CMPUT 274 Assignment 3 solved


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1 Written Questions

Question 1: (20 points)

An important application of binary trees is to represent the structure of an arithmetic computation.
Example Expression Tree: 6 x 3 + (4 – 1)
6 3

4 1
a) Sketch the following binary expression trees:
1. 3−2
0.5 × ((9 − 5) + 2) − (7 ×
4 + 9)
2. (
5 × (N − M × 2M) − (7 × 12 + 9)

b) Explain how the order of operations are executed in terms of the levels in an arithmetic expression
Hint: Think of the first and last operations executed in an arithmetic expression tree.

2 Coding Questions

Question 1 (35 Points)

Overview: Trees are an important non-linear data structure that allows us to express many different
kinds of structural and hierarchical relationships. Although a binary tree is one of the more common
types of trees you’d encounter, it is important to note that a tree’s nodes can have an arbitrary number
of children.

Your task here is simple: given an array-based representation of a general tree, construct a tree from
the input using the provided TreeNode class. You will write the function read tree() that will read
the general tree from standard input and return the root of the tree as a TreeNode object.

The first line of the input will provide n and d. n represents the length of the array-based representation
and d represents the maximum degree a node can have. Not all nodes will have d children and so the
dash character – represents an empty child.

The second line of the input is a list of n space-separated strings that represents the tree as an array.
Each string represents a page/node in the tree and the dash character (-) represents an empty child
and should be ignored.

You will be provided a TreeNode class in a separate file This file will be imported in
your solution and its notable methods are:
• a = TreeNode(’A’): Constructs a TreeNode with a value of ’A’ and store it in a variable a.
• a.get value() returns the value of the node A.
• a.get children() returns a list of TreeNode objects that are the children of the node a.
• a.add child(child) adds a TreeNode object, child, to the list of a’s children.
• a.print tree() prints the tree to standard output. Each line in the output will have the
following format: NODE -> CHILDA CHILDB CHILDC …

Example Input #1:
12 3
W A B X C – – D E F G H
Example Output of read tree().print tree():
W -> A B X
A -> C
B -> D E F
X -> G H
Example Tree #1:
Example Input #2:
24 3
W A B C D E – F G H I J – X – – – – – – – – K L
Example Output of read tree().print tree():
W -> A B C
A -> D E
D -> X
B -> F G H
F -> K L
C -> I J
Example Tree #2:


• A node’s value can either be a single character (eg. A) or a sequence of characters (eg. AA, AB).
• At least one node will have d children.
• Children should be added to a node in the order they appear in the input.
• The dash character – indicates an empty child and should not be added as a node.
• Do not modify the main() function.
• Do not modify the provided file. You also do not need to submit the file.

Marking Rubric: This question will be marked out of 35 for correctness (pass test cases):
• 35/35: Pass all 10 of the test cases
• 21/35: Pass any 6 (or more) of the test cases
• 14/35: Pass any 3 (or more) of the test cases
• 7/35: Pass any of the test cases

Question 2 (35 points)

Overview: In this question, your task will be to implement a few methods of the class LinkedList
which implements the linked list data structure. Use the existing methods of the LinkedList class to
help implement the required methods.

You will be provided a LinkedList class. The class includes various methods you to help you complete
the assignment:
• llist = LinkedList(): Constructs a LinkedList object. Each linked list is constructed of
Node() objects.

• llist.head returns the pointer to the head node of the linked list.
• llist.insertAtBegin(self, data) adds a node to the beginning of the linked list with a value
of data.
• llist.insertAtIndex(self, data, index) adds a node at index. Indexing starts from 0.
• llist.insertAtEnd(self, data) adds a node to the end of the linked list with a value of data.
• llist.updateNode(self, val, index) updates the node at index to the value val.
• llist.sizeOfLL(self) returns the size of the linked list (number of nodes).

You will be provided a Node class. The node class only contains two attributes and no methods. Node
objects construct a linked list.
• node = Node(): Constructs a Node object.
• returns the value stored at the current node.
• returns the pointer to the next node in the linked list.
Hint: You can create new pointers to nodes of the linked list. For example, current node =
self.head will create a new pointer to the head of the linked list object, which you can use to
iterate through the linked list.

