CENG/CSC 414/514 Project 3: Statistical Pattern Recognition solution


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Project Goals: Develop your own Python functions to classify objects (recognize and estimate their pose) from appearance. The project will consist of three parts as described below.
Part 1: Computing and analyzing the eigenspace.
A set of training images of the objects depicted in Figure 1 (left) have been captured for you
as depicted in Figure 1 (right). These images are provided to you on the course web page.
The training images were captured at angles of αp =
for p = 0, 1, . . . , 2B −1, the angle
of co-latitude βp = 60◦
and the optical orientation γr = 0. The bandwidth B = 64, i.e.,
we have 128 test images at different pose angles αp for training. In addition to the training
images, a set of test images are also provided along with a .txt file named RandAng.txt
containing the orientation αp each test image was captured at. Both the test images and the
training images were captured in a similar fashion (i.e., they have the same statistics).
Project 3: Statistical Pattern Recognition CENG/CSC 414/514
Figure 1: An illustration of images of objects used in this project for classification purposes
[left]. Each object is acquired by placing them at the center of an imaging sphere and
sampling lines of constant co-latitude [right].
In this part of the project you are required to compute the eigenspace and analyze the results.
For each object across all poses, you will need to construct the “unbiased” image data matrix
Xˆ and compute the basis vectors to provide the best image distinction between images in
the set in the least-squares sense (i.e., the basis that maximized the column space of Xˆ). As
a first go, analyze the singular values and “estimate” the value k that might be sufficient for
accurate classification (choose the eigenvalue index that captures most of the variance in the
set). Using this k, keep the first k eigenvectors uk of the co-variance matrix for each object.
We denote each value of k by kn where subscript n represents the object under consideration
and in this case n = 20 different objects. In general, each object will require a different k
value for accurate classification. Once we have each kn-dimensional subspace, we need to
project each training set Xˆ
n onto its corresponding eigenspace ukn
to construct the local
appearance manifold Mn for later classification.
Now that we have computed the eigenspace for each individual object, we need to compute
what is referred to as the global eigenspace for the entire set of objects. This is accomplished
1. Concatenate all 2B images for each of the n objects into a matrix G and compute the
eigenspace of this G.
You will again need to “analyze” the eigenspace to determine how many eigenvectors are
required for accurate classification. Similar to how the local projections were computed
to construct the individual appearance manifolds Mn, we need to compute the global
appearance manifold Mg for object recognition.
Once the local and global manifolds have been computed, as well as the local and global
subspaces, you need to display your results for a few of the objects as well as the entire global
Project 3: Statistical Pattern Recognition CENG/CSC 414/514
eigenspace (using a k = 3-dimensional subspace for visualization). I recommend having
a look at: object 1 (boat), object 2 (cabinet), and another object of your choosing. Explain
what you notice about object 2 and why it might be difficult to ascertain its orientation from
a 3-dimensional subspace. In addition to examining the appearance manifolds, you need to
display the first few (5-9) eigenimages for the same objects you analyzed above as well as
the eigenimages of the global eigenspace. An example of what the eigenimages might look
like is illustrated in Figure 2.
Figure 2: an illustration of what the eigenimages of a coffee cup might look like when
sampled according to the right side of Figure 1.
Part 2: Computing the appropriate subspace dimension.
In Part 1 of this project, we chose the subspace dimension k and kn by simply examining
the eigenvalues. While this approach does work, it is somewhat ad-hoc because it’s difficult
to quantify the amount of variance captured. In this part of the project we will develop a
technique to quantify how many eigenimages are required by examining how much energy
they are capable of recovering from our original image set. Toward this end, we define
the energy recovery ratio as a means by which we can estimate the amount of information
recovered from a set of images for some (any) orthogonal k-dimensional subspace. The
computation is as follows:
ρ(X, uk) =
i=1 ku
i Xk
where k · kF is the Frobenious norm, X is the original image data matrix (pre-unbiasing),
and ui are the associated eigenvectors of 1
. The energy recovery ratio achieves a
maximum value of 1 when k = 2B.
For this part of the project, write a function ComputeER that takes as inputs the original
image data matrix X, the original eigenimages ui
, i = 1 . . . 2B, and the desired energy to
be recovered µ. The function should return the subspace dimension required to achieve this
energy recovery as well as the energy recovered at each level so you can plot the energy
Project 3: Statistical Pattern Recognition CENG/CSC 414/514
recovery ratio ρ as a function of subspace dimension k or kn. In your results, create a table
that has each object listed and the required subspace dimension for ρ to achieve 80, 90, and
95 % of the energy for each object. In addition to the table of results, you need to display
the energy recovery ratio as a function of subspace dimension for a few objects of your
Part 3: Object classification system.
Using both the local and global subspace computed above, develop a system to classify
the objects from each of the test images. Your system should output a list of objects to the
user and display the format you would like them to enter their choice on the command line.
Once the user enters their choice, you should read this choice from the set of test images,
classify the object, and return the results. At a minimum, your returning of the results should
involve letting the user know what object they entered, what it’s orientation is, and display
(side-by-side) their test image along with the closest matching test image in the training set.
In addition to your user interactive system, you need to analyze the results of your system
for all test images of each object. You might consider evaluating how accurate the classification results are using an ROC curve for the recognition step, and you can use simple
statistics (ave error, etc.) for the pose of each object. This should be a thorough analysis of
your system and should be performed at different subspace dimensions to verify what
energy recovery ratio might be sufficient for accurate classification.
You NEED to read very carefully what is required for each of the above steps and provide this!
• +50 pts: Working implementation of image object classification (pose estimation and
object recognition) with subsequent analysis for each object (i.e., how well it works
→ classification rate).
• +25 pts: Working implementation illustrating eigenimages for a few objects.
• +20 pts: Working demonstration illustrating the computation of energy recovered for
a few objects.
• +05 pts: Writeup/Notebook.
• -05*n pts: Where n is the number of times that you do not follow the instructions.
Project 3: Statistical Pattern Recognition CENG/CSC 414/514
Extra Credit: (10 pts. / item – max 20 pts.)
Here are some possible extra credit extensions (feel free to come up with your own variants
to make your program more robust and efficient):
(a) Implement a version of LDA for object recognition and subsequent PCA for pose
(b) Develop some techniques to do a better analysis of the appearance manifold for each
object (think differential geometric approaches here).
(c) Develop a method to map the appearance manifold to some low-dimensional manifold
with desirable geometric characteristics (i.e., a circle in R
for pose estimation).
Some suggestions:
This is a big project. Therefore, I suggest that you divide and conquer. You should write
modular code so you can reuse it for future projects (i.e., functionalize everything if possible).
I would also recommend you write some helper functions as needed.