This assignment requires you to implement a set collection using an array as the underlying data structure. You are provided with the Set interface and a shell of the ArraySet implementing class. You must not change anything in the Set interface, but you must create correct implementations of the methods in the ArraySet class. In doing so you are allowed to add any number of private methods and nested classes that you need, but you may not create or use any other top-level class and you may not create any public method. You must also use without modification the existing fields of the ArraySet class. The Set interface is generic and makes no restrictions on the type that it can contain. The ArraySet class is also generic, but it does make a restriction on the type variable—any type bound by a client to T must be a class that implements the Comparable interface for that type. Thus, there is a natural order on the values stored in an ArraySet, but not (necessarily) on those stored in a Set. This is an important distinction, so pause here long enough to make sure you understand this point. The following sections describe each method to be implemented, organized according to the methods appearing in the Set interface and those specific to the ArraySet class. Methods of the Set Interface Each method from the Set interface that you must implement in the ArraySet class is described below and in comments in the provided source code. You must read both. Note that in addition to correctness, your code will also be graded on the stated performance requirements. add(T element) The add method ensures that this set contains the specified element. Neither duplicates1 nor null values are allowed. The method returns true if this set was modified (i.e., the element was added) and false otherwise. If the array is full, you must “resize” to an array twice as large. Note that the constraint on the generic type parameter T of the ArraySet class ensures that there is a natural order on the values stored in an ArraySet. You must maintain the internal array in ascending natural order at all times. The time complexity of the add method must be O(N), where N is the number of elements in the set. remove(T element) The remove method ensures that this set does not contain the specified element. The method returns true if this set was modified (i.e., an existing element was removed) and false otherwise. If removing an element causes the array to be less than 25% utilized, you must “resize” to an array half as large. The remove method must maintain the ascending natural order of the array. The time complexity of the remove method must be O(N), where N is the number of elements in the set. 1This is an example of when it’s important for compareTo and equals to be consistent in the underlying data class. 1 COMP 2210 Spring 2016 contains(T element) The contains method searches for the specified element in this set, returning true if the element is in this set and false otherwise. The time complexity of the contains method must be O(log N), where N is the number of elements in the set. size() The size method returns the number of elements in this set. This method is provided for you and must not be changed. The time complexity of the size method is O(1). isEmpty() The isEmpty method returns true if there are no elements in this set and false otherwise. This method is provided for you and must not be changed. The time complexity of the isEmpty method is O(1). Any set for which isEmpty() returns true is considered the “empty set” (∅) for purposes of union, intersection, and complement described below. equals(Set s) Two sets are equal if and only if they contain exactly the same elements, regardless of order2 . If A = {1, 2, 3}, B = {3, 1, 2}, and C = {1, 2, 3, 4}, then A = B and A 6= C. The equals method returns true if this set contains exactly the same elements as the parameter set, and false otherwise. The time complexity of the equals method must be O(N log N) where N is the size of each set. union(Set s) The union of set A with set B, denoted A ∪ B, is defined as {x | x ∈ A or x ∈ B}. Note that A ∪ B = B ∪ A and A ∪ ∅ = A. The union method returns a set that is the union of this set and the parameter set; that is, the set that contains the elements of both this set and the parameter set. The result set must be in ascending natural order. The time complexity of the union method must be O(N × M) where N is the size of this set and M is the size of the parameter set. intersection(Set s) The intersection of set A with set B, denoted A ∩ B, is defined as {x | x ∈ A and x ∈ B}. Note that A ∩ B = B ∩ A and A ∩ ∅ = ∅. The intersection method returns a set that is the intersection of this set and the parameter set; that is, the set that contains the elements of this set that are also in the parameter set. The result set must be in ascending natural order. The time complexity of the intersection method must be O(N × M) where N is the size of this set and M is the size of the parameter set. complement(Set s) The relative complement of set B with respect to set A, denoted A\B, is defined as {x | x ∈ A and x /∈ B}. Note that A\B 6= B\A, A\∅ = A, and ∅\A = ∅. The complement method returns a set that is the relative complement of the parameter set with respect to this set; that is, the set that contains the elements of this set that are not in the parameter set. The result set must be in ascending natural order. The time