CECS 277 – Lab 5 – Classes & Objects solution


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Task List

Create a program that maintains a task list for the user. The user should be able to view the
current task, mark the current task complete, postpone the current task, or to add a new task. The
program will read the list from a file (‘tasklist.txt’) when the program begins and then store the
updated list by overwriting the old contents when the user quits the program.

Create a Task class (created in a separate file named ‘task.py’):
1. description – string description of the task.
2. date – due date of the task. A string in the format: YYYY/MM/DD
3. time – time the task is due. A string in the format: HH:MM

1. __init__(self, desc, date, time) – assign the parameters to the attributes.
2. get_description(self) – returns the task’s description.
3. __str__(self) – returns a string used to display the task’s information to the user.
4. __repr__(self) – returns a string used to write the task to the file.
5. __lt__(self, other) – returns true if the self task is less than the other task.

Compare by year, then month, then day, then hour, then minute, and then the task
description in alphabetical order.

Main file (‘main.py’) – create the following functions:
1. main_menu() – displays the main menu and returns the user’s valid input.
2. read_file(filename) – passes in a string with the file’s name. Open the file and read
in each line that consists of the task description, due date, and time separated by commas.
Construct a task from each line and add it to a list. Return the filled task list.

3. write_file(filename, tasklist) – passes in a string with the file’s name and the list
of tasks to be written to the file. Iterate through the list of tasks and write each one to the
file using the Task’s repr method (ie. description, date, and time separated by spaces).

4. get_date() – prompts the user to enter the year, month, and day. Valid years are 2000-
3000, valid months are 1-12, and valid days are 1-31 (no need to verify that it is a correct
day for the month (ie. Feb 31st is valid)). Return the date in the format: YYYY/MM/DD.
If the inputted month or day is less than 10, then add a 0 to format it correctly.

5. get_time() – prompts the user to enter the hour (military time) and minute. Valid hours
are 0-23 and valid minutes are 0-59. Return the date in the format: HH:MM. If the
inputted hour or minute is less than 10, then add a 0 to format it correctly.

When the program starts, read in the contents of the file and store them in a sorted list.

Repeatedly display the number of tasks and then prompt the user to choose from the following
options until they quit the program:

1. Display current task – display the first task (which should be at the beginning of the list).
If there are no tasks, then display a message that says all their tasks are complete.

2. Mark current task complete – Display the current task, remove it and then display the
new current task. If there are no tasks, then display a message.

3. Postpone current task – Display the current task and then prompt the user to enter a new
date and time. Remove the task from the list and construct a new task using the old
description with the updated due date and time. Add it back to the list and resort it. If
there are no tasks, then display a message.

4. Add new task – Prompt the user to enter a new task description, due date and time.
Construct the task using the user’s input and add it to the list and resort it.

5. Save and quit – write the contents of the task list back to the file (overwrite the old
contents, do not append) and then end the program.
Example Output:
-TasklistTasks to complete: 2
1. Display current task
2. Mark current task complete
3. Postpone current task
4. Add new task
5. Save and quit
Enter choice: 1
Current task is:
Submit Resume and Application
– Due: 2022/12/05 at 12:00
-TasklistTasks to complete: 2
1. Display current task
2. Mark current task complete
3. Postpone current task
4. Add new task
5. Save and quit
Enter choice: 4
Enter a task: Do Essay
Enter due date:
Enter year: 2022
Enter month: 12
Enter day: 1
Enter time:
Enter hour: 14
Enter minute: 00
-TasklistTasks to complete: 3
1. Display current task
2. Mark current task complete
3. Postpone current task
4. Add new task
5. Save and quit
Enter choice: 1
Current task is:
Do Essay – Due: 2022/12/01 at
-TasklistTasks to complete: 3
1. Display current task
2. Mark current task complete
3. Postpone current task
4. Add new task
5. Save and quit
Enter choice: 2
Marking current task as
Do Essay – Due: 2022/12/01 at
New current task is:
Submit Resume and Application
– Due: 2022/12/05 at 12:00
-TasklistTasks to complete: 2
1. Display current task
2. Mark current task complete
3. Postpone current task
4. Add new task
5. Save and quit
Enter choice: 3

Postponing task:
Submit Resume and Application
– Due: 2022/12/05 at 12:00
Enter new due date:
Enter year: 2022
Enter month: 12
Enter day: 10
Enter new time:

Enter hour: 8
Enter minute: 00
-TasklistTasks to complete: 2
1. Display current task
2. Mark current task complete
3. Postpone current task
4. Add new task
5. Save and quit
Enter choice: 1
Current task is:
Submit Resume and Application
– Due: 2022/12/10 at 08:00
-TasklistTasks to complete: 2
1. Display current task
2. Mark current task complete
3. Postpone current task
4. Add new task
5. Save and quit
Enter choice: 5

1. Please place your name, date, and a brief description of the program in a comment block
at the top of your program (main.py).
2. Use the check_input module to check the user’s input for invalid values.
3. Do not add any additional attributes or methods to the class.
4. Please do not use the datetime date or time classes (we’re using our own values).
5. Do not modify the methods or functions defined above (ie. same name and parameters).

6. You may create additional functions in main.py as needed.
7. Do not create any global variables or use attributes globally (use get_description instead).
8. Please follow the Coding Standards when writing your program.
9. Use docstrings to document your class, its attributes, methods, and main functions. Add
brief comments in your program to describe sections of code.

10. Keep a spare copy of the tasklist.txt file handy. When you’re testing your program, you
will continuously be overwriting the contents and you’ll want to replace it to test it again.

11. Thoroughly test your program before submitting:
a. Make sure the file is read in properly, tasks are constructed and stored in the list.
b. Make sure that the tasks are sorted in ascending order. The __lt__ method should
sort by year, and if those are the same, it should sort by month, then day, then
hour, then minute, then if all of those are the same, then sort the description.
c. Make sure that you display the total number of tasks to complete.
d. Make sure that the current task is the lowest due date and time.
e. Make sure that the current task is removed when marking it complete.
f. Make sure that the current task is removed, reconstructed, and readded when

g. Make sure that the program does not crash when viewing, completing,
postponing, or saving an empty task list.
h. Make sure to error check all user input: Main menu: 1-5, Year: 2000-3000,
Month: 1-12, Day: 1-31, Hour: 0-23, Minute: 0-59.
i. Make sure the list is resorted after adding or postponing a task.
j. Make sure that you write to the file in the same format (ie. comma separated with
no spaces after the commas (spaces are ok in the description)).
k. Avoid using commas when entering a description (I won’t specifically test for
this, but it will mess up your file).