COMP 3000: Assignment 4 solution


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1. Learn to use pointers.
2. Learn to create your own data structure.
3. Create a library class that can be used by other programmers.
Write a program to create a class IntegerArrayList, which provides all the functionality on the
array. This class should provide the functionality to create and maintain a list of integers using
array as the base data structure. The structure of the class should be as follows:
Member Variables:
intArray This is the array containing the list of integers.
capacity It holds the capacity of the array list.
count It keeps the count of the occupied locations in the array.
Constructs an empty list of initial capacity of 10.
IntegerArrayList(int capacity)
Constructs an empty list of initial capacity of capacity.
int add(int item)
adds the item to the next available location, returns the current count of the
elements in the array list.
int remove(int location)
removes the item located at location. Returns the removed item.
bool contains(int item)
returns true if the list contains item, else returns false.
int get(int location)
returns the item located at location. If the location is greater than count. Returns
bool isFull()
returns true if the list is full, i.e. if capacity== count.
bool isEmpty()
returns true if the array list contains no element.
void printList()
prints all the elements in the list.
bool set(int location, int item)
replaces the item located at location with item. Returns true if the operation is
successful, else returns false.
You have to create a file IntegerArray.cpp, which contains the implementation of this class. I
will be having a unit test cases (a test driver) which will call all the functions in your class. Your
program should satisfy all the test cases in the test driver.
1. (5 points) use comments to provide a heading containing your name, Auburn userid, and
filename. Also, describe any help and sources you have used to find the solution.
2. (5 points) your program should successfully implement the default constructor.
3. (5 points) your program should successfully implement parameterized constructor.
4. (10 points) your program should implement add() function, which takes an integer itme
as an argument and adds it to the list if there is any capacity left.
5. (5 points) your program should implement get function which returns the item located at
the location. If the location is greater than the count, your program should display
appropriate message to the user.
6. (15 points) your program should implement remove() function, which removes the item
located at location and shifts all the item after the location to the left in order to fill the
7. (5 points) your program should implement contains() function which returns true if the
list contains the item, else returns false.
8. (5 points) your program should successfully implement get() function, which returns the
item location at location. If the location is greater than the capacity or count shows
appropriate message to the user and returns -1.
9. (15 points) your program should successfully implement isFull() and isEmpty()
10. (5 points) your program should successfully implement printList() function, which
displays entire list. Also, displays appropriate message if the list is empty.
11. (15 points) your program should successfully implement set() function which takes two
argument- location and item- to replace the item at location cab be replaced by item. If
the location is out of the capacity or after the count the function displays appropriate
message to the user and returns false.
12. (5 points) usability of your program.
13. (5 points) readability of your source code.
 Submit your source code file named as “IntegerArrayList.cpp” through Canvas.
Late Submission Penalty:
 10-point penalty per day for late submission. For example, an assignment submitted after
the deadline but up to 1 day (24 hours) late can achieve a maximum of 90% of points
allocated for the assignment. An assignment submitted after the deadline but up to 2 days
(48 hours) late can achieve a maximum of 80% of points allocated for the assignment.
 Assignment submitted more than 3 days (72 hours) after the deadline will not be graded.
Rebuttal period:
 You will be given a period of 7 days to read and respond to the comments and grades of
your homework or project assignment. The TA may use this opportunity to address any
concern and question you have. The TA also may ask for additional information from
you regarding your homework or project.