Remove Duplicates
Description: Implement the method remove duplicates() that removes all duplicate nodes from a
singly linked list while preserving the original order of the first occurrence of each value. A node is
considered a duplicate if its value matches any previously seen values in the linked list.
llist = 3 -> 2 -> 0 -> -4 -> 2
result: 3 -> 2 -> 0 -> -4
llist = 1 -> 2
result: 1 -> 2
llist = 6 -> 5 -> 6 -> 7
result: 6 -> 5 -> 7
llist = 1 -> 1 -> 2
result: 1 -> 2
llist = 4 -> 3 -> 2 -> 3 -> 1 -> 2
result: 4 -> 3 -> 2 -> 1


• The linked list can contain any number of duplicates
• The first occurrence of each duplicate value should be preserved
• 1 ≤ len(llist) ≤ 100
• The linked list nodes should remain in the same relative order after duplication removal (i.e., no

• The linked list node values will consist of integers only
• You cannot call the Node() constructor or the LinkedList() constructor to instantiate new
objects. You must instead create new pointers to nodes in the linked list and reassign pointers
in the linked list.
• You can create any new methods in the linked list or node class.

Description: Implement the method merge(self, llist2) that merges two sorted singly linked lists
together. The method must merge the nodes in place. This means that the reversal must be performed
within the existing linked list structure without instantiating any new node or linked list objects. The
result must add all the nodes from the llist2 object that is passed to the method into the linked list
the method is called on. The resulting merged linked list must maintain the sorted order after merging.
llist1 = 1 -> 3 -> 5
llist2 = 2 -> 4 -> 6
Result: 1 -> 2 -> 3 -> 4 -> 5 -> 6
llist1 = 2
llist2 = 1 -> 3
Result: 1 -> 2 -> 3
llist1 = 1 -> 8
llist2 = 1 -> 4 -> 6
Result: 1 -> 1 -> 4 -> 6 -> 8

• If one list is longer than the other, append the remaining nodes of the longer list at the end.
• Both linked lists will have at least one node.
• Both linked lists are sorted in ascending order.
• Both linked lists only contains integers for their data values.
• You cannot call the Node() constructor or the LinkedList() constructor to instantiate new
objects. You must instead create new pointers to nodes in the linked list and reassign pointers
in the linked list.

• You can create any new methods in the linked list or node class.

Marking Rubric: This question will be marked out of 35 for correctness (pass test cases):
• 35/35: Pass all 20 of the test cases
• 21/35: Pass any 15 (or more) of the test cases
• 14/35: Pass any 10 (or more) of the test cases
• 7/35: Pass any of the test cases
3 Writing and testing your solution
For the programming questions, you should edit the provided files and add your solution. You can
check your solution by running You can see the output of your program in the Output/
folder, and any errors in the Error/ folder.

Please do not change the driver file, only edit the solution file.
You can run the driver in a terminal as follows (assuming your working directory is the assignment
$ cd a s si gnmen t 1
$ cd Que s ti on 1
$ python3 d r i v e r . py
All t e s t s p a s sed !
Please add your name, student number, ccid, operating system and python version at the top of each
solution file by replacing the provided comments.

4 Submission Instructions (10 points)
Please follow these submission instructions carefully. Correctly submitting all files is worth 10 points.
In these files, you must replace ccid with your own ccid. Your ccid is the first part of your UAlberta
email ( Do not zip any of these files. Please submit the following files to eclass:
• ccid writtenQuestions.pdf : Your answers to all written questions should be in this one pdf

• ccid : Edit the provided file for question 1. After your solution passes
all test cases (which you must test using the driver), rename the file to include your ccid, that
is, ccid and submit it to eclass.
• ccid : Edit the provided file for question 2. After your solution passes
all test cases (which you must test using the driver), rename the file to include your ccid, that
is, ccid and submit it to eclass.