CMSI 371 Assignment 4: Shading via Illumination and Colors solution


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Given a scene, our goal is to generate objects using hierarchical modeling (based on
assignment 3) and add shading (colors) to these objects by defining a light source (a
3-dimensional vector), computing the surface normals, and generating the observed colors
using Gouraud shading.
Note that we define the illumination (e.g. the observed colors) as follows:
Note: you may reuse the objects you defined in assignment 3, but you also MUST make sure
that you have sufficient objects in the scene to make it look interesting (at least a few colors)
Once you have defined an object, I would suggest keeping the operations that generate the
object as a standalone function (e.g. build_chair(…) for generating a chair) such that you may
call these functions to quickly prototype a scene.
We will be working with an ObjectModel class which contains 4 vector objects, holding
information about the points defining each plane, their respective base colors, their normals
(each point on the plane should have the same normal) and the actual observed colors.
I have provided you with an overloaded function init_base_color, which you can use to define
the base colors for each plane (to color a cube, for example, you will need to call this 6 times).
There are 3 portions for this assignment: 1) generating surface normals, 2) applying Gouraud
shading, 3) rendering objects with colors based on camera and light source positions.
The next section of the specification will detail the road map for these portions.
Surface Normals
In order to know how light will interact with an object, we must know the object’s surface normal,
which can be obtained using the cross product of two vectors on the object surface (which is a
plane where normals are well-defined). You will implement the cross_product method and use
it to implement the generate_normals method.
Gouraud Shading
We will implement our shading equation which models how an object will be illuminated. You
will implement the dot_product method in order to measure the strength of the light rays
reflecting off an object. We will use the dot_product to implement the apply_shading method.
Note: for this assignment we are implementing Gouraud shading, which includes the
interpolation of the colors between each point defining the surface. Luckily the interpolation is
already taken care of by OpenGL so all we will need to do is to define the observed colors for
each point via the shading equation.
Rendering Objects with Colors
In the previous assignment, we simply let the colors be defined as a static base color value
(randomly generated). We now know how light behaves and how we should model its
interaction with objects. Hence, we will need to populate each member of ObjectModel. The
scene will be constructed using the defined points. The set of base colors of the scene will be
stored in base_colors.
The apply_shading method will be used to generate the actual observed colors using the
surface normals, light source, and camera. The observed colors are stored as the color member
of ObjectModel.
You will submit the following to Bright Space:
1) assignment4.cpp
2) Either 6 different viewpoints taken from different angles of you scene submitted as
JPEG, JPG or PNG with the names: view{1,2,3,4,5,6}.{jpeg, jpg, png}
or a short video panning over regions of your scene
3) A photo in the form of JPEG, JPG or PNG (scene.{jpeg, jpg, png}) taken of the scene
with which you are basing your model on
I will be compiling the assignment using the following command:
g++ -o assignment4 assignment4.cpp -lglut -lGLU -lGL
Your code must compile for me to assign points!
Your assignment will be graded on:
1) the correctness of your implementation of the surface normals
2) the correctness of your implementation of the illumination equation
3) effort placed recreating the real world scene
Late Policy:
For each day the assignment is late, 50% of its worth will be deducted, e.g. 100% on time, 50%
1 day late, 25% 2 days late, etc.