Com S 228 Homework 2: Sorting 2D Integer Points solved


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1. Project Overview

In this project, you are asked to read an input set of 2D integer points in a coordinate plane.
The goal is to find the median coordinate point, whose π‘₯-coordinate is equal to the median of
the π‘₯-coordinates of the input points and its 𝑦-coordinate is equal to the median of their 𝑦-
coordinates. Finding the median π‘₯- and 𝑦-coordinates is done by sorting the points separately
by the corresponding coordinate.

You need to read the input points four times, each time using one of the following four sorting
algorithms: selection sort, insertion sort, merge sort, and quicksort. Note that the same sorting
algorithm must be used in both rounds of sorting after the points have been read.

We make the following two assumptions:
a) All input points have integer coordinates ranging between βˆ’50 and 50 inclusive.
b)The input points may have duplicates.

The rectangular range [βˆ’50, 50] Γ— [βˆ’50, 50] is big enough to contain 10,201 points with integer
coordinates. The input points will be either generated randomly or read from an input file.
Duplicates may be present. It is unnecessary to test your code on more than 10,201 points.

1.1 Point Class and Comparison Methods
The Point class implements the Comparable interface. Its compareTo() method compares the
π‘₯- or 𝑦- coordinates of two points. In case two points have the same value along one
coordinate, compare the values of the other coordinate.

1.2 Sorter Classes
Selection sort, insertion sort, merge sort, and quicksort are respectively implemented by the
classes SelectionSorter, InsertionSorter, MergeSorter, and QuickSorter, all of which
extend the abstract class AbstractSorter. The abstract class has one constructor awaiting
your implementation:
protected AbstractSorter(Point[] pts) throws IllegalArgumentException

The constructor takes an existing array pts[] of points, and copies it over to the array
points[]. It throws an IllegalArgumentException if pts == null or pts.length == 0.
Besides having an array points[] to store points, AbstractSorter also includes two
instance variables.

β€’ algorithm: type of sorting algorithm to be initialized by a child constructor.
β€’ pointComparator: comparator used for point comparison. Set by calling
setComparator(). It compares two points by their π‘₯-coordinates or 𝑦-coordinates

The method sort() conducts sorting, for which the algorithm is determined by the dynamic type
of the AbstractSorter. The method setComparator() must have been called beforehand to
generate an appropriate comparator for sorting by the π‘₯-coordinate or 𝑦-coordinate.

The class also provides two methods getPoints() to get the contents of the array points[],
and getMedian() to return the element with the median index in points[].
Each of the four subclasses SelectionSorter, InsertionSorter, MergeSorter, and
QuickSorter has a constructor that needs to call the superclass constructor.

1.3 PointScanner Class
This class has two constructors. Both accept one type of sorting algorithm. The first
constructor reads points from an array. The second one reads points from an input file of
integers, where every pair of integers represents the π‘₯ and 𝑦-coordinates of one point. A
FileNotFoundException will be thrown if no file by the inputFileName exists, and an
InputMismathException will be thrown if the file consists of an odd number of integers.

There is no need to check if the input file contains unneeded characters like letters since they
can be taken care of by the hasNextInt() and nextInt() methods of a Scanner object.

Integer values may be separated by tab, newline and/or space(s).For example, suppose a file
points.txt has the following content:
0 0 -3 -9 0 -10
8 4 3 3 -6
3 -2 1
10 5 -7 -10
5 -2
7 3 10 5
-7 -10 0 8
-1 -6
-10 0
5 5

There are 34 integers in the file. A call
PointScanner(β€œpoints.txt”, Algorithm.QuickSort)
will initialize the array points[] to store 17 points below:
(0, 0)
(-3, -9)
(0, -10)
(8, 4)
(3, 3)
(-6, 3)
(-2, 1)
(10, 5)
(-7, -10)
(5, -2)
(7, 3)
(10, 5)
(-7, -10)
(0, 8)
(-1, -6)
(-10, 0)
(5, 5)

