In this assignment, you will develop a C program to manage several data types, data structures and arrays.
1. Download the following file from BlackBoard and copy it to your UNIX account on the server.
2. Create a directory for your assignments and copy the file into it. Change into that directory.
% mkdir cmsc257
% mv assign1-starter.tgz ./cmsc257/
% cd cmsc257
% tar xvzf assign1-starter.tgz
Once unpacked, you will have the following starter files in the asgn1 directory: Makefile, cmsc257-s17-assign1.c and a1support.h. The
Makefile contains commands to make your program from the source code. cmsc257-s17-assign1.c contains the main function which reads in
values from the standard input, as well as calls the functions you are to create as part of the exercise. The a1support.h partially defines
functions that you are to implement in the course of this assignment (see below).
3. You are to complete the cmsc257-s17-assign1 program. It receives 20 float values, one per line. The code for
reading those values from standard input are provided in the assignment source code starter file.
4. You are to create a new file a1support.c. This will include the code for each of the functions defined in
a1support.h. You are also to complete the function definitions in a1support.h. These functions are defined in
Table 1.
6. Complete the code in the cmsc257-s17-assign1.c and a1support.h files. Places where code or declarations
needs to be added are indicated by ???. See in file comments for hints. The program shall perform the
following functions in order asimplemented within the main() function:
(a) Read in 20 float values from the terminal and place them in an array. Note the code to perform this
step is already provided.
(b) In the main function, create a second array of integer values. For each value in float array, convert
as follows:
o Truncate the float value to an integer.
o Convert all integers to positive values by taking their absolute values.
o Convert these positive integers to numbers in the range 0,…,15 by implementing the
mod operation (i.e. number mod 16).
(c) Print out the values of each array on their line using the float_display_array and
integer_display_array functions.
(d) For each integer, print out the number of ‘1’ bits in the resulting binary representation by calling
the function countBits.
(e) Sort the integer array using the integerQuickSort function. Print out the sorted integer array again using
the showInts function.
(f) Create two functions that take an array and prints out the number of even values. The first
function float_evens should ignore the part of the number to the right of the decimal point to
determine if it is even. The second function integer_evens should count the number of even
numbers as normal. Call both of these functions from the main function inside a single print
statement annotating the returned values.
(g) Write a function most_values to figure out which values occur in the integer array
calculated in the preceding step most frequently. The function will receive three parameters:
o arr – the array itself
o range – the number of elements in the array
o maxval – the largest possible value in the array
The function will print out the value which occurs the most times in the array. If there are more
than one that occur as the highest number, print them all. Hint: You can assume
that maxval will never exceed 16.
(h) Cast each integer to an unsigned short type and compute a number with bits reversed by calling the
reverseBits function. Print out a binary representation of each of the numbers by calling the binaryString
on two string arrays and printing out the resulting text.
7. Add comments to all of your files stating what the code is doing. Fill out the comment function header
for each function you are defining in the code. A sample header you can copy for this purpose is provided for
the main function in the code.
8. Try to use bit-wise operators for each of the functions mentioned above. Specifically, use bit-wise
operators for the following:
a) calculating the “mod” and “absolute” values
b) countBits function (where you keep dividing by 2)
c) reverseBits function
d) finding even numbers
e) swapping variables in sorting without temporary variables
You can truncate floats to ints using a type-cast. The goal is to not use functions from the math.h
To turn in:
1. Create a tarball file containing the assign1 directory, source code and build files as completed above. Upload
the program on BlackBoard by the assignment deadline (before class on the day of the assignment; no extensions
allowed). The tarball should be named LASTNAME-EID-assign1.tgz, where LASTNAME is your last
name in all capital letters and EID is your VCU E-ID.
2. Before sending the tarball, test it using the following commands (in a temporary directory – NOT the
directory you used to develop the code):
% tar xvzf LASTNAME-EID-assign1.tgz
% cd asgn1
% make
— (Test the program)
3. For questions on this assignment, please reach out to the grader: Joseph J Nalluri <>
Function Parameters Description
A reference to the array of floats
and an integer length of the array.
This function prints out an array of floats on a
single line. The display width should be the same for
each value. The float should only print the first
two numbers to the right of the decimal point.
A reference to the array of integers
and an integer length of the array.
This function prints out an array of integers on a
single line. The display width will be the same for
each value.
integer_evens This function should receive a
reference to an array of integers
and the array length.
The function should return the number of even
values in the array passed.
float_evens This should receive a reference to
an array of floats and the array
The function should return the number of even
values of the array passed (truncate float value to its
lowest integer).
countBits This should receive an integer to
count bits from.
The function should return the number of nonzero
bits in the number. Note that any negative sign
should be ignored for the purposes of counting bits.
reverseBits This should receive an unsigned
short integer of the number to
The function should return the number (in integer
format) whose bits are reversed, i.e., the top bit of
the original number is the bottom bit of the
returned number, the second from the top bit of the
original number is the second to the bottom bit of
the returned number.
binaryString This should receive a pointer to a
string, a length and a number to
convert to binary.
This function should fill the text string with a
binary representation of the number suitable for
printing. If the string is too long, just print as many
digits as is possible (don’t forget to NULL
terminate the string).
most_values This function should receive a
reference to the integer array, the
number of elements and the
maximum possible value.
The function should return the value(s) that occurs
the most.
This function should receive a
reference to the integer array and
the index of a left and right
element to sort.
The function should sort the values in the array
using a quick sort from lowest to highest. You can
use the algorithm listed on the corresponding
Wikipedia page.
Table 1: Functions to define and implement.