Question 1: Identify the Ambiguity (30 points)
Analyze the following passages by identifying the most salient instances of linguistic ambiguity that they
exhibit. Write a short paragraph for each that answers the following questions. What is the ambiguity,
and what are the different possible interpretations? What in the passage specifically causes this ambiguity? What domain does this ambiguity operate over (phonological, lexical, syntactic, orthographic,
etc.)? What sort of knowledge is needed for a natural language understanding system to disambiguate
the passage, whether the system is human or machine? Be more specific than simply saying “contextual
1. Every student read a book.
2. The lion is a majestic animal.
3. Use of this sidewalk is prohibited by police officers.
4. My English teacher recently recovered from a bowel cancer operation… and he tried to show me a
semi colon. (Source: The 2016 UK Pun Championship)
5. She is my ex-mother-in-law-to-be.
Question 2: FST for German Verbal Conjugation (20 points)
Develop a FST to perform morphological analysis for the following German verbal conjugation table,
which shows verbs conjugated in the present tense:
Infinitive 1 Sg 2 Sg 3 Sg 1 Pl 2 Pl 3 Pl
Regular verbs
spielen (to play) spiele spielst spielt spielen spielt spielen
warten (to wait) warte wartest wartet warten wartet warten
gehen (to go) gehe gehst geht gehen geht gehen
arbeiten (to work) arbeite arbeitest arbeitet arbeiten arbeitet arbeiten
Verbs with a stem change
sprechen (to speak) spreche sprichst spricht sprechen sprecht sprechen
backen (to bake) backe b¨ackst b¨ackt backen backt backen
Irregular verbs
sein (to be) bin bist ist sind seid sind
haben (to have) habe hast hat haben habt haben
The morphological analyzer should provide the infinitive form of the verb, which we will take to be its
lemma, along with its POS, person and number agreement. For example, feeding “habe#” as input to
the final FST should result in the output “haben +V +1 +Sg”.
Your response should include three components:
• A schematic transducer in the style of Figure 3.13 in J&M (page 61)
• A lexicon table as in the top half of Figure 3.14 in J&M (page 62)
• A “fleshed-out” FST in the format of the bottom half of Figure 3.14 for the lexical items presented
Question 3: Sentiment Analysis (50 points)
In this question, you will train a simple classifier that classifies a sentence into either a positive or
negative sentiment. These sentences come from a movie review dataset constructed by the authors of
this paper:
Bo Pang and Lillian Lee, Seeing stars: Exploiting class relationships for sentiment categorization with
respect to rating scales, Proceedings of ACL 2005.
The goal of this question is to give you experience in using existing tools for machine learning and natural
language processing to solve a classification task. Before you attempt this question, you will need to
install Python 2 on the machine you plan to work on, as well as the following Python packages and their
• NumPy:
• scikit-learn:
Download the corpus of text available on the course website. This corpus is a collection of movie review
sentences that are separated into positive and negative polarity. Your task is to train a sentence classifier
to distinguish them.
Data storage and format
The raw text files are stored in rt-polarity.neg for the negative cases, and rt-polarity.pos for the positive
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Preprocessing and feature extraction
Preprocess the input documents to extract feature vector representations of them. Your features should
be N-gram counts, for N ≤ 2. You may also use scikit-learn’s feature extraction module. You should
experiment with the complexity of the N-gram features (i.e., unigrams, or unigrams and bigrams), and
whether to remove stop words. NLTK contains a list of stop words in English. Also, remove infrequently
occurring words and bigrams as features. You may tune the threshold at which to remove infrequent
words and bigrams. You can also experiment with the amount of smoothing/regularization in training
the models to achieve better results. Read scikit-learn’s documentation for more information on how to
do this.
Setting up the experiments
Design and implement an experiment that correctly compares the model variants, so that you can draw
reasonable conclusions about which model is the best for generalizing to similar unseen data. Compare
the logistic regression, support vector machine (with a linear kernel), and Naive Bayes algorithms. Also,
compare against the expected performance of a random baseline, which just guesses positive or negative
with equal probability.
Write a short report on your method and results, carefully document i) the problem setup, ii) your
experimental procedure, iii) the range of parameter settings that you tried, and iv) the results and
conclusions. It should be no more than one page long. Report on the performance in terms of accuracy,
and speculate on the successes and failures of the models. Which machine learning classifier produced
the best performance? For the overall best performing model, include a confusion matrix as a form of
error analysis.
What To Submit
Submit your solutions to Questions 1 to 2, as well as the report part of Question 3 in class as a pdf. For the
programming part of Question 3, you should submit one zip file with your source code. All work should be
submitted to MyCourses under the Assignment 1 folder.
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