COMP2404B -Introduction to Software Engineering Assignment 4 of 4 solution


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1 Application Description
In this assignment you will be writing a parts control system for an airline using C++.
An Airline runs a number of Aircraft. Spare Parts for the aircraft are stored in case a part must be changed.
The rules and regulations of the airline industry ensure that parts are inspected and changed at regular intervals.
As such, each Part is carefully tracked. Some parts must be inspected after a certain number of ight hours. Some
parts must be inspected after a certain amount of time being installed in an aircraft. And some parts require both
ight hours and time installed to be tracked. This behaviour is the perfect opportunity to use multiple inheritance!
Parts can be installed on an Aircraft on a given Date. Once installed, every time the aircraft ies the number
of ight hours are recorded on the Part. The airline may choose to do an inspectionReport on a particular aircraft
on a given Date, at which time all the parts that are due for inspection are reported.
2 Learning Outcomes
In this assignment you will learn
1. Multiple inheritance and the diamond hierarchy.
2. Polymorphism
3. Operator overloading (use ostream << instead of print() when instructed). 4. Templates (in the form of an Array class for storing dierent data types). COMP2404B (Fall 21) -Introduction to Software Engineering Assignment 4 of 4 - Due Sunday March 21th, 11:59 pm 3 Classes Overview This application will consist of 8 classes. In addition to the classes shown in the diagram above, there is a PodArray class. The classes are listed below along with their respective categories. 1. Date (Entity object): (a) Stores information of a date. 2. Part (Entity object): (a) Virtual base class of all Parts. 3. FH_Part (Entity object): (a) A part that must be inspected after a certain number of ight hours. 4. IT_Part (Entity object): (a) A part that must be inspected after a certain number of days of being installed on an aircraft. 5. FHIT_Part (Entity object): (a) A part that must be inspected after a certain number of days of being installed on an aircraft and after a certain number of ight hours. 6. Array (Container object): (a) A simple (templated) data structure. 7. Aircraft (Entity / Container object): (a) Aircraft data as well as a container for the installed Parts. 8. Airline (Control object): (a) Tracks parts, aircraft, installations, ights, etc. 9. Control (Control object): (a) Provides a test framework for the Airline. 10. View (View object): (a) Collects user input and provides system output. 4 Instructions All member variables should be given the appropriate access modier (hint: it isn't public). All member functions are public unless otherwise noted. Some return values are not explicitly given. You should use your best judgment (they will often be void, but not always). ALL CLASSES MUST HAVE A PRINT FUNCTION OR OVERLOAD THE << OPERATOR (AS INSTRUCTED). This should display the metadata of the class using appropriate formatting. 4.1 The Date Class This class is given to you. Take note of the fact that it overloads the << operator rather than having a print function. Also take note of the toDays function. This converts the Date into the number of days since January 1st, 1901. You can use this function to determine the number of days between two Dates. COMP2404B (Fall 21) -Introduction to Software Engineering Assignment 4 of 4 - Due Sunday March 21th, 11:59 pm 4.2 The Part Class Implement the Part base class. Note: You may, in the interests of keeping the number of les to a manageable level, combine the Part, FH_Part, IT_Part, and FHIT_Part headers into one le Part.h, and all of the source les into one le 1. Member variables: (a) string name: The name and unique identier of the Part. (b) Date installationDate: The date this part was installed on an aircraft. (c) int flighthours: The number of hours this part has own installed on an aircraft. 2. Make a getter for the part name. 3. Make a one argument constructor that takes a string and uses it to initialize the name member variable. 