GoalYou will modify your movie database program to a single process version, and evolve it to polymorphically support the management of multiple forms of media (movies, books, etc). You will also upgrade your list class to be templated.Learning Objectives• design and implement classes that encapsulate object creation and behaviour, using polymorphism• practice implementing a templated classInstructions:1. Templating the List classYou will change the List class from Assignment #4, including all overloaded operators, to make it a templated class that can store any type of data. You will modify all your code to use the new templated List for all collections, including the permanent collection in storage.2. Management of media objectsa. Scaling back to single processYou will be working from a single process implementation of your movie database program, just as you did before Assignment #4. It will be easier if you begin with your Assignment #3 and remove some classes. Your scaled-back program will have the following characteristics:• There will be no Server façade or Serializer classes. Your control object will have the Storage object as a data member.• Your Storage class will not have the handleRequest operation from Assignment #3. Instead, it will provide the update and retrieve functions as public member functions, with the same implementation as in Assignment #3.• Your program will still use the List class for storing media object pointers in the permanent collection.b. Implementing the media hierarchyIn this assignment, before the user sees the main menu, he/she will be prompted to select the type of media to be managed (movies or books) for the entire run of the program. From that point, your program will be working with Media objects and pointers, although these will all be of the same derived class (either all books or all movies, depending on the user selection). Nowhere in your program are you going to check the type of object being managed! Once the user selects the type of object, all processing must be done polymorphically. This will require the use of an interface class to gather user input, and a factory class to create Media derived objects.You will:• create an abstract class called Media, with title and year as data members• change your Movie class to be derived from Media• create a concrete class called Book, which derives from Media; this new class will have as data members an author and ISBN number, both stringsCOMP 2404 — Assignment #5 Winter 2014 2/3c. Update the control, UI and storage classes to manage media objectsAll classes in your program must be changed to manage Media objects, rather than just movies. You will:• change your control and UI classes to allow the user to select the type of media to be managed• change all classes in the program to support Media objects instead of movies, including menu options and member function names; you can remove the print movies by genre menu option and associated functions• modify the Storage class to store a permanent collection of Media pointers3. Encapsulating data input behaviourOnce the user has selected the type of media to be managed, you need to initialize the interface object that will polymorphically prompt the user to enter the correct data. For example, for both movies and books, the user has to enter a title and year. However, for movies, the user must be prompted to enter a genre, and for books, he/she must enter an author name and ISBN number.You will implement an abstract interface class called InputBehaviour, which will define only one function with the following prototype:void getMediaData(vector<void*& values)This function will prompt the user for piece of data required, and add each one to the STL vector output parameter. For example, if the program is managing movies, the values vector will contain three elements: the title, year and genre, all represented as void*. If the program is managing books, the values vector will contain four elements: the title, year, author and ISBN number. You will implement a concrete derived class for every type of Media to be managed, each with a concrete implementation of the getMediaData function.4. Encapsulating media object creationYou will also need to initialize the factory object that will polymorphically create the correct Media derived objects (movies or books). You will implement an abstract factory class called MediaFactory, which will define only one function with the following prototype:void createData(vector<void*& values, Media** newMedia)This function will dynamically allocate a new Movie or Book object, returned in the output parameter newMedia. The new object will have values for the title, year and additional data members as found in the elements of the values vector input parameter (the first element of the vector will be the title, the second the year, etc). You will implement a concrete derived class for every type of Media to be managed, each with a concrete implementation of the createData function.Constraints• your program must be written in C++, and not in C• do not use any functions from the C standard library (e.g. printf, scanf, fgets, sscanf, malloc, free, string functions)• do not use any classes or containers from the C++ standard template library (STL), unless otherwise specified• do not use any global variables or any global functions other than main• do not use structs, use classes instead• objects should always be passed by reference, not by valueCOMP 2404 — Assignment #5 Winter 2014 3/3SubmissionYou will submit in cuLearn, before the due date and time, the following:• a detailed UML class diagram (as a PDF file) that corresponds to your program design• one tar file that includes:ο all source and header files for your movie database programο a Makefileο a readme file that includes: a preamble (program author, purpose, list of source/header/data files) compilation, launching and operating instructionsGrading• Marking breakdown:ComponentMarksUML class diagram10Templated List class20Media hierarchy10Input behaviour class30Media factory class30• Deductions:ο Up to 50 marks for any of the following: the code does not compile using g++ in the VM provided for the course the code cannot be tested the design does not generally follow correct design principles (e.g. data abstraction) prohibited library classes or functions are usedο Up to 20 marks for any of the following: the Makefile or readme file is missing global variables, global functions, or structs are used objects are passed by value the code is not correctly separated into header and source filesο Up to 10 marks for missing comments or other bad style (non-standard indentation, etc.)• Bonus marks:ο Up to 5 extra marks are available for fun and creative additional features