In this assignment we will write functions that operate on a filesystem.
We provide starter code for this assignment which contains our solution for Assignment 2 as well as our
filesystem implementation. We begin by describing the properties of our filesystem, the new shell commands,
the list of new files included in the starter code, an example of how to use the filesystem and a note about
using your own A2 solution code. We then discuss your tasks for the assignment.
Filesystem architecture
Our filesystem has a similar structure to the simple filesystem discussed in class. So if you attended the
lectures and did the practice filesystem problems, you are already in a good position to understand some
part of our implementation. If not, you are strongly suggested to catch up on those lectures before
beginning this assignment.
First, we will store our filesystem inside a single file on our computer. We will call this file the hard drive
file or disk image. A regular hard drive has sectors that are read from and written to; our hard drive file
will also have ‘sectors’ (of size 512 bytes) which are really just bytes in the file. Sector 0 will be the first 512
bytes of the file; sector 1 will be from bytes 512 to 1024, and so on. In this way, we can approximate a real
hard drive by using this one file.
Our shell will be able to use only one disk image at a time. The file will be specified as the first argument
to the myshell executable. For instance, to run the shell with blank.dsk, which is a disk image of size 1MB
provided with the starter code, you can run
./myshell blank.dsk
A disk image by itself is just an empty file with some metadata at the beginning (sector 0) relating to
partitions. In order for our shell to use it, we must first format it for our filesystem. To do this, we must
pass the -f flag to myshell, as follows:
./myshell blank.dsk -f
Note that formatting will destroy any metadata already existing in the disk image. So if your disk image
already has some files on it and you then format it by passing the -f flag, your files will no longer be
Now for the basics of the filesystem. The filesystem stores a file by creating an inode for it in a free sector,
and then stores the data of the file in other sectors (called the data blocks); the inode for a file will store
the sector numbers for the file’s data blocks.
In particular, the inode will directly store 123 sector numbers for data blocks (recall that each sector is 512
bytes, so that means that 123 ∗ 512 = 62, 976 bytes can be addressed by these direct block pointers). If
a file needs more than that, the filesystem will create (in a new sector) an indirect block which has space
for another 128 sector numbers (pointing to data blocks). If a file still needs more, it will create (in a new
sector) a double indirect block, which will hold 128 sector numbers that each point to indirect blocks (each
allocated as needed). Note that this scheme is very similar to the one discussed in class. See Figure 1 (next
page) for an illustration.
When making a new file, space on disk must be found for the inode and for the data blocks (and possibly
the indirect block(s)). Finding free space is accomplished by checking the free space bitmap, which itself
is written to disk in a reserved sector near the start of the disk. The data blocks for a file do not have to be
all stored in one contiguous chunk, so a file’s data blocks may be spread across the disk.
The filesystem has both on-disk and in-memory data structures. For example, the on-disk inode stores
the block sectors. There is also an in-memory inode, into which the on-disk inode is loaded when a file is
accessed; the in-memory inode also contains some additional information.
Page 4
Figure 1: On-disk inode struct (defined in inode.h)
Also as discussed in class, the filesystem has a write-behind cache for both inodes and data blocks. When
a request is made to read a block, the cache is checked first before we go to the hard disk. If the block is
not in the cache, then we read it from the hard disk (disk image) and put it in the cache. Similarly, if we
write a block, we put it in the cache. The cache has a limited size, so when it is full, we evict another block
(writing to disk if needed), and on the close of the shell we flush all blocks to disk.
Finally, although our filesystem supports directories, we will assume that all files are stored in the root
Shell commands
To make our shell work with this new filesystem, we have added shell commands which we describe below.
Note that some of these commands had already existed, but they operated on your real filesystem and not a
disk image and its filesystem as described above; we have replaced those implementations with versions that
do operate on the disk image. (Note that we’ve also renamed commands to remove their my_ prefix.)
• ls: Lists all files (in the root directory).
• cat fname: Displays the contents of the specified file.
• rm fname: Removes the specified file.
• create fname size: Creates a (blank) file with the given filename and initial size.
• write fname data1 … …: Writes data into the specified file. (Spaces are supported; any reasonable
number of tokens can be given.) Note that any write will move forward the current offset of the file,
so subsequent reads/writes will take place after the written data.
• read fname bytes: Displays the given number of bytes of the specified file. Note that any read will
move forward the current offset of the file, so subsequent reads/writes will take place after the written
• size fname: Displays the number of bytes taken up in data blocks by the given file.
