CMPUT 175 – Lab 7: Linked Lists solved


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Goal: Learn about singly and doubly-linked lists, and learn to test your methods using assert
statements rather than comparing to sample output.

Exercise 1:
In this task, you will complete the insert(pos, item) method for the singly-linked list. Recall that
insert adds a new node (containing the item as its data) at the given position in the list. For
example, if pos is 0, then the new node goes at the beginning (head) of the list. pos must be an
integer, and for this exercise, cannot be negative.

1. Download and save from eClass. There are 2 classes in the file: the
SLinkedListNode class, and the SLinkedList class. The SLinkedListNode class is already
completed for you, based on the implementation in the lecture. The SLinkedList class is
partially completed – you must complete the implementation of the insert method, and use the
code in the main function to test it.

 Think of the different cases you may encounter. What if you try to insert into an empty
list? What if you try to insert at the head of a list containing one element, or many
elements? What if you try to insert in the middle of a list containing many elements – is
that different from inserting at the end?

 Draw out every unique case to see how to update the links without unintentionally losing
elements to the garbage collector.
 Always leave your list in a consistent state.

Sample Output:
Original List: 6 elements
After inserting the word start at position 0: 7 elements
After inserting the word end at position 7: 8 elements
After inserting middle at position 4: 9 elements

Exercise 2:
In this task, you will implement the following doubly-linked list methods:
 search(item) – returns True if the item is an element in the list; False otherwise. The item can
be any object. Already completed for you.

 index(item) – returns the index of the item in the list (assuming that the head node is at index
0), or -1 if the item is not in the list. Already completed for you.
 insert(pos, item) – adds a new node (containing the item as its data) at the given position in
the list. For example, if pos is 0, then the new node goes at the beginning (head) of the list.
pos must be an integer, and for this exercise, cannot be negative.

 searchLarger(item) – returns the position of the first element that is larger than item, or -1 if
there is no larger item.
 getSize() – returns the number of elements in the list.

 getItem(pos) – returns the item at the given position. An exception should be raised if the
position is outside of the list. pos must be an integer, and it can be positive OR negative.
 __str__ – returns a string of the elements in the doubly-linked list, with one space in between
each element.

1) Download and save from eClass. This file contains the completed
DLinkedListNode class, as implemented in the lectures. It also contains the unfinished
DLinkedList class. Your task will be to complete and test the methods described above.

Things to keep in mind:
a) All attributes in DLinkedList should be PRIVATE.
b) Tests for each method have been provided for you in Run the tests
when you complete EACH method.

c) Draw out the linked list structure to help visualize which references need to be updated,
and in which order (to prevent the garbage collector from removing unintended objects).
Be sure to consider all relevant cases. For example, when removing an item, what
happens when that item is in the head node, the tail node, or a middle node? When
adding an item, is adding to an empty list the same as adding to a list with a single
element already in it? Is it the same as adding to a list with many elements already in it?

d) Make sure that the linked list always maintains a consistent state.
Optional Exercise (highly recommended, but do not demo):
Complete and test the additional methods for the doubly-linked list:
 add(item) – adds a new node (containing the item as its data) to the head of the list.
 remove(item) – removes the first element in the list that is equal to item. If the item is not in
the list, the list is not changed and an exception should NOT be raised. This is a bit different
from the implementation in the lecture.
 append(item) – adds a new node (containing the item as its data) to the tail of the list.
 pop1() – removes and returns the last item in the list.
 pop(pos) – removes and returns the item in the given position. An error should be raised if
the position is outside of the list. pos must be an integer, and for this exercise, cannot be