ITI 1121 Assignment 1 java Basics solution


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1. (1 point) Prompt the user to enter temperature in degrees Fahrenheit and have your program
print the temperature in Kelvin.

The output of your program could look something like this (approximately):
Your program: Enter the current temperature in Fahrenheit:
User: 90.0

Your program: The current temperature is 90.0 degrees Fahrenheit, that is (approximately)
305.3722222222222 Kelvin.

2. (1 point) Prompt the user to enter the weight in pounds and ounces and have your program
print the weight in kilograms.

Your program: Enter two numbers for the weight (the first in pounds and the second in ounces).
User: 2 0

Your program: 2 pounds and 0 ounces is (approximately) 0.9072 kg.
Your program: Enter two numbers for the weight (the first in pounds and the second in ounces).

User: 2 3.2
Your program: 2 pounds and 3.2 ounces is (approximately) 0.9979 kg.

3. (1 points:) Quote formatter:
Write a program that asks a user to enter a quote, then asks who the quote is made by, and in
what year. It then prints the information as formated below.

your program: Give me a quote.

user: Everything should be made as simple as possible but not simpler.
your program: Who said that?
user: Albert Einstein.
your program: What year did he say that?
user: 1933

your program:
In 1933, a person called Albert Einstein said: “Everything should
be made as simple as possible but not simpler.”

4. (2 points) Prompt the user to enter a positive integer, n, and have your program print the sum
of the first n positive integers.
Your program: Enter a positive integer.
User: 5
Your program: 15

Your program: Enter a positive integer.
User: 101
Your program: 5151

5. (2 points) Have your program draw an ASCII art (by using System.out.println() and/or
System.out.print() methods) where in 3 locations in the drawing the program will put the 3
characters that it received from the user.

For example here is an output of a program that draws an ASCII art that is a cat and where the
user entered characters ’A’, ’A’, ’t’ and they were placed in the drawing.
If the user entered characters ’B’, ’@, ’2’ instead, then ’B’, ’@’, ’2’ should be displayed in the
locations of ’A’, ’A’, ’t’ in the above drawing.

If you want to see more example of ASCII art, google ”small ascii art”. Your art does not have to
be artsy or complicated. But, for example, do not make it simpler than two nested rectangles.

6. (2 points)
Prompt the user to enter a upper case letter. You program should print the same letter but in
lower case.

7. (2 points) Prompt the user to enter one non-negative number x and have your program print
a pair of numbers (y, z) such that x = y + z/12 and y is an integer and z non-negative number
smaller than 12 .

user: 6.5
your program: (6, 6.0)
user: 5.25
your program: (5, 3.0)

8. (2 points) Median
The median of a group of numbers is the number from that group that has the property that at
least half of the elements in the group are smaller or equal to it and at least half of the elements
in the group are bigger or equal to it.

In a sorted list of numbers, the median can be found in the middle of the list (well, the middle
is only well defined if the list has odd number of elements). For example, the median of this
group of numbers: 10,11,13,15,16,23,26 is 15. Median of this group of numbers: 7,1,3 is 3.
The median of this group of numbers: 2,2,5 is 2.

Write a program that given 3 integers determines which of the given numbers is/are median.
Note that the three numbers are not necessarily entered in sorted order.

Hint: For each of the three given numbers, come up with a boolean expression that tests if that
number is a median.

your program: Enter three integers
user: 1 18 8
your program prints:
1 is a median. That is false.
18 is a median. That is false.
8 is a median. That is true.

your program: Enter three integers
user: 1 8 1
your program prints:
1 is a median. That is true.
8 is a median. That is false.
1 is a median. That is true.