• seek fname offset: Updates the given file’s offset to the given amount, to be used for subsequent
• freespace: Prints out the number of free sectors on the disk.
(You will implement some further commands.)
New files in starter code
The following files (inside the fs folder) make up our filesystem implementation. As part of your tasks for
this assignment, you will need to understand the various structs and call on the various functions exposed
in these files. Please take a moment to look through these files as you read through this list so that you get
a bit of an idea of what is available to you. We point out some useful functions below, but when to use them
and what other functions to use are left for you to understand and find.
Note that we do not expect you to modify these files. You can if you like (and you may need to for some
of the optional parts), but if you do so, please be careful, because if your filesystem implementation starts
to diverge from ours, it may no longer pass the tests used for grading your work. (Of course, it is ok to add
new functions that only your code calls.)
• cache.c/cache.h: Implementation of the write-behind cache. To read or write blocks, you should use
the cache functions buffer_cache_read and buffer_cache_write.
• directory.c/directory.h: directory operations; dir_readdir_inode can be called successively to return
each filename/inode in the directory. Note that we will assume that all files are in the root directory.
• file.c/file.h: Operations on the file struct. This struct contains an (in-memory) inode and the
current file position (for reading/writing). Also contains the open file table.
• filesys.c/filesys.h: Operations at the filesystem level: creating a new file, removing a file, opening
a file, and others, given the filename.
• free-map.c/free-map.h: Operations on the free space bitmap.
• fsutil.c/fsutil.h: Operations at the shell level: code for the shell commands ls, cat, rm, create, read,
write, size, seek, freespace. Understanding how these functions work may be useful to you as you may
want to replicate some of their behaviours.
• inode.c/inode.h: Operations on the inode struct, including creating, opening, closing, removing, and
reading/writing into the data blocks of the inode. Important stuff!
These files are also present, however, they are slightly less important.
• bitmap.c/bitmap.h: A general purpose implementation of a bitmap. Used for the free map.
• block.c/block.h: Block level operations: reading and writing to blocks (sectors). (You will want to
use the cache functions instead.)
• debug.c/debug.h: some miscellaneous debugging functions; some may be useful to you.
• ide.c/ide.h: ‘controller’ code to handle the ATA drive at the physical level (in reality just handling
the disk image).
• list.c/list.h: a general-purpose linked-list implementation. Some functions could be useful if you
need to modify lists.
• off_t.h/round.h: misc definitions.
• partition.c/partition.h: code to deal with partitions on a disk image. (We will assume there is only
one partition.)
Example of filesystem use
Here is sample output from running myshell with the provided blank disk image blank.dsk (after passing
the flag -f to format it).
$ ls
Files in the root directory:
End of listing.
$ create ysub.txt 128
$ ls
Files in the root directory:
End of listing.
$ write ysub.txt In the town where I was born Lived a man who sailed to sea
$ cat ysub.txt
Printing ysub.txt to the console…
00000000 49 6e 20 74 68 65 20 74-6f 77 6e 20 77 68 65 72 |In the town wher|
00000010 65 20 49 20 77 61 73 20-62 6f 72 6e 20 4c 69 76 |e I was born Liv|
00000020 65 64 20 61 20 6d 61 6e-20 77 68 6f 20 73 61 69 |ed a man who sai|
00000030 6c 65 64 20 74 6f 20 73-65 61 00 00 00 00 00 00 |led to sea……|
00000040 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00-00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 |…………….|
00000050 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00-00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 |…………….|
00000060 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00-00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 |…………….|
00000070 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00-00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 |…………….|
We encourage you to compile the starter code now and play around a bit with the filesystem shell commands
so that you can get some experience with them before continuing to read this PDF. Part of this assignment
involves understanding the existing code given to you so that you can use it or parts of it as needed.
As before, to compile your code, you will run make clean; make myshell framesize=X varmemsize=Y in the
Docker container as detailed earlier in this PDF. Also like the last assignment, to run your shell, you can
either run in interactive mode (by typing ./myshell diskname.dsk at the prompt), or in batch mode, by
making a file of commands and then typing ./myshell diskname.dsk < commands.txt. We will be using the
latter mode to test your code.
Using your own Assignment 2 solution code
You are free to use your current Assignment 2 solution, in which case you will have to make the following
• copy the provided fs folder into your code folder.
• merge the provided Makefile with your own (if you made any changes to your Makefile); otherwise,
simply replace your current one with the new version.
• merge the provided shell.c file with your own; it is likely you did not make any changes to that file,
so you can simply replace your current one with the new version.
