COMP 2404 — Assignment #4 solution


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GoalYou will modify your movie database program from Assignment #3 and separate client and server functionality into two different processes. You will also implement some overloaded operators for the doubly linked list.Learning Objectives• adapt a repository-style program to a client-server architecture• practice implementing overloaded operators on container objectsInstructions:1. Overloaded operatorsa. Implementing operators for the List classYou will implement the following overloaded operators for the List class:• an assignment (=) operator that takes a reference to a second list as parameter and overwrites the List object with the elements from the second list• an addition assignment (+=) operator that takes a data pointer as a parameter and adds it to the List object as a new element• an addition assignment (+=) operator that takes a reference to a second list and adds each data element from that second list to the List object• an addition (+) operator that takes a data pointer as a parameter and creates a new list comprised of all the elements of the List object as well as the new data element• an addition (+) operator that takes a reference to a second list and creates a new list comprised of all the elements of the List object as well as all elements of the second list• a subtraction assignment (-=) operator that takes a data pointer as a parameter and removes that element from the List object• a subtraction assignment (-=) operator that takes a reference to a second list and removes each data element found in that second list from the List object• a subtraction (-) operator that takes a data pointer as a parameter and creates a new list comprised of all the elements of the List object excluding the data element• a subtraction (-) operator that takes a reference to a second list and creates a new list comprised of all the elements of the List object excluding all the elements of the second listNotes:o You must enable cascading everywhere appropriateo You must reuse overloaded operators as much as possibleb. Using the overloaded operatorsYou will modify all your code to use the overloaded operators instead of the add/delete member functions.Note:o All the collections in your program must be List objectsCOMP 2404 — Assignment #4 Winter 2014 2/32. Client-server architectureYou will separate your program into a server process and a client process. The server process will manage the persistent storage, potentially for multiple clients, while the client process contains the movie database logic and interacts with the user. The two processes will communicate using TCP/IP sockets, as provided in the Connection class found here. Figure 1 shows a high-level UML class diagram of how your code will be organized.ManagerUIServerFacadeStorageListMovie0..*ConnectionSerializerServerControlConnectionSerializer«TCP/IP»Figure 1 – High-level UML class diagrama. Implement the server processFor the server process, you must:• write a main function for the server process; all this function does is create a ServerControl object and invoke a launch operation on it• implement a ServerControl class as the control class for the server process; the ServerControl object:o opens a server connectiono waits for a connection request to come in from a client processo once a connection has been established, data is received from the client; if the first character of the client request is -1, it indicates that the client has terminated, so the server process must also terminateo passes the request to storage to be handled, and gets a response from storageo transmits the response back to the client processo goes back to waiting for another connection request to come inNote: You have to read and thoroughly understand the Connection class in order to use it.b. Modify the client processFor the client process, you must:• use the same main function as in Assignments #1 to #3• make no changes to the UI class, the Serializer class, or the Storage class• make a small change to the control class, so that when the user selects 0 (Exit) from the main menu, the shutdown member function on the Server façade class is called in order to terminate the server processCOMP 2404 — Assignment #4 Winter 2014 3/3• modify the Server façade class as follows:o remove the storage data member, since it will be accessible in the server process onlyo each time they are called, the update and retrieve member functions will open a client connection, transmit a serialized request over this connection, receive a serialized reply, deserialize the reply if necessary, and close the connectiono add a shutdown member function that opens a client connection, sends a special request with -1 as the first character, and closes the connectionConstraints• your program must be written in C++, and not in C• do not use any functions from the C standard library (e.g. printf, scanf, fgets, sscanf, malloc, free, string functions)• do not use any classes or containers from the C++ standard template library (STL)• do not use any global variables or any global functions other than main• do not use structs, use classes instead• objects should always be passed by reference, not by valueSubmissionYou will submit in cuLearn, before the due date and time, the following:• a detailed UML class diagram (as a PDF file) that corresponds to your program design• one tar file that includes:ο all source and header files for your movie database programο a Makefileο a readme file that includes: a preamble (program author, purpose, list of source/header/data files) compilation, launching and operating instructionsGrading• Marking breakdown:ComponentMarksUML class diagram10Overloaded operators30Server process35Client process25• Deductions:ο Up to 50 marks for any of the following: the code does not compile using g++ in the VM provided for the course the code cannot be tested because the program consistently crashes the design does not generally follow correct design principles (e.g. data abstraction) prohibited library classes or functions are usedο Up to 20 marks for any of the following: the Makefile or readme file is missing global variables, global functions, or structs are used objects are passed by value the code is not correctly separated into header and source filesο Up to 10 marks for missing comments or other bad style (non-standard indentation, etc.)• Bonus marks:ο Up to 5 extra marks are available for fun and creative additional features