4. Make an appropriate destructor if one is needed. 5. Member functions. (a) void addFlightHours(int). Add the given number to the ight hours member variable. (b) void install(Date&). Update the installationDate member variable with the given date. 6. Instead of a print function, overload the << operator for ostreams. 7. Pure virtual member functions. (a) Make a function inspection. It should take one Date argument which is the date of the inspection. This function should return true if the part is due for inspection, and false otherwise. The subclasses will implement the logic to determine if the part requires inspection. 4.3 The FH_Part Class Should inherit from the Part class. The FH stands for "ight hours". 1. Member variables: (a) int fh_inspect - the number of ight hours until inspection is required. 2. Make a constructor that takes a name and a number and initializes name and int fh_inspect. 3. Make a destructor if needed. 4. Inherited virtual member functions. (a) virtual bool inspection: return true if the ightHours is greater than or equal to the fh_inspect variable and false otherwise. COMP2404B (Fall 21) -Introduction to Software Engineering Assignment 4 of 4 - Due Sunday March 21th, 11:59 pm 4.4 The IT_Part Class Should inherit from the Part class. The IT stands for "installed time". 1. Member variables: (a) int it_inspect - the number of days installed ("install time") until inspection is required. 2. Make a constructor that takes a name and a number and initializes name and int it_inspect. 3. Make a destructor if needed. 4. Inherited virtual member functions. (a) virtual bool inspection: return true if the number of days between the installation date and the inspection date is greater than or equal to the it_inspect variable and false otherwise. 4.5 The FHIT_Part Class Should inherit from the FH_Part and IT_Part classes. 1. Make a constructor that takes a name and two integers and initializes name, int fh_inspect and int it_inspect. 2. Make a destructor if needed. 3. Inherited virtual member functions. (a) virtual bool inspection: return true if either of FH_Part::inspection and IT_Part::inspection return true or false otherwise. 4.6 The Array Class The array class is provided for you, but it currently only works for ints. Make the following modications. Also note that both the class denition and implementation are in the same .h le. 1. Convert the Array class to a Template class so that it may store any type. 2. Change the get method into a method that overloads the [] operator. 3. Overload the ostream << operator so that the Array writes to ostream all of the contained elements. Note that if you choose to store pointers in the array and use the ostream << operator it should print out a series of memory locations, which looks terrible, but is the behaviour that we want. 4.7 The Aircraft Class 1. Member variables: (a) string type: The type of aircraft. (b) string registration: This is the unique identier of the aircraft (it is the string of letters and numbers generally seen close to the tail of the aircraft). (c) int flighthours: The number of hours this aircraft has own. (d) An Array of Part pointers. 2. Make a getter for the registration. COMP2404B (Fall 21) -Introduction to Software Engineering Assignment 4 of 4 - Due Sunday March 21th, 11:59 pm 3. Make a two argument constructor that takes two strings for the type and registration member variables. 4. Make an appropriate destructor if one is needed. 5. Member functions. (a) void install(Part*, Date&). Add the given Part* to the Array. Call the appropriate member function on the Part object to install the part. (b) void takeFlight(int hours). Update the flightHours member variable by adding the supplied number of hours. This should also update the flighthours of all Parts installed in the aircraft. (c) inspectionReport. This should have a Date input parameter and an Array output parameter.
Iterate over all Parts installed on the plane. Use the inspection function to determine if an inspection
is required. If an inspection is required on a Part, add that Part to the supplied output Array.
