Sample code for problems 2 and 3:
Steve’s Erlang notes:
Steve’s Go notes:
Some JavaScript examples:
Note that most of the examples above just use the JS console for output, so you’ll need to have
the developer tools open to see anything.
Also remember: to use WebWorkers locally you need to be running a local server. The simplest
thing to do is make sure you have Python3 installed, open a command shell, cd to the location of
your JS code, and run
python -m http.server 2222
and then point your browser at localhost:2222.
1) a) Make a simple Javascript “executor”, using a WebWorker, that executes an arbitrary
function, and define a function invokeAsync for using it. Once the worker is started, you want to
be able to use it like this , where f is a function and args is a JS array containing the arguments.
Promise p = invokeAsync(f, args);
Unfortunately, you can’t send a JS function inside a message to a worker since functions are not
cloneable. However, it is easy enough to send it as a string, and then recreate a Function object
from the string. See function_test.html for an example of doing this. (Note that with this
technique, you don’t get the closure for the function call, so the function can only refer to local
variables declared within the function, and global variables.)
b) Do the Histogram problem in parallel using some configurable number of WebWorkers, with
Promises for the results. Use JS typed arrays for the data, which are Transferable. See the
example test_transferable.html .
Put your solutions in in the empty directory p1/hw5 directory of the sample code. There is no
particular required structure, just do something reasonable and include comments to make sure
it’s clear how to test/run it. You don’t have to make web pages, console.log output is ok.
2) a) Write a tail-recursive Erlang function that returns the nth Fibonacci number. (Put the code
in p2/hw5/fib.erl.)
b) Write two Erlang functions which create lists of random integers between 1 and
some given upper bound (inclusive).
– randomlists:prepend/2, which prepends new elements at the beginning of
the list.
– randomlists:append/2, which appends new elements at the end of the list.
Which is more efficient? Use the given function randomlists:try_it/2 to time the execution of
each. For use in the next problem there is also a function randomlists:make/2 which simply
delegates to the prepend version, which should be noticeably faster. (This difference points to
why the function lists:reverse/1 is so widely used in Erlang.)
All four of the above functions which generate random lists take two
arguments. The first parameter is the desired list length; the second is the
desired upper bound.
Note that you can generate random integers between 1 and N inclusive with
rand:uniform(N). (If you want to reproducibly generate the same list for
testing purposes, you can seed the generator using rand:seed/2.)
Also note that you can time the execution of some operations in milliseconds
with the following code:
Start = erlang:monotonic_time(millisecond),
% Do stuff…
End = erlang:monotonic_time(millisecond),
End – Start.
This code is used in the given module stopwatch. Use stopwatch:time_it/1 to time
the executions of your two.
c) Write an Erlang function nodups/2 such that if L is a sorted list, the call
foldl(fun nodups/2, [], L).
results in a list containing the same elements as L but with duplicates
removed. (I.e., the “accumulator” for the fold is also a list.) If you prefer,
the result can be reversed. Make sure that your implementation of nodups/2
works when nodups:try_it/0 is called. Note that try_it/0 uses list:sort/1 to sort a random list for
d) Implement the histogram-calculation example using Erlang processes (a.k.a.
actors). The following functions have been added to the histogram module as
– histogram:make/3, which computes a histogram in parallel.
– histogram:worker/3, which is spawned as part of the above function.
– histogram:make/2, which computes a histogram sequentially from a sorted list
– histogram:from_samples/1, which converts a list of samples to a histogram.
– histogram:merge/2, which combines two histograms.
– histogram:count_samples/1, which counts the total number of samples in a
Implement each of these functions.
To help you in this process, try implementing your histogram and running
histogram:try_it/0, histogram:try_it/3, and the tests in histogram_tests.
You should follow the following basic design.
1. Have the process running histogram:make/3 spawn multiple worker processes,
each running histogram:worker/3.
2. Each spawned process runs histogram:make/2 and then sends this histogram
back to the process that spawned it via a message send.
3. The main process merges together the histograms as they arrive from the
Recall that all values in Erlang are immutable. Thus, we will not be able to use
the same strategy that we used before for generating histogram samples. In
particular, we will not be able to modify a mutable array of integers as before.
So, our histograms will be represented with a map-like data structure built on
top of Erlang lists. Each element of the list is a mapping from a histogram’s
bin to the number of samples in that bin.
More specifically, a histogram is a list of 2-tuples, where each 2-tuple is a
map entry, {key, value}, relating the bin number to the sample number. So, if
the 2-tuple {2, 7} is an element in a histogram list, then this means that the
number 2 was a generated sample exactly seven times. These 2-tuples should be
ordered by their keys, and no two 2-tuples should have the same key. (For
simplicity, we will assume that keys and values should always be integers.)
For example, the histogram
1: 5
2: 2
3: 0
4: 0
5: 1
is represented in this format as [{1, 5}, {2, 2}, {5, 1}]. Notice that the 2-tuple keys are unique
and ordered within the list.
(i) All recursion should be tail-recursion.
(ii) For comparison, histogram:try_it(10000000, 10000, 1) on my laptop takes about 12 seconds,
and histogram:try_it(10000000, 10000, 8) takes about 2.5 seconds. If your solution runs an order
of magnitude longer than this, you probably have a design error.
(ii) In Erlang, we don’t have mutable arrays. However, we can we can
efficiently “update” the first element of a list by prepending some updated
element onto its tail. For example, the following example “updates” L1 when it
makes L2 be the same as L1 with its head incremented:
15> L1 = [10, 20, 30, 40].
16> [H|T] = L1.
17> L2 = [H + 1 | T].
A key point in creating a histogram this way is that the array is sorted, so that you never have to
update any tuple other than the head of the list.
3) This problem is written in Go. There are some brief notes referenced at the beginning of this
document, which include an intro to the go install command that you actually use when
building and the standard go directory structure.
You may want to use a Go IDE such as Eclipse and IntelliJ IDEA, or a text editor
with Go plugin(s). However, your code will be tested using the go command line
tool. Thus, you may want to make sure that you can compile and run your code
with this tool before submitting your assignment.
Your basic task is to implement a solution to the concurrent histogram problem as we have done
in previous homework assignments. You can see the required structure in the sample code. You
should be able to
o unzip the sample code into some directory foo
o open a command shell and set your GOPATH variable to path-to-foo/p3/hw5
o cd into p3/hw5
o run the command go install histogram tryit
The histogram package contains the histogram code, and tryit is the main package. So after
running go install as above, you should be able to run bin/tryit. (It will panic with the
message “TODO”). The main function is already implemented, but you will need to edit it to try
out your histogram code in different ways.
In this problem, we will represent a histogram with the following struct:
type Hist struct {
Bins []int
NumSamples int
The histogram package should include the following functions:
– Make, which randomly generates a histogram sequentially. It takes the
number of samples and an upper bound. It returns a Hist
– MakeInParallel, which generates a histogram in parallel. It takes the
number of samples, an upper bound, and the number of workers to be used.
It returns a Hist.
Additionally, you should write a Merge method(see
for the Hist type such that:
– it merges a given Hist instance into a receiver Hist.
– the receiver should be a Hist pointer
– the only parameter is another Hist
– the return type should be a boolean err, which is set to true if these
Hist instances’ bins are of differing size.
– if upon return err is true, then the receiver should not have been
Make sure that your MakeInParallel() implementation uses this Merge method
to merge histograms as they arrive from the workers.