General instructions
• When submitting modifications of existing code, please do not reformat any sections of
the code that you did not explicitly have to change. We need to be able to diff your
submission against the original to see exactly what was changed.
• Submit an archive on Canvas containing all classes originally posted as
1. a) The package hw2.worker contains an application that is somewhat similar to the original
client program from Homework 1. There is a GUI that keeps a local list of “staff information”
that can be browsed. There is a box into which a name can be entered, and then the “add” button
will use a very slow service to look up information for that name, and then add the information
to the list. Two versions of the main class are included:
• ListDemo1 does not use an auxiliary thread to do the lookup, and the GUI is therefore
locked up for the duration.
• ListDemo2 is an initial attempt to use an auxiliary thread, but it suffers from race
conditions, as it violates the single-thread rule (see Section 9.1.2 of JCIP).
Modify ListDemo2 to resolve the race conditions, using the existing inner class LookupWorker.
(Remember that using the synchronized keyword for methods that access Swing components is
generally never going to work.)
b) The hw2.function_plotter package is a simple program for graphing functions. The main
logic is in the class FunctionPlotter, and there is a text-based user interface you can run in
FunctionPlotterMain. The FunctionPlotter starts up a Swing application, GraphWindow,
that displays a graph of the function. Take a look at the and try running it. It may work fine, or
not, but it has some violations of the Swing single-thread rule. Modify the GraphWindow code to
fix these problems. (You should not need to modify any of the other files.)
2. The class hw2.FileLogger is an attempt to implement a logging utility whose output goes to
a text file. It is a terrible implementation. Every log message requires a disk access, so there
would be a major impact on performance, and it isn’t safe for use by multiple threads. Fix it
using the following ideas:
– The log messages should go into a bounded thread-safe queue.
– A background thread reads the messages from the queue and writes them to the file.
– It is reasonable to expect the writers to block briefly if the queue is full, but the writers should
not normally be blocked while the file is being written. (Note that the BlockingQueue interface
includes a method drainTo that removes all elements of a queue in a single operation.)
You should not modify the public API for the logger.
3. a) Read the API for java.util.concurrent.CountDownLatch. The class javadoc includes
a detailed example. Using the example given there as a guide, modify our hw2.Incrementer
example to use a CountDownLatch to start and join the worker threads.
b) Implement your own hw2.CountDownLatch including just the two methods await and
countDown from the API, using wait/notify/notifyAll. Modify the package declaration in your
Incrementer to try it out.
4. The class hw2.list.LinkedList is a simplified singly-linked list implementation. There is
also an interface for a simplified list iterator containing only methods hasNext(), next() and
add(item). There is no provision for removing elements, but new elements can be added via the
list iterator. In this problem, we explore two ways to provide multiple threads with a consistent
snapshot of the list while allowing traversals to occur concurrently and allowing the list to
mutate and keeping copying to a minimum. Initially the classes ImmutableList and
VersionedList are identical to hw2.list.LinkedList except for the renaming.
a) Modify ImmutableList for concurrent iteration by using immutable nodes. Once the iterator
object is obtained, no further synchronization should be necessary for a thread to traverse the list,
and the thread should see a valid snapshot of the list as it existed when the iterator was created.
Since the links are immutable, in order to add an element, the preceding nodes of the list have to
be copied (including the list’s head node). Since multiple threads may try to add() at the same
time, this operation needs to be done under synchronization (that is, calls to add() are atomic
with respect to one another and the effects of one add() must be visible to the next add() and
subsequently created iterators).
When a thread attempts to use an iterator’s add(X) operation at position cursor, it must go back
to the current head of the list in order to copy all nodes preceding Note that an
iterator may not always be able to successfully add to the list. It may be the case that this
iterator’s node is no longer reachable from the list’s head. (This happens if some
other iterator has updated a sufficiently large prefix of the list.) So, if the Node instance pointed
to by this iterator’s no longer appears in the list, then we cannot add in an item to
precede In this case, the add(X) attempt should fail by throwing a
On the other hand, if (under synchronization) this iterator finds that the object instance pointed to
by is still reachable from the head, then our call to add(X) should succeed. By
succeed, we mean that we can add a node with item X directly preceding Then
make node copies going backwards from our newly added node back through head. Lastly, we
update head so that subsequently created iterators will then begin by traversing our new node
b) Modify VersionedList for concurrent iteration by using versioned iterators. This time, we
want to leave the next links from one node to the next as mutable. Because these pointers may
be mutated by iterators in different threads, accesses and updates by these iterators need to be
synchronized. However, we don’t want one iterator’s accesses to unnecessarily block the progress
of another iterator. We want threads to be able to iterate over the list concurrently. (Thus, each
node needs its own lock.)
We also want an iterator to “view” the list as it was when the iterator was created. To make the
iterator have a consistent “snapshot”, make the iterator’s next() method skip over any nodes that
were added after the iterator was created. This is most easily done with version numbers: create
each node with a unique, sequentially assigned ID number, and let the list’s current version be
the max ID number of any node it contains. To get our consistent snapshot, an iterator created
when the list has version V should only “see” (i.e. return from next()) those nodes with IDs less
than or equal to V.
A thread calling add() on its iterator can always (eventually) successfully insert an item directly
after that iterator’s current cursor. Thus, the add() operation does not ever need to throw a