COMP 4337/9337 Project Component solution


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Portable Penetration Testing Station for Wi-Fi Networks


Penetration testing involves performing various attacks against a target to observe where the target
is lacking in security, and is an important aspect of securing modern networks. This project will
introduce you to penetration testing by asking you to perform various attacks against devices
connected to a Wi-Fi network.

Your penetration testing setup will be portable and can be used, in
theory, to penetration-test any Wi-Fi network; however, you will use it to test only an experimental
and not shared Wi-Fi network1

The portability aspect of this project is achieved by using Raspberry
Pi, a very small computing device, to host your attacks.


After successfully completing this project, you should be able to:
1. Set up a portable, purpose-built penetration-testing station using a Raspberry Pi;
2. Penetration-test any network and discover how easy it is to infiltrate, as well as the securitysavviness of its users;
3. Think how you can defend your own networks against common network attacks.


1 Note: if you live in shared accommodation and/or your Wi-Fi connection is shared with other
residents, please set up a personal hotspot to be used as the target network. Under no
circumstances whatsoever, students should target networks or devices not fully owned by them.

UNSW, The School of Computer Science, and the course staff are not liable for any attempted
attacks by students against protected networks not fully owned by students and/or any associated
damages and costs and legal issues.

Tasks Required

In this project you are required to develop a portable penetration-testing station to test the security
of your home Wi-Fi network.

Using a small portable computing device (Raspberry Pi) and an external Wi-Fi adapter, you will
conduct an Evil Twin Access Point attack by setting up a fake Access Point (AP) that impersonates
your home Wi-Fi and attempts to force users connected to the original AP to instead connect to your
fake AP.

You will then attempt to trick the users into revealing the original AP’s password; once you
know the password, you can join the AP as a client and perform various web-based attacks from
within the LAN. Finally, you will suggest defensive mechanisms to detect and/or prevent the attacks
you have performed.

Table 1 below summarises the tasks you will be assessed on. Details of each task follow in the
sections below.
Task 1 Setup Portable Pen-Testing Station: Install Kali Linux on Raspberry Pi and connect ALFA
wireless adapter.
Task 2 Evil Twin AP Attack: Set up a fake AP impersonating the target AP, and force target AP
users to connect to it.

Task 3 Password Capture of Target AP: Set up a captive portal to trick users into handing over
the password of the target AP.
Task 4 Web-based Attacks: Use your portable pen-testing station to perform various web-based
attacks on users connected to the fake AP.

Task 5 Defence: Suggest defensive measures against the attacks performed in Tasks 2 – 4.
Table 1: Summary of tasks required in this project.

Task 1: Setup Portable Pen-Testing Station:

In your lab assignments you have conducted an Evil Twin AP attack using a Kali Linux VM and a Wi-Fi
adapter. For this project, you need a setup that is portable and in theory can be used to perform
penetration testing on any Wi-Fi network anywhere. You will set up your penetration testing tools
on Raspberry Pi, a portable, credit-card sized computer.

You can connect your own peripherals to a
Raspberry Pi (mouse and keyboard via USB and monitor via HDMI), use a micro SD card as its
memory, and any micro USB cable (such as a phone charger) to power it up. You can install any Linux
flavour on a Raspberry Pi; we recommend Kali Linux for this project, as it comes with many of the
penetration testing tools that you will need built in. While you may use a different OS if you can get
it to work, you will then be expected to solve any installation issues you run into by yourself without
help from tutors.

You can borrow the hardware (Raspberry Pi and Wi-Fi adapter) from the course tutor-in-charge,
Uzma Maroof, or you may choose to use your own. However, you must register as a group indicating
that you are doing this project (and not the research report). Once committed, no change will be
allowed mid-way.

A Kali Linux version written specifically for Raspberry Pi can be downloaded from the Offensive
Security website here.

OS installation and instructions for the initial configuration of your Raspberry Pi can be found here.
Once your Raspberry Pi is up and running with your chosen OS, you can simply connect the Wi-Fi
adapter via USB. Test that it is running by executing the command “ifconfig” in a terminal before and
after connecting the adapter; it should show an additional interface after connecting the adapter.

