CSC115 Assignment  1 solved


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Objectives     • Practice implementing classes • Review arrays and Strings • Practice reading and understanding specifications • Exposure to more complete testing Introduction   You are creating a set of classes that can be used in a new “Fantasy Baseball Team” application. You are creating the infrastructure to allow a user to create their own Fantasy Baseball Team and add players to that team. In this assignment you will implement the classes that will be used by a person creating and managing their player roster. You will create a Team class, which will store the team name and a list of players associated with the team. A player will store both a name and a batting average associated with the player (ie. Jose Bautista’s batting average is 350). Don’t worry if you know nothing about baseball! This is the great thing about programming to a specification, you don’t NEED to be an expert in the area, just follow the spec! The following UML diagram provides the specification for the three classes involved, showing the attributes contained in each class and a list of the methods you will need to implement in each class. The Team class contains a PlayerList object, which is subsequently made up of Player objects.

Quick  Start   1) Download 2) Read the comments in and repeat the following until no errors are reported a) Implement one of the methods in,, or b) Compile and run the test program c) If no errors reported by test program see the Grading section of this document You should implement your solution in this order:, then and finally Understanding  the  test  program: will test your implementations of Player, PlayerList and Team One of the first things you should do after downloading the source code files is to compile and run the test program. Compile the test program by typing: javac Run the test program by typing: java a1tester You should see the following output: Player testing. Failed test: 0 at line 51 The tester is reporting that your implementation is failing the very first test. This is hardly surprising, since you haven’t written any code yet! There are 31 tests and your goal for the assignment is to pass them all. More  details  on  what  to  do   You should start working in The comments above each method to be implemented provide an unambiguous description of exactly what the method is to accomplish. Read the comments carefully before implementing the method. First, implement the constructor that takes a single parameter: public Player (String name) Then implement getName and getBattingAvg. Now, run the tester, you should have passed tests 0 and 1. Then implement the second constructor: public Player (String name, String battingAvg) Run the tester again and you should have passed tests 2 and 3.
Now implement setName and getName. Run the tester and you should have passed test 4. Now implement setBattingAvg and getBattingAvg. Run the tester and you should have passed test 5. Now implement the toString method. Run the tester and you should have passed test 6. Finally, implement the equals method. Remember that we don’t consider the battingAvg when comparing Players, only the name. Run the tester and you should have passed tests 8 and 9. Congratulations you’ve completed about 1/3 of the assignment! Now move on to I suggest you implement the methods in the following order: constructor, size, add, get, find, and finally remove. Finally, work on This is the easiest to implement, since you will primarily be calling methods on the instance of PlayerList you allocate in the constructor. You shouldn’t have to write more than a few lines of code in each method. Submission   Submit your and using conneX. Please be sure you submit your assignment, not just save a draft. A reminder that it is OK to talk about your assignment with your classmates, and you are encouraged to design solutions together, but each student must implement their own solution. We will be using plagiarism detection software on your assignment submissions. Grading   If you submit something that does not compile, you will receive a grade of 0 for the assignment. It is your responsibility to make sure you submit the correct files.
Requirement Marks You submit something that compiles 1 1 mark for each test case you pass Up to 31