COMP 2210 Assignment 5 – Efficient Search in Complex Search Spaces solved


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When I was a sophomore in college, I found myself in what would turn
out to be the single most influential course that I’ve ever taken.
Everything about the course was in some way exceptional, but the
professor particularly so. She made what could have been an ordinary
English Composition class into an examination of thinking. One of the
recurring themes in the class was “making connections” – the process of
thought and intellect that allows us to connect things together and see
relationships among different things. So, in honor and memory of O.A.L.,
this assignment is all about making connections.
The focus of the assignment is to implement a word connection game that
has been played in one variation or another for at least 130 years. The
game is to transform a start word into an end word of the same length by a sequence of one-letter changes
at a time, where each change produces a legal word. We’ll call this sequence of word transformations a
Dodgson sequence.
For example, given the starting word “clash” and the final word “clown” a possible Dodgson sequence
would be:
clash, flash, flask, flack, flock, clock, crock, crook, croon, crown, clown
A shorter, and in fact the shortest, Dodson sequence from “clash” to “clown” would be:
clash, class, claws, clows, clown
You must write a Java program that generates the shortest Dodgson sequence for given start and end
word combinations. Your program must take its input from a text file named diller.txt, which
contains an unspecified number of start and end word pairs, one pair per line. Your program must output
a Dodgson sequence with minimum length for each line of input. To qualify as a word, a character string
must appear in some specified lexicon. For this assignment, you must use be able to use any of the
following three word lists: CSW12.txt (the word list used in international Scrabble tournaments),
OWL.txt (the word list used in North American Scrabble tournaments), or words.txt (the word list
supplied in UNIX distributions).
Your solution must involve the following files, at a minimum.
1. – This class drives the execution of your solution. Executing the main method of this
class must generate a minimum Dodgson sequence for every word pair listed in diller.txt, and
send its output to stdout. The output must be a comma-separated list of strings that begins with
the start word and ends with the end word (see the examples above), one sequence per line.
NOTE: You must observe this output format since automatic string matching will be used to
score the output of your code.

2. – This class is the Dodgson sequence “generator.” It must contain all the logic
needed to transform one string into another string (start word, end word) while obeying the
Dodgson sequence rules: (1) The start word, end word, and all intermediate words must be of the
same length (contain the same number of characters). (2) A valid transformation is one in which
a given word is transformed into a new word by changing only one letter. (3) To qualify as a
“word” a string must be in a specified lexicon.
The Dodgson class must have the following methods, at a minimum:
• A parameterless constructor that initializes the class with a default lexicon file.
• A constructor that takes a single String parameter that is the name of a lexicon file (e.g.,
• public String getSequence(String start, String end) – This method returns a String that
contains a minimum Dodgson sequence from start to end, formatted as described above.
3. – This interface describes all the services that can be used to access a lexicon. This
interface is provided to you and MUST NOT BE CHANGED.
4. – This class must implement Lexicon and will provide access to a specified lexicon.
You are free to add any method you like beyond the Lexicon methods. You must correctly
implement all the Lexicon methods, even if they are not used by the Dodgson class.
5. CSW12.txt, OWL.txt, words.txt – These three files contain the words that compose different
lexicons. Any of these three could be used to initialize Lex and Dodgson.
6. diller.txt – This file is the required input file of start- and end-word pairs (one per line, separated
by blanks).
You may implement and use other interfaces and classes at your discretion.
Here are some sample minimum Dodgson sequences for a few word pairs.
cat –> hat
cat –> dog
head –> tail
door –> lock
bank –> loan
Assignment Submission
To submit your solution, you must turn in a single zip file that contains the following files:,, and If any other files are in the zip file, they must be classes/interfaces that you
have created as part of your solution. DO NOT turn in any of the text files or the interface.
You must upload this single zip file to Canvas no later than the date and time indicated. If your
submission does not compile with the assignment test suite, you will receive a score of zero points for the
Extra Credit Challenge for the Bored
If you really want to have some fun and challenge your grey cells at the same time, you can opt to
implement a second game mode in which you take a single word as input (the start word) and output a
Dodgson sequence that transforms it into some related word that your program chooses. The relation
would have to be something like synonym, antonym, or semantic association (bank – loan). To be
considered for the extra points you must correctly implement the required part of the assignment. You can
earn up to 15 points on this assignment for this game option.
Extra Credit Team Ice Breaker
Alice in Wonderland Lolita Animal House
And, just for fun and maybe as a team icebreaker, the assignment carries an additional, first-come, firstserved 10-point bonus on Exam 2 in honor of my old English professor. The first team in the class to send
me an email that correctly connects the content of this assignment (Dodgson sequences) to the game “Six
Degrees of Kevin Bacon” will earn the points. Only connections that adhere to the following rules will be
eligible for the points. (1) Intermediate steps in the connection must include the following three
films/books: Alice in Wonderland, Lolita, and Animal House. The connection must be specified in the
spirit of a “Dodgson sequence” – that is, a linear connection just like you have to connect words. This
connection is not lexical. It is entirely conceptual, and you must be able to write a narrative description of
the linear sequence of connections something Dodgson sequence >> Alice in Wonderland >> Lolita >>
Animal House >> Six Degrees of Kevin Bacon. There may be other intermediate steps than those shown.
(And just to go ahead an answer the inevitable question: There is no illegal/immoral sexual activity
involved in the connections.)