Task 2: Evil Twin AP Attack:

If you have correctly set up the hardware in Task 1, this step is very similar to Lab 2, Assignment 2,
which you have already completed. The only difference is that you will be executing the attack on
your Raspberry Pi instead of a VM on your lab PC.

Specifically, you will perform the following subtasks:
1. Create an Access Point having the same SSID as your home Wi-Fi network.

2. Perform a deauth (deauthentication) attack on devices connected to the target Wi-Fi
network which forces them to disconnect from the network.

3. Ensure that they join your fake AP by jamming the target network (for example by
continuously deauthenticating any devices that connect to it).

You can use any available tool for this task or write your own code. Many existing tools that
automate this attack sinkhole the traffic of users that connect to the fake AP, not routing it to the
internet. Thus, a user is sure to suspect malicious activity when they are unable to access the
internet. For bonus credit (1 extra mark), you may carry out this task in a way that ensures that
users’ traffic is still successfully routed to the internet (i.e., the fake AP forwards their traffic to the
internet) so that they do not suspect that they have been compromised.

Task 3: Password Capture of Target AP

This task requires you to trick users of the target AP into revealing the password of the AP. You are
required to accomplish the following sub-tasks:
1. Design a Captive Portal that asks for the Wi-Fi password when the users connect to the fake
AP. Make the portal convincing, for example, present it as a router administration page that
can trick a user into handing over the password by masquerading as a necessary router
update required for internet access to be re-established.

2. Once a victim has handed over the password, save it in a text file and verify that it is correct
(some tools exist that check the given password against a previously captured handshake).
After this you are required to tear down the fake AP immediately and stop jamming the original
network so that the users can re-join the original network and access the internet as usual.

Task 4: Web-based Attacks

Now that you have successfully lured users into connecting to your fake AP and tricked them into
revealing the password of the original AP, you can now connect as a client to the target AP. Being
inside the target AP gives you an ideal opportunity to carry out many different attacks that require
attacker and victim to be on the same LAN. For example, you can now carry out any number of webbased attacks as users browse various websites. You are required to demonstrate the following two

Task 4 Part 1: Credential harvesting for a social media website

This requires you to present users with a fake login page when they browse to a targeted website,
for example The page should be identical to the real login screen of the website, so
that it is hard for a user to notice that they are actually putting their login credentials into a fake
page. In truth, the fake login page will send the user’s entered credentials to a server under your
control (i.e. running on your Raspberry Pi).

Thus, you will first need to set up a fake login page that
sends any data entered to your machine, and then ensure that users visit that page. The easiest way
to do this is using DNS poisoning, so that when the user enters the name of the website, it resolves
to your machine that is hosting the fake page.

You may use a readily available tool for this attack. Writing your own code is also acceptable as long
as the main goal is accomplished, i.e. the user is presented with a fake login page when they browse
to the targeted website, and the credentials entered by the user are visible to you as the attacker.

Task 4 Part 2: Web exploit for remotely controlling victim machine

A common end-goal of attackers using web exploits is to allow arbitrary code execution in a victim
machine. For example, attackers first use web exploits to open a shell in the victim machine, connect
it to the attacking machine, and then send arbitrary code to be executed in the shell. There are
countless exploits that can be used to spawn a shell on a victim machine, and different browsers
offer different vulnerabilities that can be exploited.

This task is open-ended and you may use any web exploit (or multiple exploits together if required)
to ensure that you gain remote access to a victim machine on your target AP and are able to execute
arbitrary code in it. To demonstrate the success of your exploit, you should create a temporary file
on the victim machine’s Desktop and be able to delete it via the attacker shell. Similar to previous
tasks, you may use a toolkit or framework that automates much of this task for you.

Task 5: Defence

The final task of this project involves discussing defence (detection and/or blocking) mechanisms
against the Evil Twin AP attack you carried out in Task 2 and the social engineering attack and web
exploits you carried out in Tasks 4A and 4B. You are not required to actually implement these
defences, although doing so will earn bonus credit.

