CMPE 252 C Programming Lab 5 solution


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In this lab, you are given a binary file on LMS named as actor.bin which includes records of actors in
a company. Each actor record will be stored using actor struct as:
typedef struct
unsigned int id; // actor id
char name[20]; // actor name
char surname[20]; // actor surname
char major[20]; // major of actor
int repIndex; // reputation index of the actor
} actor;

actor.bin file consists of 100 records. 94 of them are blank records. The other 6 records (not blank)
are placed in specific positions of the binary file based on their ids. For example, if id of an actor is 5, its
record is the fifth record in the file. The size of each record is equal to the size of actor struct. The
records are sorted according to their id number.

Complete the skeleton code lab5_v2_skeleton.c on LMS by implementing the following 4

Part I (25 points)
int modifyRepIndex(FILE *filePtr, unsigned int id, int decreaseRep);
Takes FILE pointer to the binary file. Updates reputation index of the actor whose id is provided in id
parameter with the given decreaseRep value. If there is an actor record with the given id, its
repIndex field is updated by subtracting with the given decreaseRep value and the function returns
1; otherwise, it returns 0.

For sample run, see test_case_2.txt on LMS.

Part II (25 points)
int insertActor(FILE *filePtr, unsigned int id, char name[], char
surname[], char major[], int repIndex);

Takes FILE pointer to the binary file. Inserts an actor record for which all the information is provided via
the parameters of the function. If there is already an actor record with the given id, the function returns 0;
otherwise, it adds a new actor record and returns 1.
For sample run, see test_case_4.txt on LMS.

Part III (25 points)
int removeActor(FILE *filePtr, unsigned int id);
Takes FILE pointer to the binary file. Removes the record of the actor whose id is provided in the
parameter id by setting its fields to {0, “”, “”, “”, 0} (i.e. lazy deletion approach). If there is an
actor record with the given id, it is removed and the function returns 1; otherwise, it returns 0.
For sample run, see test_case_6.txt on LMS.

Part IV (25 points)
int viewMajorReps(FILE *filePtr, char major[], int minRep);
Takes FILE pointer to the binary file. Prints actor records whose department field is the same as the
parameter major and also minRep field is greater than or equal to the given parameter minRep and
returns the count of printed actor records.
For sample run, see test_case_8.txt on LMS.

Important Notes
As a small hint: fseek() is used to move file pointer associated with a given file to a specific position.
You need to use fseek() function to add, update and delete any record in binary file.

Note that parts are independent from each other so solution of each part does not require solution of other
parts. Please check and see all the remaining VPL test cases on LMS while submitting.

Notice that, in the skeleton code, we have provided implementation of the following functions which are
needed to remain as they are:
int main();
Opens the binary file actor.bin for read and update (rb+). Shows all records. Asks for choice of the
operation to be done, calls the corresponding function, and either shows all records or prints a message
based on the value returned from the function call.
void showRecords(FILE *filePtr);
Takes FILE pointer to the binary file and prints all actor records in it.