This programming assignment is intended to give you experience in developing client-server programs that utilize TCP sockets for communication over the Internet, and I/O multiplexing to
achieve concurrency in data processing.
The chat client-server program specified in Assignment 2 relies on FIFOs (named pipes) for interprocess communication. Thus, its use is limited to users that share the same host computer. In this
assignment you are asked to write a C/C++ program, called a3chat that extends the functionalities of a2chat so that multiple users on the same host, or on different hosts connected by the
Internet can chat with each other. The program can be invoked as a server or client using:
% a3chat -s portnumber nclient
% a3chat -c portnumber serverAddress
• portnumber specifies the port used by the server to listen to incoming connections. (To
avoid port number conflicts when running servers in the lab, use port number 9xxx where
xxx is the last 3 digits of your student ID number.)
• serverAddress is the IP address of the server’s host specified either as a symbolic name
(e.g.,, or localhost), or in dotted-decimal notation (e.g.,
• nclient specifies the maximum number of clients that can be connected to the server at
any instant. For simplicity, assume that nclient ≤ 5.
The Client Loop
On start, the client resolves serverAddress (e.g., by calling gethostbyname()) to get the
server’s IP address. The client then prompts the user to enter a command line by displaying a
suitable prompt message (e.g., “a3chat client:”).
Example: % a3chat -c 9123
Chat client begins (server ’’ [], port 9123)
Copyright Notice: Copyright by CMPUT 379, U. of Alberta, course instructor (E. Elmallah). All rights reserved. Do not post any part on a
publicly-available Web site.
In general, each iteration of the client loop polls the stdin for a command line. The client
sends each valid command line to the server, waits for the server’s response line, and processes the
response line.
If the command is ’open username’, the client attempts to connect to the server. The
attempt may fail if the server is not running, or if the server responds with an error message (see
the ’open’ command below for more details).
In addition, if the client is in a connected state, the client also polls the specific (full duplex)
socket used for communication with the server. If connected, the client also processes the chat
lines received from the server. The prompt message should appear after displaying any data to the
Detecting crashed clients. To help in detecting a client that has terminated unexpectedly,
we also require each client that has a TCP connection to the server to periodically send a special
message to the server, called the keepalive message (see the details below).
The Server Loop
On start, the server displays a suitable message indicating the values specified on the command
Example: % a3chat -s 9123 5
Chat server begins [port= 9123] [nclient= 5]
Each iteration of the server loop polls its listening socket (used to detect incoming connections),
the stdin, and any possible connected client socket. The server processes each command line,
forms a response line (if needed), and sends the response line to the client. Commands that cause
the server to forward a chat line to multiple recipients generate a line for each recipient. Note
that all communication between clients go through the server; there is no direct communication
between any two clients. The exit command issued from the server’s stdin terminates the server.
On a successful execution of a client’s command by the server, the server sends the client
a response line that starts with “[server]” followed by some suitable information about the
execution of the command (or, just “[server] done” if there is no such information). On a
failed execution of the command, the server’s response line starts with “[server] Error:”
followed by an explanation of the error.
Detecting crashed clients. The server also keeps track of the periodic keepalive messages
received from each TCP connected client. If a connected client stops transmitting such messages
for a prescribed consecutive number of periods, the server assumes that the client has terminated
unexpectedly. The server should close the TCP connection, logs out the client (if the client has an
ongoing chat session), and releases any allocated resources.
The Chat Protocol
Similar to Assignment 2, a chat client utilizes the chat service by issuing a sequence of command
lines from the following list. As mentioned above, each command line is typically transmitted to
the server, and the client program waits to display the server’s response.
Copyright Notice: Copyright by CMPUT 379, U. of Alberta, course instructor (E. Elmallah). All rights reserved. Do not post any part on a
publicly-available Web site.
1. open username: Attempts to open a TCP connection to the server. If successful, send the
command to request the server to open a new chatting session using the specified username
as the user’s name.
For an unconnected client, the command fails to establish a connection if the server is not
running. For a connected client, the command fails to open a new session if either (a) the
server has reached the client limit specified by nclient, (b) the client has a session already going on, or (c) there is another client that uses the specified username for chatting.
If the command succeeds, the server acknowledges both the connection establishment and
registering the user.
Example: % a3chat -c 9123 localhost
Chat client begins (server ’localhost’ [], port 9123)
a3chat_client: open ibm
[server] connected
[server] User ’ibm’ logged in
2. who: Get a list of the logged in users.
Example: a3chat_client: who
[server]: Current users: ibm, dell
3. to user1 user2 · · ·: Add the specified users to the list of recipients.
Example: a3chat_client: to apple ibm dell unknown
[server] recipients added: apple, ibm, dell
In the above example, there is no client with the name “unknown”. The server just ignores
such username.
4. < chat line: Send chat line to all specified recipients.
Example: a3chat_client: < Let’s start the weekly meeting
[dell] Let’s start the weekly meeting
In the example, user dell is both a sender and recipient. In response, the server forwards
the chat line prefixed with the sender’s name in brackets to all recipients.