6. Instead of a print function, overload the << operator for ostreams. 4.8 The Airline Class 1. Member variables: (a) string name: The name of the airline. (b) An Array of Part pointers. (c) An Array of Aircraft pointers. 2. Make a constructor that takes a string& name as an argument. Initialize all member variables. 3. Make a destructor. The Airline is responsible for deleting all Aircraft and Parts in its Array. 4. Member functions: (a) Make getters for Aircraft and Parts. These are helper functions and thus should be private. Both of the getters should accept a string as an input variable. The Aircraft getter should return the Aircraft with the matching registration. The Part getter should return the Part with the matching name. (b) Make an addAircraft function. This function should take a string type and a string registration as arguments. It should use these arguments to make a new Aircraft object and add it to the appropriate Array. (c) Make an addPart(const string& part, int fh_inspect, int it_inspect) function. This function should use the arguments to determine the appropriate Part to make. If fh_inspect equals 0, the make an IT_Part. If it_inspect equals 0, the make an FH_Part. If neither is 0, make an FHIT_Part. Add this part to the appropriate Array. (d) Make a takeFlight function that accepts a string reg and an int hours as arguments. It should retrieve the Aircraft with the given registration (if it exists) and have it takeFlight for the given number of hours. (e) Make a printAircraft and printParts method. These should print all the Aircraft and all the Parts in the Airline respectively. (f) Make an inspectionReport function. This should take as arguments a string reg and a Date&. Find the Aircraft with the given registration and print out (to cout) the Aircraft registration and all the parts on that Aircraft that require inspection. (g) Make an bool install function that takes two strings and a Date& as arguments. The rst string is an Aircraft registration and the second string is a Part name. If there is a an Aircraft with the given registration and a Part with the given name in the Airline, install that Part into the Aircraft and return true. You do not have to check if it is already installed on an Aircraft - we will assume the necessary error checking for that is done elsewhere. If the Aircraft or the Part does not exist in the Airline, return false. COMP2404B (Fall 21) -Introduction to Software Engineering Assignment 4 of 4 - Due Sunday March 21th, 11:59 pm 4.9 The Control Class This class is provided for you. The launch function instantiates and displays a View object to gather user input. Based on the user input, it calls the necessary Airline functions. 4.10 The View Class This class is provided for you. You may make minor changes if you wish, or add options, but please leave the current options 1-4 as is. 4.11 The main Function Provided for you. It instantiates and launches a Control object. 5 Constraints Your program must comply with all of the rules of correct software engineering that we have learned during the lectures, including but not restricted to: 1. The code must compile and execute in the default course VM provided. It must NOT require any additional libraries, packages, or software besides what is available in the standard VM. 2. Your program must not use any classes, containers, or algorithms from the standard template library (STL) unless expressly permitted. 3. Your program must be written in Object-Oriented C++. To wit: (a) Do not use any global functions or variables other than main. (b) Do not use structs, use classes. (c) Do not pass objects by value. Pass by reference or by pointer. (d) Except for simple getters or error signalling, data must be returned from functions using output parameters. (e) Reuse existing functions wherever possible. If you have large sections of duplicate code, consider consolidating it. (f) Basic error checking must be performed. (g) All dynamically allocated memory must be deallocated. Every time you use the new keyword to allocate memory, you should know exactly when and where this memory gets deleted. Use valgrind. 4. All classes should be reasonably documented (remember the best documentation is expressive variable and function names, and clear purposes for each class). 6 Submission 7 Grading 7.1 Marking Components 1. 15 marks: Correct implementation of Part. 2. 30 marks: Correct implementation of FH_Part, IT_Part, and FHIT_Part classes. COMP2404B (Fall 21) -Introduction to Software Engineering Assignment 4 of 4 - Due Sunday March 21th, 11:59 pm 3. 10 marks: Correct implementation of Array class. 4. 10 marks: Correct implementation of Aircraft class. 5. 20 marks: Correct implementation of Airline class. Total: 85 marks. 7.2 Execution and Testing Requirements 1. All marking components must be called and execute successfully to earn marks. 2. All data handled must be printed to the screen to earn marks (make sure print prints useful information, such as the object member variables, where appropriate). 7.3 Deductions 7.3.1 Packaging errors: 1. 10 marks: Missing Makele 2. 5 marks: Missing README 3. up to 10 marks: Failure to separate code into header and source les. 4. up tp 10 marks: Readability - bad style, missing documentation. 7.3.2 Major design and programming errors: 1. 50%: marking component that uses global variables or structs. 2. 50%: marking component that consistently fails to use correct design principles. 3. 50%: marking component that uses prohibited library classes or functions. 4. up to 10 marks: memory leaks reported by valgrind. 7.3.3 Execution errors: 1. 100% of any marking component that cannot be tested because it doesn't compile or execute in the course VM, or the feature is not used in the code, or data cannot be printed to the screen. In short: your program must convince, without modifcation, myself or the TA that it works and works properly. TAs are not required to debug or x non-working code.