For this assignment, you are allowed to use the concepts from the rst 7 chapters of the textbook.
For this assignment a le called is provided for you. You should place all your code inside of
this le in clearly indicated spaces and as detailed below. Place the le into a folder called A4 xxxxxx,
where you should replace xxxxxx by your student number. Compress this folder into A4
le. Submit your assignment, i.e., A4 le, via Blackboard Learn. Submit your assignment
via Blackboard Learn (as instructed in the rst lab.)
Your code must compile, otherwise the assignment will be graded with mark 0. For that reason, if
you run out of time and/or your program contains code that does not compile, then comment out
that section of your code.
For this assignment, you should program a version of a memory game (to be described below). If
you do not know what it is, google it or see here, for example:
Only your game will not use graphics libraries to display the board, but instead it will print the board
with the tools that we have seen in class, like System.out.print().
Your game should use a 2D Java array (i.e., a matrix) as the board. The player should be asked if
she wants to play the game on a 2×2, 4×4 or 6×6 board. The board should be lled with the rst
size/2 capital letters of the English alphabet such that each letter appears exactly twice in the 2D
array (Here size is 4 in case of 2×2 array, 16 in case of 4×4 array and 36 in case of 6×6 array). This
part is already done for you inside of
Once such 2D array is created it needs to be shued before the game can be played (otherwise the
game would be trivial as the locations of the letters would be predictable). To shue a 2D array, rst
copy it into an (1D) array.
Then shue that 1D array. To see how to do that, look at the last page of
this assignment (or alternatively Listing 2: in chapter 6.4 of your book). The last
page contains a program that shues a (1D) array of integers. Modify the part of the code labelled
as \Shuing the array” for your needs. Once you are done shuing your 1D array, copy it back into
your 2D array (i.e., back to your board). This should be done inside of the shueBoard method, as
indicated in the le.
Your program, i.e.,, has a playGame method that should play the whole game. You will have
to program this method. It takes as input the shued board.
The game should be played as follows. When your program prints the board, the locations for which
paring is not discovered yet, should display * and the locations for which the paring is discovered
should display the letter that is on that location. In addition, the sides of the board should be labeled
from 1 to p
size to help the user identify which locations they want opened next.
You may assume that the player will follow your instructions and will input integers when asked
for location (rather than doubles or other type), but your program should test if the player entered
integers in the required range and prompt her to repeat the entry until correct input is obtained. You
should also fully test your program { for example, what does your program do if the player entered
two locations that are already discovered, etc.
To summarize, as part of this assignment, you are provided with a le called All your code
must go inside this le in the clearly indicated spaces (and only in those spaces). You must not change
any part of the code that is provided. In particular, the code for the main method is provided to you
in its entirety. You cannot add nor delete anything inside of the main method.
Your task is to complete the program by completing the shueBoard method and playGame method.
The shueBoard method takes as input the board (i.e., 2D array) and shues it as described above.
The playGame method takes as input (the shued) board and plays the whole game.
Here is what a run of your program should look like. Study the below example carefully to understand
what your program should do. Among other things, you will see that your program will need to \clear
screen”. It is ok to implement that by, for example, simply printing 30 or so new lines. To have your
program wait for the player to press enter to continue, you should invoke (i.e., call) the waitForPlayer
method. This method waitForPlayer is provided for you inside the le.
While your task is to program the shueBoard and playGame method only, you may, if you like, add
extra methods of your own. For example, you may develop one method to print the current board,
and another method to print the current board with two new locations (given by the user) revealed.
These methods would be called/invoked from the playGame method.
Here is what a run of your program should look like:
Your program:
Welcome to Memory Game
For 2×2 board game press 2
For 4×4 board game press 4
For 6×6 board game press 6
Player: 1
Your program
Wrong input
For 2×2 board game press 2
For 4×4 board game press 4
For 6×6 board game press 6
Player: 2
Your program:
1 * *
2 * *
1 2
Enter a pair of undiscovered distinct locations on the board that you want revealed.
i.e., a pair of integers in the range [1, 2]
Enter the first location
Player: 1 1
Your program: Enter the second location
Player: 2 1
Your program:
1 A *
2 B *
1 2
Press enter to continue
Player: presses enter
Your program: clears the screen and prints
1 * *
2 * *
1 2
Enter a pair of undiscovered distinct locations on the board that you want revealed.
i.e., a pair of integers in the range [1, 2]
Enter the first location
Player: 1 1
Your program: Enter the second location
Player: 1 2
Your program:
1 A C
2 * *
1 2
Press enter to continue
Player: presses enter
Your program: clears the screen and prints
1 * *
2 * *
1 2
Enter a pair of undiscovered distinct locations on the board that you want revealed.
i.e., a pair of integers in the range [1, 2]
Enter the first location
Player: 1 1
Your program: Enter the second location
Player: 2 2
1 A *
2 * A
1 2
Press enter to continue
Your program: clears the screen and prints
1 A *
2 * A
1 2
Enter a pair of undiscovered distinct locations on the board that you want revealed.
i.e., a pair of integers in the range [1, 2]
Enter the first location
Player: 1 3
Your program:
The location is invalid. It is outside of the board.
Enter the first location
Player: 2 2
Your program:
The location is invalid. It is already discovered.
Enter the first location
Player: 1 2
Enter the second location
Player: 1 1
Your program:
The location is invalid. It is already discovered.
Enter the second location
Player: 1 2
Your program:
The location is invalid. The second location equal to the first.
Enter the second location
Player: 2 1
1 A B
2 B A
1 2
Press enter to continue
Your program: clears the screen and prints
1 A B
2 B A
1 2
Congratulations! You completed the game.
public class Shuffle {
public static void main(String[] args) {
int[] deck = new int[52]; // 52 stand for 52 cards in the deck of cards
// Initialize the array to numbers for 1 to 52
for (int i = 0; i < deck.length; i++){
deck[i] = i;
// Shuffle the array
for (int i = 0; i < deck.length; i++) {
// Generate an index randomly
int index = (int)(Math.random() * deck.length);
int temp = deck[i];
deck[i] = deck[index];
deck[index] = temp;