5. close: Close the current chat session without terminating the client program. The user may
subsequently open a new session with a different username.
Example: a3chat_client: close
[server] done
Note: the server is not required to notify other clients that a session has been closed.
6. exit: Close the current chat session, and terminate the client program. If the exit command
is received from a client, the server does not generate a response line. Otherwise (if the
command is generated from the server’s stdin), the server terminates.
Copyright Notice: Copyright by CMPUT 379, U. of Alberta, course instructor (E. Elmallah). All rights reserved. Do not post any part on a
publicly-available Web site.
Keepalive Messages
As mentioned above, keepalive messages are sent periodically from each client with a TCP connection to the server. The following parameters defines the contents and periodicity of the messages
(with some example values):
#define KAL_char 0x6 // A non-printable character (e.g., ACK)
#define KAL_length 5 // Number of KAL_char in one keepalive message
#define KAL_interval 1.5 // Client sends a keepalive message every 1.5 seconds
#define KAL_count 5 // Number of consecutive keepalive messages that needs
// to be missed for the server to consider that the client
// has terminated unexpectedly
The parameters are used as follows:
– A keepalive message is composed of KAL length repetitions of character KAL char.
– A client with a TCP connection to the server is expected to send a keepalive message every
KAL interval seconds.
– If the server does not receive KAL count consecutive keepalive messages from the client
on time, the server assumes that the client has terminated unexpectedly. If so, the server logs
out the user (if the client has an ongoing chat session), closes the socket, and frees other
resources that may have been allocated to the client.
Activity Reports
In addition, the server is required to keep track of the last time a logged in client has sent a message
to the server, and display an activity report of all logged in clients and their recorded times. Keeping
track of the last time a logged in client has interacted with the server (by sending some command to
the server) enables the server to identify clients that become idle for prolonged times. As well, the
server should report any client that has been disconnected due to the lack of receiving the required
number of consecutive keepalive messages on time.
The activity report should be displayed periodically (approximately) every 15 seconds in an
automatic way. Note that the server does not use the recorded times for any purpose other than
displaying them periodically for information.
Example: …
activity report:
’ibm’ [sockfd= 4]:Tue Mar 2 21:42:34 2017
’dell’ [sockfd= 5]:Tue Mar 2 21:42:48 2017
’apple’ [sockfd= 6]:Tue Mar 2 21:42:00 2017
’LG’ [sockfd= 7]: loss of keepalive messages detected at …, connection closed
Note: You may implement this feature using, e.g., UNIX calendar times (see, e.g., functions
time() and ctime()), the alarm() system call, and/or threads.
Copyright Notice: Copyright by CMPUT 379, U. of Alberta, course instructor (E. Elmallah). All rights reserved. Do not post any part on a
publicly-available Web site.
More Details
1. This is an individual assignment. Do not share code.
2. Although many details about this assignment are given in this description, there are many
other design decisions that are left for you to make. In such cases, you should make reasonable design decisions that do not contradict the specifications and do not significantly change
the purpose of the assignment. Document such design decisions in your source code, and
discuss them in your report. Of course, you may ask questions about this assignment (e.g.,
in the Discussion Forum) and we may choose to provide more information or provide some
clarification. However, the basic requirements of this assignment will not change.
3. When developing and testing your program, make sure you clean up all processes before
you logout of a workstation. Marks will be deducted for processes left on workstations.
1. All programs should compile and run on the lab machines.
2. Make sure your programs compile and run in a fresh directory.
3. Your work (including a Makefile) should be combined into a single tar archive ’submit.tar’.
(a) Executing ‘make’ should produce the required executable file(s).
(b) Executing ‘make clean’ should remove all files produced in compilation, and all unused
(c) Executing ‘make tar’ should produce the ‘submit.tar’ archive.
(d) Your code should include suitable internal documentation of the key functions.
4. Typeset a project report (e.g., one to three pages either in HTML or PDF) with the following
(minimal set of) sections:
– Objectives: state the project objectives and value from your point of view (which may be
different from the one mentioned above)
– Design Overview: highlight in point-form the important features of your design
– Project Status: describe the status of your project; mention difficulties encountered in
the implementation
– Testing and Results: comment on how you tested your implementation
– Acknowledgments: acknowledge sources of assistance
5. Upload your tar archive using the Assignment #3 submission/feedback link on the course’s
web page. Late submission (through the above link) is available for 24 hours for a penalty
of 10%.
6. It is strongly suggested that you submit early and submit often. Only your last successful
submission will be used for grading.
Copyright Notice: Copyright by CMPUT 379, U. of Alberta, course instructor (E. Elmallah). All rights reserved. Do not post any part on a
publicly-available Web site.
Roughly speaking, the breakdown of marks is as follows:
17% : successful compilation of a complete program that is: modular, logically organized, easy
to read and understand, and includes error checking after important function calls
03% : ease of managing the project using the makefile
70% : correctness of executing the a3chat program
10% : quality of the information provided in the project report