• merge the provided interpreter.c file with your own. This file contains substantial changes, including: new headers, error messages, and a bunch of new else if’s in interpreter() for the new shell
(To see the changes in these files in detail, you can use a file diff program like FileMerge on the Mac, which
comes with Xcode. Or you could put them in your Git repo and use Github Desktop to view the change in
the files before committing.)
Your tasks
Your tasks for this assignment are as follows:
1. Implement some basic file utilities.
2. Implement a simple defragmentation algorithm and fragmentation statistic.
3. Implement data recovery and forensics routines.
Details on the required behaviour of your functions follow. Note that we will make some recommendations
as to how to proceed, but you have full freedom for your implementation, as long as it complies with all
instructions and edge cases.
For each sub-part below, we also note how (relatively) lengthly it may take you to accomplish, based
somewhat on the length of the required solution code (or, new code needed in excess of code written for
prior parts) by indicating (Short), (Medium) or (Long). If you find that you are taking a very long time
on a short part, then it may be helpful to rethink your implementation and possibly seek advice in office
hours/Ed as there could be a much easier way to solve it. Note however that these notes are only our best
Note that the assignment is designed to be done in the order below. The reason is that parts of the code
that you write in earlier parts may be reusable in later parts and, likewise, the understanding that you build
up in earlier parts will help you in later parts. That’s why we recommend, if working with a partner, to
actually work together on the assignment (e.g., pair programming) instead of splitting up the work.
A reminder that we will be having a lab on this assignment in the days following its release (date to be
announced). You are strongly encouraged to attend the lab or watch the recording afterwards as it will go
through some helpful tips for getting started with the assignment.
Finally, note that we provide two sample disk images (each of size 1MB) with this starter code. One is blank
(and thus needs to be formatted) and the other has a few files in it already (so do not format that one).
You will probably want to make backups of these files so that you can recover from a clean copy in case
they get corrupted. There may also be a way to obtain other disk images, but I don’t know anything about
Write all your code for this assignment in the file fsutil2.c. As described above, you may also
modify other files if you like.
Part 1: File utilities
• (Short) Part 1-1: Implement the shell commands copy_in and copy_out. copy_in should be followed
by a filename of a file on your real hard drive. It should read in the file, and then store it as a new file
into the shell’s hard drive with the same name in the root directory. copy_out should be followed by a
filename of a file in the shell’s hard drive. It should create a file on your real hard drive in the current
working directory (normally the same directory as the myshell executable), with the same name as the
given file and with the same contents.
For copy_in, if you are able to only partially copy the file in (because of lack of free space), print out
the message “Warning: could only write %d out of %ld bytes (reached end of file” where %d is the
number of bytes you could write and %ld is the total file size of the file to be copied in.
Both functions should return the appropriate error flags (defined in interpreter.h) if there is an issue
with the file. E.g., if the file does not exist, file could not be read, created, written, etc.
/code# echo abcdef > test.txt
/code# ./myshell < blank.dsk -f
Shell v2.0
Frame Store Size = 120; Variable Store Size = 120
hda: 2049 sectors (1 MB)
hda1: 2048 sectors (1 MB)
Formatting file system…done.
Num free sectors: 1974
$ copy_in test.txt
$ ls
Files in the root directory:
End of listing.
$ cat test.txt
Printing <test.txt> to the console…
00000000 61 62 63 64 65 66 0a |abcdef. |
Done printing
/code# ./myshell blank.dsk -f
Shell v2.0
Frame Store Size = 120; Variable Store Size = 120
hda: 2049 sectors (1 MB)
hda1: 2048 sectors (1 MB)
Formatting file system…done.
Num free sectors: 1974
$ create myfile.txt 10
$ write myfile.txt testdata
$ copy_out myfile.txt
$ exit
/code# cat myfile.txt
• (Short) Part 1-2: Implement a file finding function find_file. The function should take one argument
– a pattern to search for. It should go through all files in the root directory and print out the name of
each file whose contents contain the given pattern.
/code# ./myshell tswift.dsk
Shell v2.0
Frame Store Size = 120; Variable Store Size = 120
hda: 2049 sectors (1 MB)
hda1: 2048 sectors (1 MB)
Num free sectors: 1771
$ ff cat
Part 2: Fragmentation
• (Medium) Part 2-1: Write the function fragmentation_degree to implement a simple filesystem fragmentation metric. The function should print out the degree of fragmentation of the filesystem. The
degree is calculated by dividing the number of fragmented files by the number of fragmentable files.
