CENG2010 Lab 1: Introduction to VHDL solved


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1. Given the following combinational logic circuit:
a. Implement the circuit using VHDL. Use four switches (i.e. sw0 to sw3) as the inputs, and use one LED (i.e. led0) as the
output. [20 marks]

2. Using VHDL, turn on the LEDs (i.e. led0 to led7) by the switches (i.e. sw0 to sw7) in the following manners:
a. led0 will be ON when sw0 is ON
b. led1 will be ON when sw1 is ON

c. led2 will be ON when either sw2 or sw3 is ON
d. led3 will be ON when both sw2 and sw4 are ON
e. led4 will be ON when sw4 is OFF

f. led5 will be ON when sw5 is OFF
g. led6 will be ON when sw4 is ON and sw5 is OFF
h. led7 will be ON when sw4 and sw7 are ON, and either sw5 or sw6 is ON [20 marks]

3. There is a four-digit common anode seven-segment LED display on the Basys3 board. Each of the four digits is composed of
eight LEDs (including 7 segment LED and 1 decimal point LED).

a. Using VHDL, light up/down the LED segments (i.e. seg0 to seg6, and dp) of the right-most digit only of the 7-segment
display by using 8 switches (i.e. sw0 to sw7). [20 marks]

Hints: In order to light up a particular segment of a particular digit…
i. Output a ‘0’ or ‘1’ to enable or disable respectively the active-low common anode of that digit (i.e. an0 for digit0 (the
right-most digit), an1 for digit1, an2 for digit2, and an3 for digit3 (the left-most digit)).

ii. Output a ‘0’ or ‘1’ to light up or out respectively that segment of the digit (i.e. seg0 for A, seg1 for B, seg2 for C, seg3 for
D, seg4 for E, seg5 for F, seg6 for G, dp for DP).