CENG 112 Assignment 4: Food Delivery Application solution


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In this homework, you are expected to implement a “Food Delivery Application” using Java.
This homework will cover the topics given below:
1) Generics, Interfaces
2) Queue ADT, Stack ADT
3) Iterators, Comparators
4) Binary Search Trees

Assume that you are designing a food delivery application that runs as a marketplace for
local restaurants. The restaurants and foods are placed in several binary search trees with
respect to different attributes such as price, stock, restaurant rating, and delivery time.
Implement a Restaurant class that includes but is not limited to:
public class Restaurant {
private String name
private double rating
private String cuisine
private int deliveryTime // in minutes
public void updateCuisine(String category)
public void updateRating(double score)
public void updateDeliveryTime(int deliveryTime)
… // Constructors, getters, setters and other methods
Implement the Orderable interface that includes but is not limited to:
public interface Orderable {
public void updatePrice(double price)
public void updateStock(int stock)
… // Other method names if needed
Implement a Food class that includes but is not limited to:
public class Food implements Orderable … // other interfaces if needed
private String name
private double price
private int stock
private Restaurant restaurant
… // Constructors, getters, setters and other methods

You are expected to read restaurant and food data from CENG112_HW4.csv file where each
line is formed as:
fName, fPrice, fStock, rName, rRating, rCuisine, rDelivery
Note that the initial letters “f” and “r” represent food and restaurant attributes, respectively.
You should assume that restaurant names are unique and create only one instance if there
are multiple restaurants with the same name in the CSV file. In other words, before adding a
new restaurant into the BST, check if it already exists.

Perform the following operations step-by-step:
1) List the names and ratings of the restaurants in descending order of rating.
2) List the names, prices, and stocks of the food in ascending order of price.
3) Print the name of the Pizza restaurant that has the shortest delivery time.
4) Print the name of the Coffee with the highest amount of stock.

5) List and remove the foods (from Food BST) that are more expensive than 80 TRY.
6) List and remove the restaurants (from Restaurant BST) that are rated less than 8.0.
7) Increase all food prices by 20% (use the updatePrice method).
8) Cut all food stocks by half (use the updateStock method).
9) List the names and ratings of the restaurants in descending order of rating. (Like Step 1).
10) List the names, prices, and stocks of the food in ascending order of price. (Like Step 2).

Assignment Rules

● This is a group assignment (2 students). However, inter-group collaboration is not allowed!
● All assignments are subject to plagiarism detection and the suspected violations (the solutions
derived from or inspired by the solution of other groups) cause to be graded as zero.
● It is not allowed to use Java Collections Framework.
● Your code should be easy to read and test:
– Keep your code clean. Avoid duplication and redundancy. 🔗
– Follow Java Naming Conventions. 🔗
– Use relative paths instead of absolute ones. 🔗

Submission Rules
All submissions must:
● be performed via Microsoft Teams by only one of the group members,
● be exported as an Eclipse Project and saved in ZIP format,
● include all necessary data files (TXT, CSV, JSON, etc.) in the right directory,
● follow a specific naming convention such that CENG112_HW4_groupID.
Eclipse Project: CENG112_HW4_G5
Exported Archive File: CENG112_HW4_G5.zip

Submissions that do not comply with the rules above are penalized.
Those who want to change groups can send their requests on Microsoft Teams.