Assignment 3 CMSC 491 – Mobile Programming (iOS) solution


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In this assignment you will be building a kids’s app called Kids Joy Center. It will be designed
only for iPad Pro 9.7 inch screen (no autolayout) in landscape mode with width=1024 and

Initial Screen:

It will show icons for three small kid games, level of games (easy, medium, hard), play button and
high scores button. Once the player selects one of the games and level of difficulty and clicks the
play button, it will open the related view controller and the game. The user can only select one of
the games and one of the difficulty levels.

So make sure this relation is maintained. There should
be an indication that the specific game or level of difficulty is selected (similar to segmented control
object working principle in UIKit). Navigation Controller should be used to have back navigation
capability from each new screen opened. Set the navigation controller title view to app logo.
3 Game types: a) memory game, b) sorting game, c) bursting the balloons game

• All items should have images.
• Only landscape mode should work.
• Use background image with some high transparency.
• This is the only screen that is allowed to be designed using Xcode interface builder (IB).
Others should be designed programmatically. For others you are allowed to use IB only
to create the view controllers and arrange necessary segues from initial screen.

• Clicking play button will start the selected game with the selected game difficulty. User
should not be able to start the game if either the game type or difficulty level is not selected.
• High scores button will open a pop up page showing the best five scores of the player in
all games.

The content of view controllers for each game should be designed programmatically rather
than using storyboard. You can use storyboard only for linking segues from home screen to
corresponding empty view controllers.

Memory (or Pairing) Game Page (View controller):

The player is expected to find the pairs of images. When the first image is clicked, the underlying
image is shown. With the click to another image, its underlying image is also shown and if it
matches with the previous one, the cheer sound is played and images stay opened and their user
interaction is disabled. If they do not match, after 1 second, the images are closed.

• Images should be added to the view programmatically. There will be 4×3 (easy), 4×4
(medium) and 4×5 (hard) images, depending on the difficulty level selected. Images
should be placed on screen evenly in any level of difficulty (distance to left and right
sides, and distance to up and down sides should be equal).
• The name of the game will be seen at the top (as title).
• Labels for time and score will be shown at corners. Time will be set to 2:00 minutes for
easy, 1:45 for medium and 1:30 for hard.

• You can use touches or gesture recognizers to interact with user.
• There will be timer counting to zero (updated every second with Timer) and score part.
Every time a new pair is found in 3 sec (after previous found), 5 points added to score. If
it is found in more than 3 seconds but less than or equal to 7 seconds, 4 points is added.
If it is found more than 7 seconds, 3 points added.

• If user goes back to initial screen, the game will be lost.
• If user achieves finding all pairs before time expires, score will be recorded in high
scores if it is within top 5 (in terms of score only). Also, it will ask user if he/she wants to
play again. Answering “No” will take the user to initial screen. If the game ends before
user finishes opening all, it will say, you lost the game and ask if he/she wants to play
again (as alert).

• Every time the game starts it will randomly decide the locations of image pairs. 10
animal images are given in image resources. They can cover up to 20 images. However,
if fewer number of images is needed (say as in easy and medium), you will need to
randomly select which of the 10 images will be shown. You are free to choose your own
images (with no backgrounds, so png images).

Sorting (the Vehicles) Game Page (View controller):

The player is expected to sort the vehicles based on the part of the earth they are used, namely,
air, water, land. The images will be randomly selected from a pool of 15 images and located at
the top part. Player will be able to drag them with one finger to the right areas he thinks they are
used. An appropriate sound should be played if the vehicle is dragged to correct area and finger
is lifted there. If it is not correct area, the image will slowly go back to initial location with an
animation (say in 2-3 sec) from the location the finger is left.

• Images should be added to the view programmatically. There will be 8 (easy), 10
(medium) and 12 (hard) images, depending on the difficulty level selected. The distance
between the images (at their initial location) should be arranged equally, so appropriate
frame locations for images should be calculated while adding the images to the view.
• The name of the game will be seen at the top (as title).

• Labels for time and score will be shown at corners. Time will be set to 1:00 minutes for
easy, 45 sec for medium and 30 sec for hard.
• You can approximately define the correct areas for each of air, water, and land in the
given background image using 1-2 rectangular views.

• You can use touches or gesture recognizers to interact with user. Custom cocoa touch
classes can be written.
• There will be timer counting to zero (updated every second) and score part. Every time a
vehicle is located to the correct area in 2 sec (after previous correct placement) 5 points
is added to score. If more than 2 seconds but less than or equal to 4 seconds has
passed, 4 points is added. If more than 4 seconds has passed, 3 points is added.
• If user goes back to initial screen, the game will be lost.

