CIS279 Project 7 Hash Tables solution


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Part I: The Hash Table

Your textbook introduces a chained hash table class, Table. You are to download node2.h, table2.h,
and complete the hash table implementation.

Part II: The Customer Class

*Create a class Customer which implements the specification below:

Instance data needed to be maintained by class Customer:
a Customer’s name (a string)
a Customer’s address (a string)
a Customer’s phone number. THIS PUBLIC member variable is to be named key .

Constructors needed:
Customer (string , string , int)
//constructor which accepts a name, address, and a phone number

Provide set and get functions for each piece of instance data.

Also provide a function which can be used to output a Customer object
ostream& operator<<(ostream&, const Customer& ) Part III: Pizza Application Write an application which can be used by Square Chair Pizza to store Customer info. This application will store all Customer objects in a hash table, and provide the following functionality: * a new Customer can be entered ; user first provides the Customer name, phone number and address * an existing Customer’s record can be retrieved ; user provides the phone number • a Customer can be deleted ; user provides the phone number You are to submit your Customer.h, Customer.cpp, table2.h (include two hash functions, one can be commented out) , and your test program.