and a special “Not found” indication is returned. The algorithm complexity is
𝑂𝑂(log 𝑁𝑁). In this project, you are required to implement a binary search algorithm for
a sorted input array A. The array contains at most 100 integer elements separated by
commas. All values are between -100 and 100.
Please submit your source code according to the following rules:
1- Write down enough comments such that you would receive higher scores.
2- The filename is your student ID (e.g., B12345678.asm).
Please input array A:
Please input a key value:
Step 1: A[3] < 14
Step 2: A[5] < 14
Step 3: A[6] < 14
Step 4: A[7] = 14
Please input array A:
Please input a key value:
Step 1: A[3] > -2
Step 2: A[5] < -2
Step 3: A[4] < -2
Step 4: Not found!
Please input array A:
Error! The array is not sorted.