EECE 560 ASSIGNMENT No. 3 Transient Recovery Voltage (TRV) in Circuit Breakers with the CP-Line Model solution


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Repeat Assignment No. 2 but use the cp-line model to represent the transmission
1. Use the same time step ∆t that you used in Assignment 2. In the comparisons,
make sure you zoom in on the region where the most differences are.
2. Plot v(one), v(two), v(three) on the same graph for your program and for PSCAD.
3. Plot i(four, ground) on the same graph for your program and for PSCAD.
4. Plot v(two, three) on the same graph for your program and for PSCAD.
5. Comment on the differences between your program and PSCAD as they relate to
the plots obtained.
6. Compare the PSCAD results for Assignments 3 and 2.
7. Explain how the differences in the models influence the results that you are observing in the curves.
8. Other general comments.