CM146 Problem Set 4: Boosting, Multi-class Classification solution


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1 Boosting – 40 points
Consider the following examples (x, y) ∈ R
(i is the example index):
i x y Label
1 0 8 −
2 1 4 −
3 3 7 +
4 -2 1 −
5 -1 13 −
6 9 11 −
7 12 7 +
8 -7 -1 −
9 -3 12 +
10 5 9 +
In this problem, you will use Boosting to learn a hidden Boolean function from this set of examples.
We will use two rounds of AdaBoost to learn a hypothesis for this data set. In each round, AdaBoost
chooses a weak learner that minimizes the error . As weak learners, use hypotheses of the form
(a) f1 ≡ [x > θx] or (b) f2 ≡ [y > θy], for some integers θx, θy (either one of the two forms, not a
disjunction of the two). There should be no need to try many values of θx, θy; appropriate values
should be clear from the data. When using log, use base 2.
(a) [10 points] Start the first round with a uniform distribution D0. Place the value for D0 for
each example in the third column of Table 1. Write the new representation of the data in
terms of the rules of thumb, f1 and f2, in the fourth and fifth columns of Table 1.
(b) [10 points] Find the hypothesis given by the weak learner that minimizes the error  for that
distribution. Place this hypothesis as the heading to the sixth column of Table 1, and give
its prediction for each example in that column.
Hypothesis 1 (1st iteration) Hypothesis 2 (2nd iteration)
i Label D0 f1 ≡ f2 ≡ h1 ≡ D1 f1 ≡ f2 ≡ h2 ≡
[x > ] [y > ] [ ] [x > ] [y > ] [ ]
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10)
1 −
2 −
3 +
4 −
5 −
6 +
7 +
8 −
9 +
10 −
Table 1: Table for Boosting results
(c) [10 points] Now compute D1 for each example, find the new best weak learners f1 and
f2, and select hypothesis that minimizes error on this distribution, placing these values and
predictions in the seventh to tenth columns of Table 1.
(d) [10 points] Write down the final hypothesis produced by AdaBoost.
What to submit: Fill out Table 1 as explained, show computation of α and D1(i), and give the
final hypothesis, Hfinal.
2 Multi-class classification – 60 points
Consider a multi-class classification problem with k class labels {1, 2, . . . k}. Assume that we are
given m examples, labeled with one of the k class labels. Assume, for simplicity, that we have m/k
examples of each type.
Assume that you have a learning algorithm L that can be used to learn Boolean functions. (E.g.,
think about L as the Perceptron algorithm). We would like to explore several ways to develop
learning algorithms for the multi-class classification problem.
There are two schemes to use the algorithm L on the given data set, and produce a multi-class
• One vs. All: For every label i ∈ [1, k], a classifier is learned over the following data set: the
examples labeled with the label i are considered “positive”, and examples labeled with any
other class j ∈ [1, k], j 6= i are considered “negative”.
• All vs. All: For every pair of labels hi, ji, a classifier is learned over the following data set:
the examples labeled with one class i ∈ [1, k] are considered “positive”, and those labeled
with the other class j ∈ [1, k], j 6= i are considered “negative”.
(a) [20 points] For each of these two schemes, answer the following:
i. How many classifiers do you learn?
ii. How many examples do you use to learn each classifier within the scheme?
iii. How will you decide the final class label (from {1, 2, . . . , k}) for each example?
iv. What is the computational complexity of the training process?
(b) [5 points] Based on your analysis above of two schemes individually, which scheme would
you prefer? Justify.
(c) [5 points] You could also use a KernelPerceptron for a two-class classification. We could
also use the algorithm to learn a multi-class classification. Does using a KernelPerceptron
change your analysis above? Specifically, what is the computational complexity of using a
KernelPerceptron and which scheme would you prefer when using a KernelPerceptron?
(d) [10 points] We are given a magical black-box binary classification algorithm (we dont know
how it works, but it just does!) which has a learning time complexity of O(dn2
), where n is the
total number of training examples supplied (positive+negative) and d is the dimensionality
of each example. What are the overall training time complexities of the all-vs-all and the
one-vs-all paradigms, respectively, and which training paradigm is most efficient?
(e) [10 points] We are now given another magical black-box binary classification algorithm
(wow!) which has a learning time complexity of O(d
2n), where n is the total number of
training examples supplied (positive+negative) and d is the dimensionality of each example.
What are the overall training time complexities of the all-vs-all and the one-vs-all paradigms,
respectively, and which training paradigm is most efficient, when using this new classifier?
(f) [10 points] Suppose we have learnt an all-vs-all multi-class classifier and now want to proceed
to predicting labels on unseen examples.
We have learnt a simple linear classifier with a weight vector of dimensionality d for each
of the m(m − 1)/2 classes (w
i x = 0 is the simple linear classifier hyperplane for each i =
[1, · · · , m(m − 1)/2])
We have two evaluation strategies to choose from. For each example, we can:
• Counting: Do all predictions then do a majority vote to decide class label
• Knockout: Compare two classes at a time, if one loses, never consider it again. Repeat
till only one class remains.
What are the overall evaluation time complexities per example for Counting and Knockout,