However, you must come up with practical
solutions for detecting (and if possible, preventing) all three of the attacks. How would you secure
your home Wi-Fi against these attacks so that you, the network administrator, are warned when any
of these attacks is attempted? If it is possible to block these attacks, please outline how it can be


Note: Vague answers such as “by using an Intrusion Detection System (IDS)” are not acceptable – if
you think an IDS is the solution, you must provide details of which IDS you might use, how it would
work and how you would configure it to detect the particular behaviour you are trying to catch.

Project Guidelines:

Group Formation
SWN project groups are composed of either two or three students. ALL groups (whether same as for
the labs or changed) must follow the below policy:
• Send an email to with email subject “SWN’19 Project
Group”. The body of the email must include all students name and ZID.
• You will receive a confirmation email from the same email account which includes your
group name. The group name must be mentioned in all correspondence and when preparing
the project report.

o Note: no change is required to groups formed on Moodle for the labs, whether you
keep the same group or change it.

• Deadline to send the email for your project group is Monday, 25th of March at 9:00 PM. Any
group request after this time will incur a penalty in the project mark for all group members.

Note: If you have already formed a group before this draft and do not wish to make any changes,
then you do not need to send email again. However, if you wish to make changes, you must follow
the above policy. Please mention that you are changing group after the updated policy for the
project groups in the body of your email.

Device Allocation
A limited number of ALFA and IoT devices are available for students who wish to attend the practical
project. These will be made available on a first come first served basis.

Device List
Following devices will be provided to each group:
1. Raspberry Pi
2. ALFA Wi-Fi adapter
3. HDMI cable
4. SD card
5. Raspberry Pi case

Step to acquire Devices:

To acquire the devices follow these steps:
1. Make an appointment on the scheduler available on Moodle.
2. Download and fill device loan form, also available on Moodle.
3. Visit to School of Computer Science and Engineering (K17), 5th floor, room 501 during your
booked slot to acquire the devices.

If you take any of the devices on loan, all group members will be responsible to return the device in
working conditions on Monday 29
th of April at 3 PM. Students will be responsible for any damage to
the borrowed devices, otherwise.

Using own device:
Groups can also propose to use their own device subject to approval by tutor-in-charge, Uzma
Maroof. You may contact the tutor-in-charge by booking a slot on moodle, as described above, and
get approval for using your own device. If no slot is available contact tutor-in-charge by email.

Submission Format and Marking Criteria
You will demonstrate your project with a video, and describe your method, including all code, tools
and commands used for Tasks 1 – 5, in a detailed technical report to be submitted along with the
video. Both the report and the video will be marked out of 10, for a total of 20 marks for the
complete project.

The video should be a screen recording showing running of each step of the project and must
include the following each of the following segments against Tasks 1 – 5.

Task Segment Description

Task 1 Segment 1 A screen recording of running “ifconfig” in a terminal window in
your Raspberry Pi before and after connected your Wi-Fi
adapter to show that the Wi-Fi adapter is up and running.

Task 2 Segment 2-A A screen recording of the commands you run for executing each
of the sub-tasks described in Task 2 (Page 3 of this document).

Segment 2-B A screen recording of one victim device (e.g. another laptop or
smartphone etc.) that shows the device being disconnected
from the original AP and connecting to the fake AP.

Segment 2-C (Optional, for bonus credit)2
Show victim device connected to
fake AP and still able to access internet.

Task 3 Segment 3-A A screen recording of the commands you run on your Raspberry
Pi for executing both sub-tasks.

Segment 3-B A screen recording of one victim device that shows the user
being redirected to a captive portal on connecting to the fake AP
and entering the password.

Segment 3-C A screen recording of the password saved in a text file on your
Raspberry Pi.

Task 4, Part 1 Segment 4_1-A A screen recording of disabling the fake AP from Raspberry Pi,
and of connecting to the original AP as a client.
Segment 4_1-B A screen recording of one victim machine also reconnected to
the original AP.