• If user achieves locating all the vehicles to correct areas before time expires, score will
be recorded in high scores if it is within top 5 (in terms of score). Also, it will ask user if
he/she wants to play again. Answering “No” will take the user to initial screen. If the
game ends before user drags all items to correct areas, it will say, you lost the game and
ask if he/she wants to play again (as alert).

• Every time the game starts, the images will be randomly determined from the pool of 15
images. You are free to choose your own images (with no backgrounds, so png images).

(Bursting the) Balloons Game Page (View controller):

The player is expected to burst the balloons as they come from the bottom of the screen. The
balloons will come with numbers on them determined randomly. There are 10 balloon images with
different colors, so each balloon color will also be determined randomly. When a specific balloon
is burst with user touch, the number on the balloon will be added to the score (also add a balloon
burst sound at that moment).

There will also be bonus balloons (with star image on it) or killer
balloons (with skull image). Bonus ones will have higher speed than regular balloons and if burst
will slow down the speed of the new balloons in the next 5 seconds. Killer balloon will have slower
speed than regular balloons and if burst will end the game.

• Balloons should be added to the view programmatically at every sec.
• The numbers on the balloons will be selected from range 1-9 in easy, 1-7 in medium and
1-5 in hard level.
• The speed of the balloons should increase as the difficulty level increases (you can
decide reasonable speeds considering that this app is for kids).

• Moreover, there will be one balloon added (animated from bottom to top) at every sec in
easy level. In medium mode, there can be one or two balloons added (with 50% chance)
at every sec. In hard mode, there can be one, two or three balloons added (with 33.3%
chance) at every sec.

• You can define 10 different spots (that do not overlap) of entrance for the balloons from
the bottom of the screen. The entrance location should be decided randomly out of these
10 possible spots. Also, if multiple balloons will be added at current sec, then their
selected locations should be different.
• The name of the game will be seen at the top (as title).
• Labels for time and score will be shown at corners. Time will be set to 1:00 minutes for
easy, 45 sec for medium and 30 sec for hard.

• You can use touches or gesture recognizers to interact with user.
• There will be timer counting to zero (updated every second with Timer) and score part.
Every time a balloon is burst, the number on the balloon will be added to the score.
• If user goes back to initial screen, the game will be lost.

• The game will end when the timer expires or the user cannot burst a balloon in the last
10 sec. When it ends because the time expires, score will be recorded in high scores if it
is within top 5. Also, it will ask user if he/she wants to play again. Answering “No” will
take the user to initial screen. If the game ends because player did not burst any balloon
in last 10 sec, it will say, you lost the game and ask if he/she wants to play again (as

• Every time the game starts it will randomly decide the colors of balloons, their entrance
spot from bottom and numbers on them. 10 balloon images and number images are
given in image resources. You can use your own.
• Bonus balloons will appear randomly in every 20-25 sec. They will have higher speed
than regular balloons and if burst will slow down the speed of the new balloons in the
next 5 seconds.

• Killer balloon will appear randomly in every 20-25 sec and will have slower speed than
regular balloons and if burst will end the game (do not save the score even it is in top 5).

High scores page:
View: This will be shown as pop up view with appropriate size. It will show the top 5
scores so far. Each row will show four labels: “order”, “game type played”, “level
of difficulty”, and “score”. Ex: “1”, “Sorting”, “Hard”, “40”

• User will close the high scores pop up by clicking cancel.
• When the app is closed and reopened, the high scores will not be deleted (Apply data
persistence with UserDefaults to save the high scores and read when the app is reopened)

General Guidelines:
• Define your custom classes as needed.
• Auto layout and constraints are not needed as you need to design programmatically on a
single iPad screen only (iPad Pro 9.7 inch).
• Do not make your images stretched. Use aspect fit or fill for the content mode of the image
• Most image resources are provided but you are free to create/use your own.

Submission Guidelines:
• Make sure your app is running before submitting.
• Submissions should be made in Blackboard before midnight on 3/28. Up to 3 submissions are
• Up to 2 days late submissions only (1 day 20% penalty, 2 days 40% penalty).
• Make sure all your images and other resources used are inside the project folder. When
copying an image inside the Assets folder, always make sure “copy” is checked and select
the target as the project.

General Grading Criteria:
1- Appearance: (50%)
a. Initial Screen
b. Memory Game Page
c. Sorting Game Page
d. Balloons Game Page
e. High scores as pop up
2- Functionality: (50%)
a. Correct playing of games
b. Timer’s counting to zero
c. Randomization
d. Updates for level of difficulty
e. Adding to high scores
f. Data persistence application for high scores
g. Alerts
Some screenshots.