Assignment 8: Compilation Using Monads solution


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In this assignment, you will write a compiler for a subset of Mini-Haskell. You will make
changes only to the Compile module.
This assignment assumes you have completed the problems in in Assignment 5, Assignment 6, and Assignment 7. You may retrieve the new version of the source code, though
only three modules are modified or new: Machine.hs defines the machine code to which
you will be compiling Mini-Haskell expressions, Main.hs now has an additional function for
testing the compiler, and Compile.hs is the skeleton code for this assignment.
The machine code instructions of the machine language to which you will be compiling MiniHaskell code are listed in the Instruction data type definition found inside the Machine
module. The appendix page of this assignment specifies the behavior of each instruction.
Labels are program locations (as in C) and valid memory locations are represented as positive
type Label = String
type MemLoc = Int
You are not allowed to modify any of the existing data type definitions unless a problem
states otherwise or explicitly directs you to change a definition.
Note: All function definitions at top level must have explicit type annotations. Unless
otherwise specified, your solutions may utilize functions from the standard prelude as well as
material from the lecture notes and textbook. You may not use any other materials without
explicit citation.
Problem 1. (20 pts)
The compiler will be implemented as a function comp that takes a Mini-Haskell expression
and returns both a sequence of machine instructions and the memory location at which a
result can be found once these instructions are executed. Thus, naively, its type might be:
comp :: Exp -> (MemLoc, [Instruction])
However, this function must maintain an environment mapping variable names to memory
locations. It must also maintain a list of fresh variables and fresh memory locations as it
transforms an expression into a list of machine instructions. The Env module can be used
for the environment, and the following two infinite lists can be used for fresh variables and
memory locations:
memlocs :: [MemLoc]
memlocs = locs 0 where locs n = n:locs (n+1)
labels :: [Label]
labels = labs 0 where labs n = (“L”++show n):labs (n+1)
To operate, the comp function must take all of these components as arguments, and return
these components (potentially modified) in its result. Thus, its actual type must be substantially more complicated:
comp :: Exp -> (Env MemLoc, [MemLoc], [Label])
-> ((Env MemLoc, [MemLoc], [Label]), (MemLoc, [Instruction])
We can summarize the type of this function by introducing the monad Fresh:
data Fresh a =
Fresh ((Env MemLoc, [MemLoc], [Label]) -> ((Env MemLoc, [MemLoc], [Label]), a))
Given any type a, a value of type Fresh a is a computation that cannot begin until the
environment and fresh lists are supplied. Furthermore, upon terminating, this computation
will return the environment and fresh lists, possibly modified to reflect any changes that
occurred during the computation. Once we introduce this monad, the type for comp becomes
manageable again.
comp :: Exp -> Fresh (MemLoc, [Instruction])
(a) In the Compile module, add an instance declaration that makes the higher-order type
Fresh a member of the Monad class. The Monad module has already been imported for
you at the beginning of the Compile module.
(b) Define a value freshMemLoc::Fresh MemLoc. This value represents a computation
that, when given an environment and two fresh lists, returns these along with a memory
location from the fresh memory locations list. Be certain that the fresh memory location
returned by the computation does not appear in the fresh memory locations list returned
with it.
(c) Define a value freshLabel::Fresh Label. This value represents a computation that,
when given an environment and two fresh lists, returns these along with a label from
the fresh label list.
(d) Define a function putVar::String -> MemLoc -> Fresh (). This function should
update the environment maintained by the monad with a new entry that relates the
specified variable name (a string) to the specified memory location. Since no result
needs to be returned when an update occurs, the computation should return the environment and two lists along with a unit value, ().
(e) Define a function getVar::String -> Fresh MemLoc. This function should retrieve
the memory location from the environment that is associated with the specified variable
name and return it along with the environment and two lists. Remember that the
environment will always contain the memory location corresponding to the variable
because we compile only well-typed expressions in which all variables are bound.
Problem 2. (30 pts)
The function comp::Exp -> Fresh (MemLoc, [Instruction]) can now be defined using
Haskell do notation. In this problem, you will implement the cases that handle Mini-Haskell
expressions consisting of integer constants, boolean constants, if expressions, and applications of arithmetic operators. Remember that you can assume that expressions are
(a) Add a case that handles integer constants. If an expression is an integer, the compiler
should find a fresh memory location. It should then generate code that sets the value of
that location to the integer, and returns that memory location along with the generated
machine code.
(b) Add a case that handles boolean constants. Boolean constants will be represented in
memory using integer values. Any non-zero integer value can be used to represent
True. Zero must be used to represent False. In this case, the compiler should behave
as in part (a): it should obtain a fresh memory location, generate code that sets that
location to the appropriate integer value, and return both.
(c) Add a case that handles conditional expressions. The compiler must reserve a fresh
memory location, this time for the result of the entire computation represented by the
expression. Then, it is necessary to compile each subexpression, which will generate
three sequences of machine code. The three sequences represent the condition, the
“true” block, and the “false” block.
It is then necessary to combine these appropriately by inserting jumps, conditional
jumps, and labels. The sequence computing the condition must occur first. Then, if
the memory location holding the result of the condition has a “true” value, the “true”
block must be allowed to execute, and the second block should be skipped. Likewise,
if the memory location holding the result of the condition has a “false” value, the code
for the “true” block should be skipped, and the code for the “false” block should not.
