CCPS616 Lab 4 – Greedy Interval Scheduling solution


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In this lab you will write a C++ program that determines if your hotel with N rooms can
accommodate a series of room requests. Your implementation must be from the ground up
without linking any external libraries. Your lab should be completed in a single cpp file called
lab4.cpp, and should compile at the command line very simply as follows:
g++ -o lab4 lab4.cpp
Please do not submit labs that don’t even compile. We’re past that. I’m not going to fix your
syntax errors. If you can’t make any progress on the lab whatsoever, submit a simple program
that prints a message saying as much. For this, I will award you a single mark.
Lab Description
In this week’s lab you will implement a greedy algorithm for scheduling hotel bookings. When
executed from the command line, your program will accept one argument in the form of a file
name. This file will contain data in the following format:
1 3 5 6 6
2 6 8 7 8
The first line of the file indicates the number of rooms your hotel has available. The second line
indicates the start of each booking, and the third line indicates the end time of each booking. In
the above example then, we have 3 rooms and 5 intervals: { (1, 2), (3, 6), (5, 8), (6, 7), (6, 8) }.
Your program should determine whether the N rooms are enough to accommodate all the
requested bookings. Note that this is a slightly modified version of the interval scheduling
problem we saw in class.
Test your program on several different inputs. Include test cases where N is sufficient to
accommodate all bookings, but also where N is not sufficient. You need not synthesize any
large-scale data sets. Simply hard-code a few files to test on. I.e., you may keep N in the single
digits, and the number of intervals should be appropriate for the given vales of N. Try some of
the sets we saw in class. Your command line execution should look as follows:
Linux: ./lab3 bookings.txt Windows: ./lab3.exe bookings.txt
Your results should be written out to a file. For part marks, you may simply print True or False
to stdout. For full marks, your file should indicate which intervals were scheduled in which
room. A sample output for the previous example is shown below:
1 (1, 2) (3, 6) (6, 7)
2 (5, 8)
3 (6, 8)
If the bookings cannot all be accommodated, your output file should include an additional line
without a room number that indicates which intervals were remaining after your algorithm was
run. If our example from before had two rooms instead of three, the output might be:
1 (1, 2) (3, 6) (6, 7)
2 (5, 8)
(6, 8)
Lab 4 may be done in pairs! Submit your source file (lab4.cpp) to D2L. If you worked in pairs,
Indicate the names of both partners in a comment at the top of your source code.
Marking Rubric: This lab is out of 5 marks
3 marks – Algorithm implementation correctness/completeness.
2 marks – Results produced correctly. One mark given for a simple True/False output, a full two
marks given for printing which intervals are scheduled into which rooms.