complexity of the complement method must be O(N × M) where N is the size of this set and M is the size of the parameter set. 2Since the parameter s is typed as the interface Set, we don’t know what the implementing class is. Therefore, we can’t assume that the parameter set is in any particular order at all. This is true for every other method with a parameter typed as Set. Page 2 of 4 COMP 2210 Spring 2016 iterator() The iterator method returns an Iterator over the elements in this set. Although the interface specifies that no particular order can be assume (by a client), the ArraySet implementation must ensure that the resulting iterator returns the elements in ascending natural order. The associated performance constraints are as follows: iterator(): O(1); hasNext(): O(1); next(): O(1); required space: O(1). ArraySet Methods In addition to the methods from the Set interface, the ArraySet class also implements its own methods. Most of these methods are designed to take advantage of the underlying representation, while some of them simply provide added functionality. Each of these class-specific methods is described below, as well as in comments in the provided source code. You must read both. Note that in addition to correctness, your code will also be graded on the stated performance requirements. Constructors The only public constructor that is allowed has been provided for you and you must not change it in any way. You may, however, find it helpful to write your own private constructor; one that offers direct support for building an ArraySet from an existing array. Such a constructor will be helpful but it is not required and will not be graded. equals(ArraySet s) The semantics of this overloaded method is identical to the equals method described above. However, since the parameter is typed as an ArraySet, this method can directly access the array in this set as well as in the parameter set. Having access to the underlying representation of both sets allows a more efficient algorithm for this method. The time complexity of this equals method must be O(N) where N is the size of this set. union(ArraySet s) The semantics of this overloaded method is identical to the union method described above. However, since the parameter is typed as an ArraySet, this method can directly access the array in this set as well as in the parameter set. Having access to the underlying representation of both sets allows a more efficient algorithm for this method. The time complexity of this union method must be O(max(N, M)) where N is the size of this set and M is the size of the parameter set. intersection(ArraySet s) The semantics of this overloaded method is identical to the intersection method described above. However, since the parameter is typed as an ArraySet, this method can directly access the array in this set as well as in the parameter set. Having access to the underlying representation of both sets allows a more efficient algorithm for this method. The time complexity of this intersection method must be O(max(N, M)) where N is the size of this set and M is the size of the parameter set. complement(ArraySet s) The semantics of this overloaded method is identical to the complement method described above. However, since the parameter is typed as an ArraySet, this method can directly access the array in this set as well as in the parameter set. Having access to the underlying representation of both sets allows a more efficient Page 3 of 4 COMP 2210 Spring 2016 algorithm for this method. The time complexity of this complement method must be O(max(N, M)) where N is the size of this set and M is the size of the parameter set. descendingIterator() The descendingIterator method returns an Iterator over the elements in this set in descending natural order. The associated performance constraints are as follows: descendingIterator(): O(1); hasNext(): O(1); next(): O(1); required space: O(1). powerSetIterator() The power set of a set S, denoted P(S), is defined as {T | T ⊆ S}; that is, the set of all subsets of S. There are 2 N members of P(S) where N is the number of elements in S. For example, if S = {A, B, C}, then P(S) = {∅, {A}, {B}, {C}, {A, B}, {B, C}, {A, C}, {A, B, C}}. (Note that the empty set ∅ is a member of every set.) The powersetIterator method returns an Iterator over the elements in the power set of this set. The iterator makes to guarantees regarding the order in which the elements of P(S) will be returned. The associated time complexities are as follows: powerSetIterator(): O(N); hasNext(): O(1); next(): O(N); required space: O(N), where N is the size of this set. Assignment Submission You must turn in only the completed file to Web-CAT for grading. Note the following rules regarding your Web-CAT submissions: • You can submit to Web-CAT no more than 20 times for this assignment. • The last submission that you make to Web-CAT will be used to determine your grade on the assignment, even if its score is lower than that of an earlier submission. • Submissions made within the 24 hour period after the published deadline will be assessed a late penalty of 15 points. • No submissions will be accepted more than 24 hours after the published deadline. • Web-CAT is only grading for correctness, which counts for a maximum of 58 points. The performance requirements will be graded separately after the Web-CAT submission period ends and will count for a maximum of 42 points. Page 4 of 4