Segment 4_1-C A screen recording of all the commands or tools you execute on
Raspberry Pi to set up a fake login page for your target website
and trick victims into browsing to your fake login page instead of
the original (for example, if you use DNS poisoning, show all
steps performed to execute the attack).

Segment 4_1-D A screen recording of one victim machine browsing to your fake
login page and entering login credentials.

Segment 4_1-E A screen recording of the victim’s login credentials appearing on
Raspberry Pi.

Task 4, Part 2 Segment 4_2-A A step-by-step screen recording of the commands and tools you
run on your Raspberry Pi to open a shell on a victim machine.

2 Condition for Bonus Marks: Please note that you can only receive bonus marks (up to 2 marks for
carrying out both bonus tasks) if you do not already have full marks in the practical component of
this course (i.e. your bonus marks + your total mark for the practical component of the course
cannot exceed 60). If you have already achieved full marks for the practical component, your
bonus marks will not be added to your final exam marks.

Segment 4_2-B A screen recording of the victim machine showing a particular
file on the Desktop (that you will later remotely delete).
Segment 4_2-C A screen recording of the shell code you run in the remote shell
you have opened on the victim machine, to delete the targeted

Segment 4_2-D A screen recording of the victim machine showing the file is no
longer on the Desktop.

Task 5 Segment 5 (Optional, for bonus credit). You do not need to show any
defences in the video unless you have carried out an
implementation to actually block the attacks you have carried
out in Tasks 2 – 4. If you have carried out any such
implementation, you may show it in this segment of the video as
screen recordings as you see fit and earn 1 bonus mark.

The report must include the following:
1. Title. Name of the project, group name and all the team members.
2. Executive summary that gives a brief introduction to the attacks performed in tasks 1 – 5 .
3. Description of methods for tasks 1 – 4, including a step-by-step description of all
commands/scripts/code and tools used.

4. Discussion of defences against attacks performed (Evil twin AP, credential harvesting and
web-based exploit for remote arbitrary code execution); include all possible
countermeasures that you can apply to secure your network.

5. Project Diary: Each group is also required to attach a 1-page project diary to the report. This
diary should maintain a weekly log of activities conducted by each group and should
explicitly indicate the part played by each team member in these activities. You may use any
format (Gantt chart, table, etc.) for maintaining the diary.

The diary is not marked. However,
if the diary is not submitted, a penalty of 2 marks will be applied. Please attach the diary at
the end of the report. Do not submit it as a separate file. Unless specified otherwise,
contribution from all members will be considered equal. Any difficulty in working with team
members must be reported to the tutor-in-charge at the earliest.

Both the report and video are to be submitted together via Moodle (submission link will be under
Week X material on Moodle).
Submission Deadline for report and video: ______
Late Submission Penalty
Late penalty will be applied as follows:
• 1 day after deadline: 20% reduction
• 2 days after deadline: 40% reduction
• 3 or more days late: NOT accepted

Much information about the attacks in this project, as well as about defences against them, is
available on the Internet. However, any direct cut-paste of material will be considered plagiarism.
Please make sure that you use your own words, diagrams etc and make proper reference to any
material that has been used in your report.

In addition, since we use TurnitIn, each submission will also be checked against all other submissions
of the current semester and past submissions. Please note that we take this matter quite seriously.
The LIC will decide on appropriate penalty for detected cases of plagiarism. The most likely penalty
would be to reduce the project mark to ZERO and reported to school plagiarism register.

Forum Use
We are aware that a lot of learning takes place in student conversations, and don’t wish to
discourage those. You are free to discuss (and are in fact strongly encouraged to do so) generic
issues relevant to the project on the course forum. However, refrain from posting specific codefragments or scripts on the forum. Students will be heavily penalized for doing so.

Warning: The attacks implemented in this project are for strictly educational purposes. Please do
not perform these attacks against networks or devices not owned by you unless you have express
permission from all users to do so.