COMP2401 – Assignment #1 IF statements, FOR loops solution


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In this assignment, you will get used to working with the C language, the Linux/VirtualBox
environment. The program will require you to use IF statements, FOR loops, constants, variables,
arrays and random numbers.
Consider a company that sells a single product that comes
either individually, in a 2-pack or in a 4-pack which are
shrink-wrapped into three sizes of packages as shown
here. The single package is considered to be 1×1. The
medium package may be a 1×2 or 2×1 package, depending
on if it is vertical or horizontal. The large is a 2×2 package.
These packages are shipped in cardboard
boxes (see picture here) that can hold
exactly 20 of the small-sized packages … 4
single packages across and 5 single
packages down. No packages can be
stacked on top of one another.
The different sized packages will be
packed in the box (as shown in the picture
here on the far right) as tightly as possible.
Write a program called packBoxes.c that generates 24 packages at random. That is, you should
generate a random number of large packages, a random number of medium packages and a random
number of small packages such that the total number of packages is always 24. The code should
generate these numbers differently each time it is run.
Your goal is to then pack the packages into the carboard boxes so that it minimizes the
number of boxes used. Note that the medium packages might better fit vertically or
horizontally … try both. Your code should assume that at most 6 boxes are available.
You should display the number of packages of each size and then the final packing of the
boxes which indicates, using text, where the large, medium and small packages are in the
box. One way to do this is to use letters L, M and S. For the above packing … it would
perhaps look as shown here on the right. Note that the packing may differ in your
output … so you do not need to produce exactly what is shown here.
You may use any arrays or variables that you would like. You should make your code as efficient as
possible and easily modifiable if the parameters change. For example, if you decide to change the
maximum number of cardboard boxes available, the number of packages to be generated or the
dimensions of each cardboard box … then you should only have to make this change in one spot in
your program. Assume, however, that the package sizes are 1×1, 1×2 (or 2×1) and 2×2 permanently
… so these can be hard-coded anywhere.
You will need to display the order information, a breakdown of the costs (i.e., number of units ordered
for each package size and their costs). Assume $5.99 for small, $10.99 for medium and $19.99 for
large. Show the total, shipping costs (i.e., $1.49 per cardboard box used), HST and the amount
charged. Then, show how each individual box is packed. Do NOT show packing of empty boxes.
Here below (on the left side) is a sample output and what it would look like in real life. Make sure that
things are nicely presented and lined up well. Make sure to test your code thoroughly.
student@COMP2401-F20:~$ ./packBoxes
Order: Large=5, Medium=6, Small=13
Small (13 units) $ 77.87
Medium (06 units) $ 65.94
Large (05 units) $ 99.95
Total $243.76
Shipping (3 boxes) $ 4.47
HST (13%) $ 31.69
Amount Charged $279.92
Individual boxes are packed as follows:
See next page for submission instructions …
Submit all of your c source code files (in this case there is just one) as a single tar file containing:
1. A Readme text file containing
• your name and studentNumber
• a list of source files submitted
• any specific instructions for compiling and/or running your code
2. All of your .c source files and all other files needed for testing/running your programs.
3. Any output files required, if there are any.
The code MUST compile and run on the course VM.
• If your internet connection at home is down or does not work, we will not accept this as a reason for
handing in an assignment late … so make sure to submit the assignment WELL BEFORE it is due !
• You WILL lose marks on this assignment if any of your files are missing. So, make sure that you hand
in the correct files and version of your assignment. You will also lose marks if your code is not written
neatly with proper indentation and containing a reasonable number of comments. See course
notes for examples of what is proper indentation, writing style and reasonable commenting).