Note that the points (-7, -10) and (10, 5) each appear twice in the input.
The 17 points have π‘₯-coordinates in the following sequence:
0, -3, 0, 8, 3, -6, -2, 10, -7, 5, 7, 10, -7, 0, -1, -10, 5
which, after sorted in the non-decreasing order, becomes,
-10, -7, -7, -6, -3, -2, -1, 0, 0, 0, 3, 5, 5, 7, 8, 10, 10

Since the largest index in the private array points[] storing the points is 16, the median is 0
at the index 16 / 2 = 8. (Note that integer division in Java truncates the fractional part, if any,
of the result.) Similarly, the above points have 𝑦-coordinates in the following sequence:
0, -9, -10, 4, 3, 3, 1, 5, -10, -2, 3, 5, -10, 8, -6, 0, 5
which is in the non-decreasing order below:
-10, -10, -10, -9, -6, -2, 0, 0, 1, 3, 3, 3, 4, 5, 5, 5, 8

The median y-coordinate is 1 at the index 8. The median coordinate point is therefore (0, 1),
colored blue in Fig. 1, which does not coincide with any of the input points.

Fig. 1. Sample input set containing 15 different points with median coordinate point at (0, 1).
Determination of the median coordinate point is carried out by the method scan() of the class
by sorting the points by π‘₯- and 𝑦-coordinates, respectively. After these two sorting rounds, the
method sets the value of medianCoordinatePoint to the MCP.

Besides using an array points[] to store points and medianCoordinatePoint to store the
MCP, the PointScanner class also includes several other instance variables.
β€’ sortingAlgorithm: type of sorting algorithm. Initialized by a constructor.
β€’ scanTime: sorting time in nanoseconds. This sums up the times spent on two rounds
of sorting per algorithm. Within sort() use the System.nanoTime() method.

2. Compare Sorting Algorithms

The class CompareSorters uses the class PointScanner to scan points randomly generated
or read from files four times, each time using a different sorting algorithm. Multiple input
rounds are allowed. In each round, the main() method compares the execution times of the
four scans of the same input sequence.

The round proceeds as follows:
a) Create an array of randomly generated integers, if needed.
b) Construct four PointScanner objects over the point array, each with a different
algorithm (i.e., a different value for the parameter algo of the constructor).
c) Have every created PointScanner objects call scan().
d) At the end of the round, output the statistics by having every PointScanner object call
the stats() method.

Below is a sample execution sequence with running times.
Performances of Four Sorting Algorithms in Point Scanning
keys: 1 (random integers) 2 (file input) 3 (exit)
Trial 1: 1
Enter number of random points: 1000
algorithm size time (ns)
SelectionSort 1000 49631547
InsertionSort 1000 22604220
MergeSort 1000 2057874
QuickSort 1000 1537183
Trial 2: 2
Points from a file
File name: points.txt
algorithm size time (ns)
SelectionSort 1000 3887008
InsertionSort 1000 9841766
MergeSort 1000 1972146
QuickSort 1000 888098

Your code needs to print out the above text messages for user interactions. Entries in
every column of the output table should be aligned.

3. Random Point Generation

To test your code, you may generate random points within the range [βˆ’50, 50] Γ— [βˆ’50, 50].
Such a point has its π‘₯- and 𝑦-coordinates generated separately as pseudo-random numbers
within the range [βˆ’50, 50].

You already had experience with random number generation from
Project 1. Import the Java package java.util.Random. Next, declare and initiate a
Random object like below
Random generator = new Random();

Then, the expression
generator.nextInt(101) – 50
will generate a pseudo-random number between -50 and 50 every time it is executed.

4. Submission
Write your classes in the edu.iastate.cs228.hw2 package. Turn in the zip file, not your
class files. Zip all source files and no class files.

You are not required to submit any JUnit test cases. Nevertheless, you are encouraged to
write JUnit tests for your code. Since these tests will not be submitted, feel free to share them
with other students.

Include the Javadoc tag @author in every class source file you have made changes to. Your
zip file should be named

5. Hints
a. When writing a comparator class, you can wrap its method around an existing
compareTo() method.
b. The implementation of MergeSort is much easier if method(s) return arrays as return
values, and not as parameters.