(Hint: Insert unique labels before and after each block, then decide where to place
jumps or conditional jumps. Be careful to insert jumps before labels.)
Don’t forget to copy the final result of the entire computation into the memory location
you reserved at the very beginning. You may need to do this in multiple locations, as
either block could be executed, and each block stores its result in a different location.
(d) Add two cases that handle expressions for addition and multiplication of the form:
(App (App (Op Plus) e1) e2)
Both subexpressions must first be compiled into sequences. Then, the sequences should
be concatenated into a single sequence that ends with the appropriate machine instruction (either Add or Mul). You will again need to find a fresh memory location for the
final result.
You should now be able to test your compiler on simple expressions such as:
if False then (if True then 1 else 2) else 3
One possible sequence of instructions that could be generated for the code above is reproduced
below. Note that other valid solutions exist.
Set 1 0
CJump 1 “L0”
Set 3 1
CJump 3 “L2”
Set 4 1
CopyFromTo 4 2
Jump “L3”
Label “L2”
Set 5 2
CopyFromTo 5 2
Label “L3”
CopyFromTo 2 0
Jump “L1”
Label “L0”
Set 6 3
CopyFromTo 6 0
Label “L1”
Problem 3. (15 pts)
In this problem, you will implement the cases for comp that handle Mini-Haskell expressions
consisting of let bindings and variables. As usual, you may assume that each let binding
has only a single variable. You may extend your code to handle tuples as part of your solution
to Problem #5.
(a) Add a case that handles variables. You will need to retrieve the memory location
associated with the variable from the environment maintained by the monad.
(b) Add a case that handles let bindings. Both expressions must be compiled. Before the
body is compiled, the environment must be updated so that it contains the memory
location corresponding to the bound variable.
Problem 4. (35 pts)
In this problem, you will implement the cases for comp that handle Mini-Haskell expressions
consisting of applications of the boolean and list operators.
(a) Add two cases that compile expressions for boolean conjunctions and disjunctions, i.e.
(App (App (Op And) e1) e2)
Recall that any non-zero integer represents “true”, and zero represents “false”.
(b) Add a case that compiles an application of the boolean negation operator: App (Op
Not) e. There is a variety of ways to do this using the available machine instructions.
(c) Add two cases that compile the empty list expression Nil, and the application of the
(:) operator ((App (App (Op Cons) e1) e2)). You may represent an empty list in
memory using the integer value 0. In order to handle (:), you will need to obtain two
fresh adjacent memory locations. You will then need to generate machine code that
stores the address (that is, memory location) of the head of the list in the first location,
and the address of the tail of the list in the second location. The best strategy is to
return the memory location of a single new integer, and let this integer be the first of
these two locations (this is analogous to returning a pointer to a list node).
(d) Add two cases that compile the head and tail operators. (Hint: You will need to
employ the DerefAndCopy instruction.)
Unfortunately, only the value at the memory location containing the result can be displayed
when running compiled code, as memory has no structure that could be used to determine
whether a memory location holds a pointer or a value. Thus, you’ll need to test code involving
lists by using the head operator.
Problem 5. (
∗30 extra credit pts)
Extend your solutions to compile tuples. You will need to modify the manner in which
you compile let bindings. You will also need to devise a method for representing tuples in
memory. One approach is to use a technique similar to the one employed for lists: store
the addresses of the components of a tuple in sequence. You do not need to check that the
number of elements in a tuple is consistent, because the code being compiled is well-typed.
Problem 6. (
∗20 extra credit pts)
Devise a way to handle partially applied operators. There are no restrictions on solutions.
Compiled expressions are well-typed, so it should be possible to devise a consistent representation.
A Semantics of Machine Code Instructions
We briefly define the behavior of the instructions in the target machine language.
type Label = String
type MemLoc = Int
data Instruction = Set MemLoc Int
| CopyFromTo MemLoc MemLoc
| DerefAndCopy MemLoc MemLoc
| Add MemLoc MemLoc MemLoc
| Mul MemLoc MemLoc MemLoc
| Label Label
| Jump Label
| CJump MemLoc Label
| Pass
The behaviors specified below are defined in the Machine module.
∙ Set stores the integer value supplied as its second argument in the memory location
specified by the first argument;
∙ CopyFromTo copies the contents of the first memory location into the second memory
∙ DerefAndCopy obtains the address contained in the first memory location, then finds
the value at this new address, and stores this value in the second memory location
(thus, it derefences the pointer in the first memory location, then stores the value in
the second memory location);
∙ Add takes the values in the first two memory locations, adds them, and stores the result
in the third memory location;
∙ Mul takes the values in the first two memory locations, multiplies them, and stores the
result in the third memory location;
∙ Label has no observable effects, but is used when executing Jump and CJump instructions;
∙ Jump automatically shifts control to the location specified by the supplied label;
∙ CJump checks the supplied memory location, and jumps to the specified label only if the
value at the memory location is 0; otherwise, control is passed to the next instruction
in the sequence;
∙ Pass has no observable effects.