A fragmented file is a file which contains at least two consecutive data blocks which are in sectors that
are more than three away from each other. For example, a file with three data blocks in sectors 3, 4,
5, or 3, 4, 7, is not fragmented. But a file that has two data blocks in sectors 4 and 10 (and not in
5,6,7,8,9) is fragmented.
A fragmentable file is any file that has more than one data block.
• (Long) Part 2-2: Write the function defragment. This function should reduce the number of fragmented
files to zero without any data loss.
This function can be partly implemented by reading all files into memory (not necessarily the shell
memory, just a buffer); we will assume that the memory is large enough to store the contents of all
files on the disk. Note that real defragmentation algorithms cannot make this assumption and must
try to defragment in-place.
Part 3: Data recovery & forensics
Write your code for this part in the function recover. You may (as always) use helper functions.
When the shell command recover %d is executed, the function recover will be executed. The integer %d will
be passed as argument and serve as a flag. Depending on the flag, you will execute a different routine, listed
below. Each routine involves recovering files on the hard drive.
• (Short) Part 3-1 (flag 0): Recovering deleted files. Your code should scan all free sectors on the drive
and check if any contain inodes which were previously deleted from the root directory (i.e., through
the rm command) but still exist on disk. If it finds any, it should restore the inodes so that the files
can be accessed normally via the shell. The filename for each recovered file should be ‘recovered0-%d’
where %d is the sector number containing the deleted inode. All recovered files of this type should be
stored in the root directory of the disk image. (We will assume that the data blocks pointed to by the
inode will not have been overwritten.)
• (Short) Part 3-2 (flag 1): Recovering individual, non-zeroed out data blocks (since it may be that a
deleted file’s inode has been overwritten, but some or all of its data blocks may remain intact). If you
find any non-zero data blocks (starting at sector 4), save the contents of the sector outside of the shell
(on your real filesystem) in a file called ‘recovered1-%d.txt’ where %s is the sector in which you found
the data.
• (Long) Part 3-3 (flag 2): Finding data hidden past the end of a current file. A file can be split over
multiple data blocks, but it may not fully fill its final data block. For example, a file might be created
with size 768, which will fit into two data blocks (since blocks/sectors are 512 bytes each). However,
the last 256 bytes of the second data block will go unused, and the contents of this part of the data
block will not be shown using cat. It is possible that data is hidden in this area. Your function should
go through all files and check for this hidden data, if any. If any such (non-zeroed) data is found, save
it outside of the shell (on your real filesystem) in a file called ‘recovered2-%s.txt’ where %s is the
name of the file in which you found the data.
Note: your recovered filed must contain only the requested data recovered. If it contains less or more than
that, it will not be judged as correct.
(Optional) Part 4
The following sub-parts are not worth any marks and will not be graded. However, if you pass the tests for
this part, you will be awarded the specified number of COMP310COIN. Coins will be awarded upon submission if
the relevant test(s) are passed.
Note: For those working with a partner, you will split the coins with your partner. However, your leaderboard
score will appear as if you had each obtained the full amount.
500 coins Recover more hidden data from the hard drive file beyond the points mentioned in part 3 above. You
will need to implement a routine for flag 3. Store the recovered data in a file recovered3.txt. We do
not say where the data may be hidden.
500 coins Recover more hidden data from the hard drive file beyond the points mentioned in part 3 above. You
will need to implement a routine for flag 4. Store the recovered data in a file recovered4.txt. We do
not say where the data may be hidden.
500 coins Recover more hidden data from the hard drive file beyond the points mentioned in part 3 above. You
will need to implement a routine for flag 5. Store the recovered data in a file recovered5.txt. We do
not say where the data may be hidden.
500+ coins Extend the capacity of the disk image without making the disk image file larger. We provide a 1MB
blank disk image with this assignment. Here we ask you to update the filesystem code so that it can
store more files than in the initial implementation. Some possibilities here are compression or sharing
sectors that multiple files have in common; or looking for unused parts of the disk image in the current
implementation and finding out why they are unused (you can check where empty space may be by
using a hex-editor, e.g., for Mac, on a disk image filled to capacity). The more
amount of data that can be stored, the more coins you will receive (in fixed increments).
1000 coins Implement the shell commands cd and mkdir which should operate on the shell’s hard drive (not your
real hard drive). The other file commands (create, read, write, etc.) should all be modified to look
for the file in the current working directory instead of the root directory.
Finally, add a file into the same folder as your code files. In this file, state your name(s) and
McGill ID(s), any comments you would like the TA to see, and whether you have implemented any optional
parts, and if so, which parts, so that the TA will know to check for this.