9. (3 points) In or out of square?
Prompt the user to enter two numbers that represent the x and y coordinates of the bottom left
corner of a square. Then promt the user to enter a positive number for the length of the side of
the square. (Notice that this completely defines a square and its position in the plane). Finally
prompt the user to enter two numbers that represent the x and y coordinates of some query

Your program should test if the given query point is inside of the given square and print a
message attesting to that. A point on the boundary of a square is considered to be inside the

Recall, that you are not allowed to use if statement.
your program: Enter two numbers for two coordinates of the bottom left corner of the square.
user: 0 0
your program: Enter a positive number for the length of the side of the square.
user: 2.5
your program: Enter two numbers for the coordiantes of a query point.
user: 0.5. 1.5

your program:
The given query point (0.5, 1.5) is inside of the square. That is true.
2nd Example:
your program: Enter two numbers for two coordinates of the bottom left corner of the square.
user: 2.5 1
your program: Enter a positive number for the length of the side of the square.
user: 1

your program: Enter two numbers for the coordiantes of a query point.
user: -1.0 1.5
your program:
The given query point (-1.0, 1.5) is inside of the square. That is false.

10. (4 points) As few coins as possible, please!

Suppose that a cashier owes a customer some change and that the cashier only has quarters,
dimes, nickels, and pennies. Write a program the computes the minimum number of coins that
cashier can return. To solve this problem use the greedy algorithm explained below.

PROBLEM STATEMENT: Your program should first ask the user for the amount of money
he/she is owed (in dollars). You may assume that the user will enter a positive number. It
should then print the minimum number of coins with which said amount can be made. Assume
that the only coins available are quarters (25 cents), dimes (10 cents), nickels (5 cents), and
pennies (1 cent).

EXAMPLES: If cashier owes 56 cents (i.e. $0.56) to the customer, the minimum number of coins
the cashier can return is 4 (in particular, 2 quarters, 0 dimes, 1 nickel and 1 penny. It is not
possible to return 3 or less coins). If cashier owes $1.42 to the customer, the minimum number
of coins the customer can return is 9 (in particular 5 quarters, 1 dime, 1 nickel and 2 cents).

Thus your program runs will look like this:
1st example:
your program: Enter the amount you are owed in $:
use: 0.56
your program: 4

2nd example:
your program: Enter the amount you are owed in $:
use: 1.42
your program: 9
3rd example:
your program: Enter the amount you are owed in $:
use: 1.00
your program: 4


Your input is a real number (representing the number of dollars). In other words, if a customer
is owed $8.25, assume that he/she will input 8.25 and not $8.25 or 825. Or, if a customer is
owed $8 exactly, assume that he/she will input will be 8.00 or just 8 but, again, not $8 or 800.

Before doing anything else, you should convert the user’s input entirely to cents (i.e., from a
double to an int) to avoid errors in dealing with doubles. To do this, think of how many cents
is there in one dollar.


To find the minimum number of coins the, so called, greedy strategy (i.e. greedy algorithm)
works for this problem. The greedy strategy tries the maximum possible number of the biggestvalued coins first, and then the 2nd biggest and so on.

For example if customer is owed $1.42,
thus 142 cents, the greedy strategy will first figure out how many quarters can it give to the
customer most. In this case, it would be 5 quarters. It cannot be 6 as that equals $1.5 and the
cashier would return too much money. Once the cashier returns 5 quarters, he/she still needs
to return 17 cents. The next biggest coin after quarter is a dime. So the greedy strategy would
try dimes next. Only one dime can fit in 17 cents, so the cashier should next return 1 dime.
Then there is 7 cents left. The next biggest coin to consider is a nickel … etc.

It can be proved that this greedy strategy gives an optimal solution (i.e. the smallest number of
coins) for this version of the problem. Thus for this question, you are asked to implement this
strategy to find the optimal solution.

Note: in the Canada (and most other) coin systems, a greedy algorithm of picking the largest
denomination of coin which is not greater than the remaining amount to be made will always
produce the optimal result (i.e. give the smallest number of coins). This is not automatically
the case, though: if the coin denominations were 1, 3 and 4 cents then to make 6 cents, the
greedy algorithm would choose three coins (4,1,1) whereas the optimal solution is two coins

// Family name, Given name:
// Student number:
// Course: IT1 1120
// Assignment Number
import* ;
import java.util.Scanner;

// if you prefer to use the ITI1120 class to read input, skip to 2 lines above,
// but make sure you copy the file in your current directory
class a1_xxxxxxx //replace xxxxxxx by your student number
public static void main (String args[ ])
Question 1
// Put your code for question 1 here
Question 2
// Put your code for question 2 here
//and so on