(1) Patio Stones
Assume that you want to buy some paver stones and curbs to build a patio in your backyard. Each
paver stone is 7.75 inches x 7.75 inches square. You also want to put some concrete curb pieces
around the outside of border of your patio. Each curb is 4.3 inches wide x 11.8 inches long. Write a
program called patioBuilder.c that prompts the user for the desired patio width (in feet) and the
length (also in feet). When getting the input, if the width or length is smaller than 24 inches, then quit
the program with a message indicating that the patio dimensions are not big enough. Otherwise, the
program should determine (and display) the number of concrete curbs and the number of paver
stones that will need to be purchased in order to complete the patio, assuming that each time a curb
or paver stone is cut, we cannot use the leftover piece. The curbs must be placed so that the first on
the topleft and the first on the left side are not cut, as shown below. Assume a cost of $2.48 for each
curb and $3.90 for each paver stone. Your code should display the number of curbs and pavers that
need to be purchased as well as the cost for the pieces, HST amount and final cost. Make sure to
define appropriate constants in your code, as this represents proper coding style.
(2) Card Hands
Write a program called cards.c that simulates some card game logic by comparing the cards from 4
people and determining which person has the best card. The program MUST work as follows:
1. Each card must be represented by exactly two chars
representing a rank and a suit. The possible rank options
are: ‘2’, ‘3’, ‘4’, ‘5’, ‘6’, ‘7’, ‘8’, ‘9’, ‘T’, ‘J’, ‘Q’, ‘K’, ‘A’. (‘T’ stands
for 10) The possible suit options are: ‘H’, ‘D’, ‘S’, ‘C’. So 6H
represents the “6 of hearts”, JC represents the “Jack of Clubs”
2. You MUST write a function called isValidRank(char c) which
determines if the given character is one of the ranks mentioned
above. It should return a char with a value of 1 if the character is a valid rank and 0 otherwise.
Lowercase letters are not valid.
3. You MUST write a function called isValidSuit(char c) which determines if the given character
is one of the suits mentioned above. It should return a char with a value of 1 if the character is
a valid suit and 0 otherwise. Lowercase letters are not valid.
4. You MUST have a function called getTrump() that returns a char. It should prompt the user
for a trump suit, which must be ‘H’, ‘D’, ‘S’ or ‘C’. It should be robust, in that any invalid input
is not accepted. It should only return from the function when a valid suit has been entered,
and it must make use of the isValidSuit() function. For any invalid entry, an appropriate error
message should be given. Blank entries are invalid and so are lowercase letters.
5. The main function should first get the trump suit, by calling the above function. It should then
enter an infinite loop to do the following: (1) ask for 4 cards from the user, (2) display the 4
cards entered, (3) determine and display which player wins the round (i.e., which one has the
“best” card). These steps will be explained below.
6. When entering the cards … your code
should be robust and handle any
character input, just like you did in the
getTrump() function. For each of the
4 cards entered, your code should
allow the user to enter two characters
and then press enter. You should
check each character individually to
make sure that the rank and suit are
valid (use the functions you wrote
earlier). If either are not valid (or a
character is missing), then an
appropriate error message should be
displayed and the code should keep
prompting until a valid card is entered
before moving on to get the next
player’s card. Here is an example of
what you should do →
Player 1: Enter card rank and suit (e.g., 2S, TC, KD)
Invalid card, please re-enter
Player 1: Enter card rank and suit (e.g., 2S, TC, KD)
Invalid card, please re-enter
Player 1: Enter card rank and suit (e.g., 2S, TC, KD)
Invalid card, please re-enter
Player 1: Enter card rank and suit (e.g., 2S, TC, KD)
Invalid card, please re-enter
Player 1: Enter card rank and suit (e.g., 2S, TC, KD)
Player 2: Enter card rank and suit (e.g., 2S, TC, KD)
Player 3: Enter card rank and suit (e.g., 2S, TC, KD)
Invalid card, please re-enter
Player 3: Enter card rank and suit (e.g., 2S, TC, KD)
Invalid card, please re-enter
Player 3: Enter card rank and suit (e.g., 2S, TC, KD)
Player 4: Enter card rank and suit (e.g., 2S, TC, KD)
7. Once 4 valid card entries have been entered, the 4 cards should be displayed like this:
JC, 6S, 9D, 5H
8. You must then determine which card wins the round. That is, which player has the best card.
To do this, you must follow these rules:
• A card which is of the trump suit always beats a card that is a non-trump suit.
• If two cards have the same suit, the one with the higher rank is better. ‘A’ is the highest
rank and ‘2’ is the lowest.
• The card played by player 1 is called the “suit led”. If no other player has a higher ranking
card of the same suit as the suit led, and no other player has the trump suit, then player 1
has the best card and wins.
9. In your main function, if the rank of the first (or any) player is a ‘.’ character, then the program
should quit. The TA’s will need this functionality in order to test your program.
Submit all of your c source code files as a single tar file containing:
1. A Readme text file containing
• your name and studentNumber
• a list of source files submitted
• any specific instructions for compiling and/or running your code
2. All of your .c source files and all other files needed for testing/running your programs.
3. Any output files required, if there are any.
The code MUST compile and run on the course VM, which is COMP2401-F19.
• If your internet connection at home is down or does not work, we will not accept this as a reason for
handing in an assignment late … so make sure to submit the assignment WELL BEFORE it is due !
• You WILL lose marks on this assignment if any of your files are missing. So, make sure that you hand
in the correct files and version of your assignment. You will also lose marks if your code is not
written neatly with proper indentation and containing a reasonable number of comments. See
course notes for examples of what is proper indentation, writing style and reasonable commenting).