Com S 336 Homework 1 solved


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1. (Please turn in two new files named problem1.html and problem1.js.) Modify GL_example1a_with_animation so that : • instead of a red unit square on a cyan background, it draws a blue equilateral triangle with sides of length 1 on a yellow background • instead of moving back and forth, it moves so that its center travels in a circle of radius 0.8 at a rate of one degree per frame • the page has a text box for entering a scale factor (this should scale the triangle, not the radius)

This is pretty straightforward, you’ll just need another uniform variable for the y shift (or use a vec2). To calculate the position, use the sine and cosine functions as pictured below. Trig functions are available in JavaScript as Math.cos(), Math.sin(), and of course you might also need Math.PI. (Remember the JS trig functions expect radian measure! If you wish, you can use the handy function toRadians in util/cs336util.js.)

The html code for a text box looks like: Scale: where value is the default text and size is the width. To get the value, use the built-in JS function parseFloat, e.g., let scale = parseFloat(document.getElementById(“scaleBox”).value); See the sample code examples/intro/text_box.html for an example using a text box and attaching a handler.

Remember: you don’t want to reload new vertices when the scale changes! Just use a multiplier in the vertex shader. (As a warm-up, try modifying the vertex shader for GL_example1a_with_animation to make the square one-quarter it’s initial size.)

2. (Please turn in two new files named problem2.html and problem2.js.) Modify GL_Example1a to draw a regular N-gon instead of a square. It is not hard to compute the coordinates in a loop using the sine and cosine functions as pictured below. If you have not used JS arrays before, note you can append elements using the push() method (like a Java ArrayList).

Trig functions are available in JS as Math.cos(), Math.sin(), and you might also need Math.PI. Scale the radius down to 0.8 so it’s all visible. N should be selectable via an html text box. You should load the new vertex data into the buffer only when a new value of N is selected, not every frame.

See the sample code examples/intro/text_box.html for an example using a text box and attaching a handler. Note: Remember that the argument to the constructor Float32Array or Uint16Array is a JavaScript array, not a sequence of numbers. That is, we can write var myVertices = new Float32Array([1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0]); but NOT var myVertices = new Float32Array(1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0); To fill in the circle, you can use any strategy you want but the “obvious” one is list the coordinates counterclockwise and put (0, 0) at the beginning of the buffer and use TRIANGLE_FAN.

3. (Please turn in your modified version of color_interpolator.js.) Write a JavaScript function findRGB that performs interpolation of colors associated with the corners of an isosceles triangle (simulating what is done by the rasterizer in GL_example2). That is, given the base and height of the triangle, colors for the three corners, and an integer x and y offset within the triangle, find the interpolated values for red, green, and blue at (x, y). (Don’t worry about alpha here, assume it’s always 1.0.)

The exact signature for the function is in the file color_interpolator.js along with a definition for a simple type representing an RGBA color. There are several ways you could do this. One is to use a Fahrenheit-to-Celsius conversion to find interpolated values at P’ and Q’ along the vertical legs of the triangle, and then do it again to interpolate horizontally between those two values. Note you’ll have to separately interpolate values for red, green, and blue. A slicker and more general solution would be to use barycentric coordinates, this is optional. If you are interested, maybe see to get started.

4. (Please turn in the two new files problem4.html and problem4.js.) We have seen in GL_example1 how to use a uniform variable in a shader to shift a figure to the left or right, and we have seen in GL_example2 how to use varying variables to have colors associated with vertices interpolated across a triangle.

Based on these examples, create files problem4.js and problem4.html as follows: a) Draw a colored triangle, similar to the figure above, shifted to the left side of the canvas and draw a solid colored square shifted to the right side. You’ll need a different shader for each figure. The one on the left can adapt the shader from GL_example2_varying_variables and the one on the right can adapt the shader from GL_example1a_with_uniform_color (you’ll need to be able to set the color from your JS code). b) Add a mouse handler that, when the mouse is clicked on the left triangle, the handler will use your function from problem 3 to calculate what color would be at that pixel, and the application then sets the right-hand square to be that color. (A rudimentary colorpicker!)

Please note you are not trying to “sample” from the framebuffer to see what color is there – you’re just using the function from #3 to simulate what the rasterizer would have done to interpolate the color. For simplicity you may hard-code the canvas size as 400×400, the triangle coordinates as (-.5, -.75), (.5, -.75), and (0, .75), and the left shift amount as -0.5.

Then the canvas coordinates for your triangle would always be (0, 50), (200, 50), and (100, 350). If the mouse is clicked outside the triangle, you can ignore the click. See examples/intro/mouse.html for how to get the mouse coordinates.