CMPT350 Assignment 1 Client-Server communication solution


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Goal: Client-Server communication

There are two parts (A & B) in this assignment. You can implement the assignment in Java, C, C++, C#, or Go. Do not use any HTTP libraries and limit yourself to the TCP and standard IO libraries.


Part A (50%) Crawler


Write a program called crawler that accepts two command line arguments. The first argument is a URL and the second a number.

If the number is zero or smaller, the crawler will fetch the HTML page associated with the URL and print each URL found in the web page.

If the number is 1 or higher, the crawler will fetch the HTML page associated with the URL and call execute crawler (number – 1) for each URL found in the web page.


Part B (50 %) Server

Write a program called server that accepts one command line argument. The argument specifies the absolute path to a directory which contains one or more HTML web-pages.

If a HTTP client connects to your server and requests a web-page, your server will search the provided directory for the requested web-page. If the pages can be found send it together with the appropriate response to the client. If the page cannot be found send the appropriate response to the client.




Please present your assignment at the tutorials for marking to the TA. You can also present the assignments to the class instructor.